The BlitzMax freejoy module contains commands that report the status of any joysticks and game controllers connected to the system.
Function JoyCount()
Description: Counts the number of joysticks.
Returns: The number of joysticks and gamecontrollers connected to the system.
' testjoy.bmx Import Pub.FreeJoy Strict If Not JoyCount() RuntimeError "No joystick found!" Graphics 640,480 Function drawprop(n$,p#,y) Local w DrawText n$,0,y w=Abs(p)*256 If p<0 DrawRect 320-w,y,w,16 Else DrawRect 320,y,w,16 EndIf End Function Local t=0 While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Cls SetColor 255,255,255 Local n=JoyCount() DrawText "joycount="+n,0,0 DrawText "JoyName(0)="+JoyName(0),0,20 DrawText "JoyButtonCaps(0)="+Bin$(JoyButtonCaps(0)),0,40 DrawText "JoyAxisCaps(0)="+Bin$(JoyAxisCaps(0)),0,60 For Local i=0 To 31 SetColor 255,255,255 If JoyDown(i) SetColor 255,0,0 DrawOval i*16,80,14,14 Next SetColor 255,255,0 drawprop "JoyX=",JoyX(0),100 drawprop "JoyY:",JoyY(0),120 drawprop "JoyZ:",JoyZ(0),140 drawprop "JoyR:",JoyR(0),160 drawprop "JoyU:",JoyU(0),180 drawprop "JoyV:",JoyV(0),200 drawprop "JoyHat:",JoyHat(0),220 drawprop "JoyWheel:",JoyWheel(0),240 DrawRect 0,280,t,10 t=(t+1)&511 Flip Wend End
Function JoyButtonCaps(port)
Description: Available buttons (on/off controls) on a joystick.
Returns: A bitfield representing which buttons are present.
Function JoyAxisCaps(port)
Description: Available axis (proportional controls) on a joystick.
Returns: A bitfield representing which axis are available.
Information: The bit positions of the returned value correspond to the following constants defined in the FreeJoy module:
- Const JOY_X=0
- Const JOY_Y=1
- Const JOY_Z=2
- Const JOY_R=3
- Const JOY_U=4
- Const JOY_V=5
- Const JOY_YAW=6
- Const JOY_PITCH=7
- Const JOY_ROLL=8
- Const JOY_HAT=9
- Const JOY_WHEEL=10
Function JoyName$(port)
Description: Get the name of the joysticks connected to the specified port.
Returns: The system name of the joystick.
Function JoyDown( button,port=0 )
Description: Test the status of a joystick button.
Returns: True if the button is pressed.
Function JoyHit( button,port=0 )
Description: Check for a joystick button press
Returns: Number of times button has been hit.
Information: The returned value represents the number of the times button has been hit since the last call to JoyHit with the same specified button.
Function JoyX#( port=0 )
Description: Reports the horizontal position of the joystick.
Returns: Zero if the joystick is centered, -1 if Left, 1 if Right or a value in between.
Function JoyY#( port=0 )
Description: Reports the vertical position of the joystick.
Returns: Zero if the joystick is centered, -1.0 if Up, 1.0 if Down or a value in between.
Function JoyZ#( port=0 )
Description: Reports the position of the joystick's Z axis if supported.
Returns: Zero if the joystick is centered, -1.0 if Up, 1.0 if Down or a value in between.
Function JoyR#( port=0 )
Description: Reports the position of the joystick's R axis if supported.
Returns: Zero if the joystick is centered, -1.0 if Up, 1.0 if Down or a value in between.
Function JoyU#( port=0 )
Description: Reports the position of the joystick's U axis if supported.
Returns: Zero if the joystick is centered, -1.0 if Up, 1.0 if Down or a value in between.
Information: The U value of a joystick usually corresponds to a joystick's 'slider' or 'throttle' feature, although this may vary depending on the joystick, and will not be available with all joysticks.
Function JoyV#( port=0 )
Description: Reports the position of the joystick's V axis if supported.
Returns: Zero if the joystick is centered, -1.0 if Up, 1.0 if Down or a value in between.
Information: The V value of a joystick usually corresponds to a joystick's 'slider' or 'throttle' feature, although this may vary depending on the joystick, and will not be available with all joysticks.
Function JoyYaw#( port=0 )
Description: Reports the position of the joystick's YAW axis if supported.
Returns: Zero if the joystick is centered, -1.0 if Up, 1.0 if Down or a value in between.
Function JoyPitch#( port=0 )
Description: Reports the position of the joystick's PITCH axis if supported.
Returns: Zero if the joystick is centered, -1.0 if Up, 1.0 if Down or a value in between.
Function JoyRoll#( port=0 )
Description: Reports the position of the joystick's ROLL axis if supported.
Returns: Zero if the joystick is centered, -1.0 if Up, 1.0 if Down or a value in between.
Function JoyHat#( port=0 )
Description: Reports the position of the joystick's HAT controller if supported.
Returns: -1.0 if the joystick is centered, and values between 0.0, 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 for the directions Up, Right, Down, Left respectively.
Function JoyWheel#( port=0 )
Description: Reports the position of the joystick's WHEEL controller if supported.
Returns: Zero if the joystick is centered, -1.0 if Left, 1.0 if Right or a value in between.
Function FlushJoy( port_mask=~0 )
Description: Flush joystick button states.