The BlitzMax StandardIO module contains commands for reading and writing text to the standard IO (Input/Output) stream.
The standard IO stream is generally connected to a 'console', allowing you to interact with an application in a very simple way.
Global StandardIOStream:TStream=TTextStream.Create( New TCStandardIO,TTextStream.UTF8 )
Description: BlitzMax Stream object used for Print and Input
Information: The Print and Input commands can be redirected by setting the StandardIOStream Global to an alternative Stream Object.
Function Print( str$="" )
Description: Write a string to the standard IO stream
Information: A newline character is also written after str.
Rem Use the Print command to output BlitzMax strings to the Console window. End Rem Print "Hello World"
Function Input$( prompt$=">" )
Description: Receive a line of text from the standard IO stream
Information: The optional prompt is displayed before input is returned.
Rem Use the Input command to read user input from the console to a BlitzMax String. End Rem name$=Input("What is your name") print "Hello "+name