Function CreateUDPSocket:TSocket()
Description: Create a UDP socket
Returns: A new socket
Information: The new socket is not bound to any local or remote address.
Function CreateTCPSocket:TSocket()
Description: Create a TCP socket
Returns: A new socket
Information: The new socket is not bound to any local or remote address.
Function CloseSocket( socket:TSocket )
Description: Close a socket
Information: All sockets should eventually be closed. Once closed, a socket can no longer be used.
Function BindSocket( socket:TSocket,localPort )
Description: Bind a socket to a local port
Returns: True if successful, otherwise false
Information: If localPort is 0, a new local port will be allocated. If localPort is not 0, BindSocket will fail if there is already an application bound to localPort.
Function ConnectSocket( socket:TSocket,remoteIp,remotePort )
Description: Connect a socket to a remote ip and port
Returns: True if successful, otherwise false
Information: For both UDP and TCP sockets, ConnectSocket will fail if the specified ip address could not be reached.
In the case of TCP sockets, ConnectSocket will also fail if there is no application listening at the remote port.
Function SocketListen( socket:TSocket,backlog=0 )
Description: Start listening at a socket
Information: The specified socket must be a TCP socket, and must already be bound to a local port.
Function SocketAccept:TSocket( socket:TSocket,timeout=0 )
Description: Accept new connections on a listening socket
Returns: A new socket, or Null if no connection was made in the specified timeout
Information: The specified socket must be a TCP socket, and must be listening.
Function SocketConnected( socket:TSocket )
Description: Get socket connection status
Returns: True if socket is connected
Information: SocketConnected allows you to determine if a TCP connection is still alive or has been remotely closed.
SocketConnected should only be used with TCP sockets that have already connected via ConnectSocket or SocketAccept.
Function SocketReadAvail( socket:TSocket )
Description: Get number of bytes available for reading from a socket
Returns: Number of bytes that may be read without causing the socket to block
Function SocketLocalIP( socket:TSocket )
Description: Get local ip of a socket
Function SocketLocalPort( socket:TSocket )
Description: Get local port of a socket
Function SocketRemoteIP( socket:TSocket )
Description: Get remote ip of a socket
Function SocketRemotePort( socket:TSocket )
Description: Get remote port of a socket
Function DottedIP$( ip )
Description: Convert an ip address to a dotted string
Returns: Dotted string version of ip address
Function HostIp( HostName$,index=0 )
Description: Convert a host name to an ip address
Returns: Host ip address, or 0 if host not found
Function HostIps:Int[]( HostName$ )
Description: Get all ip addresses for a host name
Returns: Array of host ips, or Null if host not found
Function HostName$( HostIp )
Description: Convert a host ip address to a name
Returns: Name of host, or Null if host not found