A map contains a set of key/value pairs. The keys and values may be any object type. A Red-Black Tree is used as the data structure.
For ordered collections of objects, see Linked lists.
Function CreateMap:TMap()
Description: Create a map
Returns: A new map object
Function ClearMap( map:TMap )
Description: Clear a map
Information: ClearMap removes all keys and values from map
Function MapIsEmpty( map:TMap )
Description: Check if a map is empty
Returns: True if map is empty, otherwise false
Function MapInsert( map:TMap,key:Object,value:Object )
Description: Insert a key/value pair into a map
Information: If map already contained key, its value is overwritten with value.
' mapinsert.bmx Local map:TMap = CreateMap() MapInsert(map, "Key 1", "Value 1") Print MapIsEmpty(map) ClearMap(map) Print MapIsEmpty(map)
Function MapValueForKey:Object( map:TMap,key:Object )
Description: Find a value given a key
Returns: The value associated with key
Information: If map does not contain key, a Null object is returned.
' mapvalueforkey.bmx Local map:TMap = CreateMap() MapInsert(map, "Key 1", "Value 1") Print String(MapValueForKey(map, "Key 1"))
Function MapContains( map:TMap,key:Object )
Description: Check if a map contains a key
Returns: True if map contains key
'mapcontains.bmx Local map:TMap = CreateMap() MapInsert(map, "Key 1", "Value 1") Print MapContains(map, "Key 1") Print MapContains(map, "Key 2")
Function MapRemove( map:TMap,key:Object )
Description: Remove a key/value pair from a map
Comment: Unlike the Remove method for TMap, this function does not return whether the key/value pair was removed or not.
' mapremove.bmx Local map:TMap = CreateMap() MapInsert(map, "Key 1", "Value 1") Print MapContains(map, "Key 1") MapRemove(map, "Key 1") Print MapContains(map, "Key 1")
Function MapKeys:TMapEnumerator( map:TMap )
Description: Get map keys
Returns: An iterator object
Information: The object returned by MapKeys can be used with EachIn to iterate through the keys in map.
' mapkeys.bmx Local map:TMap = CreateMap() MapInsert(map, "Key 1", "Value 1") MapInsert(map, "Key 2", "Value 2") Local obj:Object For obj = EachIn MapKeys(map) Print(String(obj) + "," + String(MapValueForKey(map, obj))) Next
Function MapValues:TMapEnumerator( map:TMap )
Description: Get map values
Returns: An iterator object
Information: The object returned by MapValues can be used with EachIn to iterate through the values in map.
' mapvalues.bmx Local map:TMap = CreateMap() MapInsert(map, "Key 1", "Value 1") MapInsert(map, "Key 2", "Value 2") Local obj:Object For obj = EachIn MapValues(map) Print String(obj) Next
Function CopyMap:TMap( map:TMap )
Description: Copy a map
Returns: A copy of map
' copymap.bmx Local map:TMap = CreateMap() MapInsert(map, "Key 1", "Value 1") Local map2:TMap = CopyMap(map) Print String(MapValueForKey(map2, "Key 1"))