Pose Mode HotKeys
AKEY — if nothing is selected, then selects everything; otherwise, deselects everything.
SHIFT+AKEY - brings up the toolbox.
CTRL+AKEY - prompts to "Apply Changes." Size and rotation changes to the model object become permanent.
BKEY - Activates box-select tool.
- CKEY - (Pre-Blender-2.5) Centers the 3D View where the 3D cursor currently is.
- CKEY — (Blender 2.5) Circle Select. Use NUM+ to increase, NUM- to decrease, or MW to adjust the circle size. Drag over vertices/edges/faces with LMB to add them to selection, MMB to remove them from selection. Leave Circle Select with RMB or ESC.
- CTRL+SHIFT+CKEY - Add bone constraint.
DKEY - Brings up a Draw Type menu.
GKEY - "Grabs" the current selection and allows you to move it around with the mouse. Hold down SHIFT while moving for finer control. Use LMB, ENTER, or SPACE to drop it in place. Use RMB or ESC to cancel the move.
- GKEY XKEY — move only along global X-axis
- GKEY XKEY XKEY — move only along object’s X-axis
- GKEY SHIFT+XKEY — move except along global X-axis
- GKEY YKEY — move only along global Y-axis
- GKEY YKEY YKEY — move only along object’s Y-axis
- GKEY SHIFT+YKEY — move except along global Y-axis
- GKEY ZKEY — move only along global Z-axis
- GKEY ZKEY ZKEY — move only along object’s Z-axis
- GKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — move except along global Z-axis
- GKEY XKEY SHIFT+XKEY — move except along object’s X-axis
- GKEY SHIFT+XKEY SHIFT+XKEY — move except along object’s X-axis
- GKEY YKEY SHIFT+YKEY — move except along object’s Y-axis
- GKEY SHIFT+YKEY SHIFT+YKEY — move except along object’s Y-axis
- GKEY ZKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — move except along object’s Z-axis
- GKEY SHIFT+ZKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — move except along object’s Z-axis
IKEY - inserts an animation keyframe.
- SHIFT+IKEY - Add inverse kinematic (IK) constraint to active bone, targeting other selected bone.
MKEY - move selection to a different layer.
- NKEY - (Pre-Blender-2.5) brings up a Transform Properties mini window.
- NKEY — (Blender 2.5) show/hide Properties.
PKEY - starts the game engine.
QKEY - does nothing (to avoid confusion with CTRL+QKEY)
RKEY - allows rotation of the selection. Move the mouse after pressing RKEY to rotate around the axis perpendicular to the view. Press RKEY a second time for free rotate, or press one of the axis-key sequences (below) to constrain rotation around that axis. Hold down SHIFT while moving for finer control. Press LMB, SPACE, or ENTER to confirm the rotation. Press ESC or RMB to cancel the rotation.
- RKEY XKEY — rotate only around global X-axis
- RKEY XKEY XKEY — rotate only around object’s X-axis
- RKEY SHIFT+XKEY — rotate except around global X-axis
- RKEY YKEY — rotate only around global Y-axis
- RKEY YKEY YKEY — rotate only around object’s Y-axis
- RKEY SHIFT+YKEY — rotate except around global Y-axis
- RKEY ZKEY — rotate only around global Z-axis
- RKEY ZKEY ZKEY — rotate only around object’s Z-axis
- RKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — rotate except around global Z-axis
SKEY - begins scaling (resizing) of the selection. Move the mouse to scale larger or smaller. Hold down SHIFT while moving for finer control. Press LMB, ENTER, or SPACE to confirm the scaling. Press RMB or ESC to cancel the scaling.
- SKEY XKEY — scale only along global X-axis
- SKEY XKEY XKEY — scale only along object’s X-axis
- SKEY SHIFT+XKEY — scale except along global X-axis
- SKEY YKEY — scale only along global Y-axis
- SKEY YKEY YKEY — scale only along object’s Y-axis
- SKEY SHIFT+YKEY — scale except along global Y-axis
- SKEY ZKEY — scale only along global Z-axis
- SKEY ZKEY ZKEY — scale only along object’s Z-axis
- SKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — scale except along global Z-axis
- SKEY XKEY SHIFT+XKEY — scale except along object’s X-axis
- SKEY SHIFT+XKEY SHIFT+XKEY — scale except along object’s X-axis
- SKEY YKEY SHIFT+YKEY — scale except along object’s Y-axis
- SKEY SHIFT+YKEY SHIFT+YKEY — scale except along object’s Y-axis
- SKEY ZKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — scale except along object’s Z-axis
- SKEY SHIFT+ZKEY SHIFT+ZKEY — scale except along object’s Z-axis
TKEY — (Blender 2.5) show/hide Tool Shelf.
UKEY - brings up Make Single User menu.
ZKEY - Toggles between drawing the scene in wireframe and solid mode.
TAB - toggles in and out of Edit Mode of the selected, active object.
CTRL+TAB - Toggles between Pose Mode and Object Mode