Blog Searching with TECHNORATI
Technorati’s logo is “Who’s saying what. Right now.” Technorati is a place on the web where a person can search any topic they wish in blog posts, in tags, and in blog directory. Right now Technorati is tracking 73.1 million blogs. According to, there are over 175,000 new blogs everyday and there are 1.6 million posts per day.
In Technorati, a person can start with typing in the search bar something they are looking for. Then, after hitting 'search' in the bar below the top where it says ‘Refine results for “…”’ a person can combine forces. Basically it is a way of narrowing a person’s search. To narrow it even further a user can search with authority. The amount of authority depends on the value of the site the information is coming from. The choices are, any authority, a little authority, some authority, and a lot of authority.
Another feature that Technorati offers is the ability to organize the user’s favorite blogs in one spot on the site. In this spot, they can see who has updated their blogs to keep up with all of their favorites. In order to get this feature, a user needs to just join the site. After joining, Technorati allows a user to type in their favorite URL’s and organize them with descriptive tags such as “college” or “health issues.”
Technorati is a very useful Internet tool that allows a person to search in one place that is specifically about blogging.