Learning to create interactive media requires conventional and traditional skills, as well as tools mastered in interactive classes (storyboarding, audio and video editing, story telling, etc.). Interactive design requires that you re-assess your assumptions about media production and learn to think in a non-linear ways. Interactive design requires that components of a project connect to each other, but also make sense as a separate entity.
Things are developing so rapid that it is necessary to have a positive attitude and involve yourself with the tools and techniques that will be used while learning interactive design. There are, however, vital interactive concepts important to know about. You'll learn about the tools necessary to make interactive projects come to life.
The creation of interactive projects requires competency in many tools, so it's necessary for students to learn from each other. You can prove your knowledge through quizzes, exams and hands-on tests.
Research and on-line content created in this wiki can be used to learn advanced interactive media in a variety of settings, including classrooms, on-the-job training and in one's own spare time. Interactive learners should be required to use on-line social interaction tools such as wiki technology & blogs.
- During your study of interactive media, you can expect to
- Use more software tools than normally required for broadcast-type media.
- Be amazed and sometimes overwhelmed by what you can do with interactive media.
- Learn in a way you’ve never experienced before:
- Work with a team to create complex products;
- During a study of interactive media, you can not expect to
- Work at a relaxed, normal pace.
- Learn the way you have in past situations.
- Master all of the software products you use.
- Create an entire project alone.

- A Definition For Interactive Media
- The Future For Immersive Media
- A New Challenge: Ethics and Morality for Future Media
- Media in Video Games
- Multisensory Media Is About To Explode
- Virtual Experiences: Now More Like Our Real World
- Emerging Technologies: Preparing For The Next Job Market
- Interactive Media Versus Other Kinds Of Media
- Creating an Interactive, Immersive, Multi-sensory, MultiMedia Project: A Student Log
- Determining Project Pixel Size for Various Digital Medias
- Other Topics
- How We Did This: A Brief History for One Interactive Project
- Designing Media -- Impacting Your Audience beyond the Eye
- External links
Interactive Content Producers: Job Descriptions

- Directors
- Interactive Design Project Graphics Team
- Interactive Team
- Design Team
- Audio/Video Team
Using Technology to Learn Technology
- Using WIKIbooks.com and Facebook.com As Tools In an Interactive Society
- Hypothetical Problems and Solutions for an Interactive Project
- Presentation Photo Documentary
- Learning Resources