< Ada Programming < Libraries

Ada. Time-tested, safe and secure.
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO is a GNAT implementation-defined package that offers Get_Line and Put_Line functions which work directly on unbounded strings. They are more efficient and easier to use than the standard Ada.Text_IO functions.
Get_Line (File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type)return
Reads up to the end of the current line, returning the result as an unbounded string of appropriate length. If no File parameter is present, input is from Current_Input.
Put (U : Unbounded_String);procedure
Put (File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; U : Unbounded_String);procedure
Put_Line (U : Unbounded_String);procedure
Put_Line (File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; U : Unbounded_String);
These are equivalent to the standard Text_IO routines passed the value To_String (U), but operate more efficiently, because the extra copy of the argument is avoided.
In Ada 2005 the standard equivalent to this package is Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO.
See also
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