< Ada Programming < Attributes
X'Machine_Radix is an Ada attribute where X is any floating or fixed point type.
'Machine_Radix returns the radix of the hardware representation of type X. On most machines this will be 2.
with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Machine_Radix is package T_IO renames Ada.Text_IO; package I_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Integer); type My_Fixed_Point_Type is delta 0.1 range -1.0 .. 1.0; type My_Decimal_Type is delta 0.01 digits 10; begin T_IO.Put ("Radix of Float type = "); I_IO.Put (Float'Machine_Radix); T_IO.New_Line; T_IO.Put ("Radix of My_Fixed_Point_Type = "); I_IO.Put (My_Fixed_Point_Type'Machine_Radix); T_IO.New_Line; T_IO.Put ("Radix of My_Decimal_Type type = "); I_IO.Put (My_Decimal_Type'Machine_Radix); T_IO.New_Line; end Machine_Radix;
The output with GNAT 4.6 on the x86-64 architecture is:
Radix of Float type = 2 Radix of My_Fixed_Point_Type = 2 Radix of My_Decimal_Type type = 2
See also
Ada Reference Manual
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