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Globalization, Drawing, and Text manipulation
Exam objective: Implementing globalization, drawing, and text manipulation functionality in a .NET Framework application
Text manipulation
Text manipulation, in the context of the exam objectives, covers 3 main subjects: string building, regular expressions and text encoding. We look at each in the following paragraphs.
String and StringBuilder classes
Text manipulation starts with the representation of a string which is done via the String class. No specific exam objective mentions the String class but we added a section for it because you must understand some of its specific characteristics.
Next comes the StringBuilder class that serves for efficient construction.
Regular expressions
The Regex, Match and Group classes together implement the regular expressions support in the .NET framework.
Regular expressions are a world by themselves and have been around for quite some time.
There is a wikibook on regular expressions which, among other things, point to this Tutorial.
Regular expressions support in .NET basically allows for:
- testing the match of a string to a regex pattern (Regex.IsMatch method)
- extracting the substrings that "match" part of a pattern (Regex.Match method with Match and Group classes).
Text encoding
Classes, Interfaces, and tools
Format data based on culture information.
(Refer System.Globalization namespace)
Access culture and region information
Exam objective: Access culture and region information in a .NET Framework application
CultureInfo class - MSDN
CultureTypes enumeration - MSDN
RegionInfo class - MSDN
Format date and time values based on the culture.
DateTimeFormatInfo class - MSDN
Format number values based on the culture.
NumberFormatInfo class - MSDN
NumberStyles enumeration - MSDN
Perform culture-sensitive string comparison.
CompareInfo class - MSDN
CompareOptions enumeration - MSDN
Custom culture
Exam objective: Build a custom culture class based on existing culture and region classes
CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder class - MSDN
CultureAndRegionModifier enumeration - MSDN
System.Drawing namespace
Exam objective: Enhance the user interface of a .NET Framework application by using the System.Drawing namespace.
Brushes, Pens, Colors and Fonts
Exam objective: Enhance the user interface of a .NET Framework application by using brushes, pens, colors, and fonts
Brush class - MSDN
Brushes class - MSDN
SystemBrushes class - MSDN
TextureBrush class - MSDN
Pen class - MSDN
Pens class - MSDN
SystemPens class - MSDN
SolidBrush class - MSDN
Color structure - MSDN
ColorConverter class - MSDN
ColorTranslator class - MSDN
SystemColors class - MSDN
StringFormat class - MSDN
Font class - MSDN
FontConverter class - MSDN
FontFamily class - MSDN
SystemFonts class - MSDN
Graphics, Images, Bitmaps and Icons
Exam objective: Enhance the user interface of a .NET Framework application by using graphics, images, bitmaps, and icons
Graphics class - MSDN
BufferedGraphics class - MSDN
BufferedGraphicsManager class - MSDN
Image class - MSDN
ImageConverter class - MSDN
ImageAnimator class - MSDN
Bitmap class - MSDN
Icon class - MSDN
IconConverter class - MSDN
SystemIcons class - MSDN
Shapes and Sizes
Exam objective: Enhance the user interface of a .NET Framework application by using shapes and sizes
Point Structure - MSDN
PointConverter class - MSDN
Rectangle Structure - MSDN
RectangleConverter class - MSDN
Size Structure - MSDN
SizeConverter class - MSDN
Region class - MSDN
Text handling and regular expressions
Exam objective: Enhance the text handling capabilities of a .NET Framework application, and search, modify, and control text in a .NET Framework application by using regular expressions
(Refer System.Text namespace)
(Refer System.RegularExpressions namespace)
String class
The String class is not a specific exam objective but was added to have a place to discuss some of its characteristics.
String class - MSDN
StringBuilder class
The StringBuilder class is used for very fast string concatenation. If you use conventional string concatenation then it will run very slow because a string is held in an array. Each concatenation causes the array to increase its size and the memory has to be copied to a new location internally. This is very slow.
For fast string concatenations use StringBuilder instead. It is about 1000 times faster (depending on the string you concatenate).
StringBuilder class - MSDN
Refer to the example to measure the performance differences.
StringBuilder example
using System; using System.Collections; public class Demo { public static void Main() { const int len = 30; const int loops = 5000; // DateTime timeStart, timeStop; // // Measure time for normal string concatenation timeStart = DateTime.Now; string str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) { str += new String('x', len); } timeStop = DateTime.Now; int millis = timeStop.Subtract(timeStart).Milliseconds; Console.WriteLine("Duration for " + loops + " loops: " + millis + " ms"); // // Measure time for StringBuilder string concatenation StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); timeStart = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) { sb.Append(new String('x', len)); } str = sb.ToString(); timeStop = DateTime.Now; millis = timeStop.Subtract(timeStart).Milliseconds; Console.WriteLine("Duration for " + loops + " loops: " + millis + " ms"); // Console.ReadLine(); } }
Regex class
Regex class - MSDN
Match class and MatchCollection class
Match class - MSDN
MatchCollection class - MSDN
Group class and GroupCollection class
Group class - MSDN
GroupCollection class - MSDN
Encode text by using Encoding classes
Encoding class - MSDN
EncodingInfo class - MSDN
ASCIIEncoding class - MSDN
UnicodeEncoding class - MSDN
UTF8Encoding class - MSDN
Encoding Fallback classes - MSDN
Decode text by using Decoding classes.
Decoder class - MSDN
Decoder Fallback classes - MSDN
Capture class and CaptureCollection class
Capture class - MSDN
CaptureCollection class - MSDN