Zorritos is a village on the Northern Coast of Peru.

Get in

Zorritos is on the Panamericana Highway between Tumbes and Mancora. By bus it is 14 hours from Lima (there are bed-sites buses).

You can get in by plane from Lima to Tumbes and then take a bus or colectivo to Zorritos. The colectivos meet in the market, leaving when full, and cost S/3 per person. The trip is about 30 km, and takes 20-30 minutes.

Get around

It's small, so you can go everywhere on foot. But if you want, you can go to Bocapán or Hervideros (Thermal Baths). You can even go to a full day tour to "Cerros de Amotape", the beginning of the subtropical jungle and see many animals and trees.

The best is the beach along Zorritos shore. The town has many moto-taxis, which charge S/1 for a ride during the day, and S/2 at night.


Beautiful sunsets all along the year. You can also visit "manglares" in Puerto Pizarro or the first Catholic cross put on South American lands by conqueror Francisco Pizarro in 1532, the jungle of Amotape, Manglares and so many interesting things in this strange zone where it is never winter.


Relax, that is more or less the point of Zorritos.


There is little in the way of vendors, which can be a good thing if you want a peaceful time away from the sellers in the cities. Most stores are closed by 22:00, save for one or two in the center.


There are many small bars located throughout the town, though hours vary.



  • Blue Point. Has a really nice room for US$20, but you can also try to get to sleep in a tent they have set up, which should be around S/10 a night for 2 people.
  • Hotel Arrecife. Has very nice quality rooms. Service is excellent, and English-speaking. Hot water, some drinks sold in house, and overall not a bad place. On the quieter edge of town also. US$10-20 per night per person.

Go next

Take a bus or combi on the Panamericana. Ask a moto-taxi to take you to the colectivos and you can get to Tumbes for S/3. You can also try and get picked up by the passing buses and combis, but this is unreliable and you usually get the worst seat available.

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