The X-Files is a TV series created by Chris Carter, aired from 1993 to 2002, starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson as FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. The protagonists investigate federal crimes involving UFOs, parapsychology and other fringe phenomena, some of them based on real-life events. The franchise includes two feature films: The X Files (1998) and The X Files: I Want to Believe (2008).
The first 5 seasons, part of the first film, and the second film were filmed in Vancouver, Canada. The remaining 3 seasons and the rest of the first film were filmed in Los Angeles.
United States of America
“ | Alien technology being used against us, not by aliens, not with aliens, but by a venal conspiracy of men against humanity. | ” |
—Fox Mulder |
District of Columbia
- Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters, J. Edgar Hoover Building, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC
- Shown in nearly every episode, this is where FBI Agent Fox Mulder's office is located, in the basement of the J. Edgar Hoover Building. However, the investigation of UFO reports in the USA has been the responsibility of the Air Force since 1950, not the FBI.
- Braddock Heights
- This small mountain community in Frederick County was the site of a government brainwashing experiment in "Wetwired" (Season 3 Episode 23). The episode was filmed in Vancouver, Canada.
See also
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