Vorarlberg is the westernmost federal state of Austria, sharing borders with the countries of Germany (Bavaria), Liechtenstein, and Switzerland and the Austrian federal-state of Tyrol. Vorarlberg also enjoys a small window on Lake Constance via its capital city of Bregenz.
Vorarlberg is well-known for its mountainous landscape which tourists enjoy all year round.
Other destinations
Buildings and ruins

The state is almost entirely mountainous and enjoys one of the highest standards of living and income levels in Austria due to its proximity to Switzerland. It is also is home to an Alemannic alpine culture quite different to the rest of Austria, making it a special place in the country even for other Austrians. It is sometimes referred to in German as the "Ländle", which translates as the "statelet" or "tiny province". Vorarlbergers are a very proud and hardy people and work hard to protect and preserve their identity and history.
Although the province of Vorarlberg is quite small the landscape is quite varied. When you arrive in Bregenz, the capital, you reach the lake region and Rhine valley, which stretches down to Feldkirch along the Rhine. From Bregenz, you also have access to the Bregenz Forest, which is a narrow valley that leads to the Arlberg, the mountain range that separates Vorarlberg from Tyrol. The Kleinwalsertal also belongs to Vorarlberg, but it can only be accessed by road from Germany and Bavaria due to the mountains. From the end of the valley, you get access to the Alpine region of Bludenz and the Walgau Valley, which stretches from Feldkirch to Bludenz. From Bludenz, you also have access to the Montafon Valley.
Other valleys in Vorarlberg are: the Klostertal (stretching from Bludenz to the Arlberg), the Walsertal which connects the Walgau and the Bregenzerwald, the Brandnertal in the Montafon region, the Laternsertal which connects the Rhine valley (Rheintal) with the Bregenzerwald, the Laiblachtal (close to Bregenz) and the Lechtal in the Arlberg region.
Alpine culture
Voralberg's culture and traditions are deeply intertwined with the Alpine agriculture and way of life. For centuries, cheese making has played an important role in Vorarlberg.
Vorarlberg is among the wettest and coldest regions in Austria. The climate largely corresponds to German weather conditions. The best time to travel is from June to September due to the warmer temperatures. During the months of July and August, you are most likely to experience good days with pleasant average temperatures that fall between 20°C (68°F) and 25°C (77°F).
The winter time from December to February is suitable for winter sports enthusiasts. December is generally a very cold month with max. daytime temperatures around 1°C (34°F). In the Rhine valley, 25 to 30cm of snow can be expected once per winter. Between 700m and 1000m, about 100cm are usually recorded in a normal winter. In the snowiest zone of the country (in the Winterstaude-Fontanella-Hochtannberg triangle), the annual maximum is almost twice as high.
Accessibility & barrier-free travelling
The ÖZIV (Landesverband Vorarlberg), an association for individuals with disabilities, has run a resource and support centre in Bregenz for many years. Wheelchairs, e-cars, stair climbers, Scalamobil, walkers, etc. can be affordably rented here. Pick-up and delivery costs (in case the support resource cannot be picked up in Bregenz) can be passed on directly and no rent is required for just a few days. Contact: ÖZIV Vorarlberg, St.-Anna-Straße 2a, A-6900 Bregenz, ☏ +43 5574 45579, e-mail: oeziv.vorarlberg@oeziv-vorarlberg.at.
The ENJO is an independent wheelchair club within the Vorarlberg sports association for the disabled. The club organises various friendly and competitive sporting events such as basketball, tennis, Alpine and mono ski, Nordic cross-country-skiing, hand biking, shooting, table tennis and billiards. Contact: ENJO Vorarlberg, Achstraße 8, A-6844 Altach, call ☏ +43 5576 7172490, e-mail: office@rollstuhlclub.at
- City buses: The majority of regional buses as well as those in Bregenz, Dornbirn, Feldkirch and Bludenz are outfitted with ramps designed for wheelchair accessibility.
- Train: Austrian Railways Mobility-Service Centre: +43 5 1717 for special information, reservations and registration for special assistance. For ticket booking, especially wheelchair or handicap spots, special equipment such as lifts or other aids for entry and exit, contact msz@pv.oebb.at.
Get in
By car
Autobahns and major highways are connected to Munich, Zurich and Innsbruck. Austrian and Swiss Autobahns charge toll. Austrian Autobahns allow for buying sticker for only a short period of time, whereas in Switzerland you are stuck buying the whole year regardless of how long you will stay. Don't get caught without one!
The Vignette is the toll sticker for Austrian highways. You can get the physical Vignette at most gas stations. There is also the option to buy a digital Vignette online via the Asfinag App or at https://shop.asfinag.at/en/; however, the digital Vignette is only valid from the 18th day after purchase. Prices: 10-day-sticker: €9.90, 2-month-sticker: €29 as of 2023. The part of highway A14/E60 between Hohenems and the German border can be used without a Vignette, allowing transit from Switzerland to Germany through Vorarlberg without buying one.
By plane
Nearby international airports include Zurich, Munich and Innsbruck. Other airports are located in St.Gallen/Altenrhein in Switzerland (direct flights to Vienna) and Friedrichshafen in Germany (direct flights from London, Dublin, Spain, Turkey, etc.), both of which are near Lake Constance (Bodensee).
By train
Major train routes come from Switzerland as well as Tyrol and you either enter Vorarlberg in Feldkirch or in Bregenz. The important train route Munich to Zurich goes right through Vorarlberg. A high number of Eurocity, Intercity and ICE trains go to either Bregenz or Feldkirch.
Vorarlberg is reachable by from important neighboring cities within relatively short time:
- From/to Zurich: ~ 1.5 hr
- From/to Innsbruck: ~ 2.5 hr
- From/to Munich: ~2.5 hr
Get around
By public transport
Vorarlberg has a very efficient public transport system. The railway from Bregenz to Feldkirch and the Arlberg is a kind of backbone and buses take you to all other places. Connections can be checked at the vmobil routen planer (DE).
The ticket you buy on the bus or at the station is valid for all trains and buses except for a few mountain buses (like Bus 79 to Lagutzalpe, for which you're asked in the bus for the additional €5).
Prices are listed in the tariff table (DE).
By bike
Vorarlberg is a very popular mountain biking region and has extensive paved and off-road bike paths.
Diedamskopf, Au and Schoppernau
Hausberg Pfänder: The Pfänder mountain (1,064 m (3,491 ft)) is the most famous vantage point of the region. From the top, you can get a unique view of Lake Constance and 240 Alpine peaks of Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the German foothills of the Alps. Restaurant at the top of Pfänder, serves Austrian and international dishes as well as snacks. A cable-car carries people to the top from 08:00 until 19:00. The bottom station of the cable-car is approximately a 15min walk away from the Bregenz railway station.

UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal, Tourismusbüro Raggal, Nr. 220, 6741 Raggal, ☏ +43 5554 5150, info@walsertal.at. The Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal is a protected nature park which covers 19,231 ha. There are 3,420 inhabitants and around 180 farms (42% of which are organic). The reserve strives for a sustainable economy and tourism in the region.
- The Walderlebnispfad Marul ("forest adventure trail of Marul") is a hiking trail with games of skill, points of interest for nature, information about flora and fauna and culture and history about the mountain environment. Hikers can choose between the short (3.4km length, walking time approx. 1½ hours, approx. 300m in altitude) and the long route (5.6km in length, walking time about 2½ hours, about 450m in altitude).
- The biosphärenpark.haus is the visitor center of the biosphere nature reserve. There is a shop for artisanal products and a little bistro for snacks. Upon request, one can book a workshop, a guided tour, breakfast or a cheese tasting for a group of people there, ☏ +43 5554 20010, Website - in German.
- The Walserherbst is a music, literature and culinary festival located in the nature reserve, held every other year in autumn for three weeks.
- The Deanery St. Gerold has been in the possession of the Benedictines since the 10th century. At the bottom of the deanery, a footpath leads along lakes through the forest.
- Diedamskopf offers easy and challening hiking trails, paragliding, a view of Lake Constance, a restaurant at the top with local cuisine, interactive exhibition "Bergwelt zum Sehen und Staunen" (mountain world to see and marvel at), partly buggy-friendly hiking trails and a cable car that brings you to the top. Website e-mail: info@diedamskopf.at
The Nagelfluhkette Nature Park is a cross-border nature park between Germany and Austria. The mountain landscape has a dense network of well-developed and uniformly signposted hiking trails. The "Naturparkzentrum" is the hub of the nature park (Naturparkzentrum Nagelfluhkette, Seestraße 10, 87509 Immenstadt, Germany). The Centre offers free entry for the exhibition on the natural and cultural landscape, open in the summer: M-Sa 10:00-12:00 & 13:00-18:00, Sunday 10:00-12:00 & 13:00-16:00, ☏ +49 8323 9988750, info@naturpark-nagelfluhkette.eu. In the Naturparkcafé, one can enjoy coffee, cake and regional snacks.
Art & design
- Vorarlberg museum in Bregenz, Kornmarktplatz 1, 6900 Bregenz, ☏ ☏ +43 5574 46050, info@vorarlbergmuseum.at. It is the national art and culture museum of Vorarlberg. It specialises in history, art history, archeology and Vorarlberg folklore.
- Angelika Kauffmann Museum in Schwarzenberg, Tourismusbüro Schwarzenberg, ☏ +43 5512 3570, museum@schwarzenberg.at. It is dedicated to the life and work of the Classicist painter Angelika Kauffmann. A local history museum is located in the same building.
- Juppenwerkstatt Riefensberg. It is a textile craft workshop in Riefensberg (Bregenz Forest). The craftswomen manufacture traditional Vorarlberger garb in the old-fashioned way. For booking a guided tour, call ☏ +43 5513 835615.
- Kunsthaus Bregenz KUB, Karl-Tizian-Platz, Postfach 45, 6900 Bregenz, +43-5574-485 94-433, kassa@kunsthaus-bregenz.at
- Wälderbähnle or Bregenzerwald Museumsbahn (Bregenzerwald Railway). It is a narrow-gauge heritage railway that today links Schwarzenberg to Bezau amidst picturesque alpine scenery.
- Jewish Museum Hohenems, it focuses on the history of the Jewish community in Hohenems from their settlement in the 17th century to their deportation in the 20th century. In addition, the diaspora and the European immigration society are central. The permanent exhibition includes a collection of everyday objects and personal documents.
- Women's Museum in Hittisau, It is the only women's museum in Austria and the only women's museum in the world to be located in a rural region. Changing exhibitions are dedicated to women-specific topics from cultural, social, art or architectural history. The museum has received numerous awards, including the Austrian Museum Prize and a Special Commendation from the European Museum of the Year Award 2020.
- FIS Skiing and Mountaineering Museum in Damüls, it exhibits about 100+ years of Vorarlberg's skiing history.
Natural science
- Inatura in Dornbirn, Jahngasse, 19 (Stadtbus 7 direction Hatler Kirche; or Stadtbus 1 direction Messepark, Steggasse exit), ☏ +43 5572 232 35-0. Daily 10:00-18:00; closed 25 Dec and 1 Jan. The Inatura is a natural history museum which includes a documentation center about nature in Vorarlberg, along with an interactive exhibition. Also has a gift shop, library, and restaurant. €11 adult, €9.30 senior/student, €5.50 child 6-15.
- Rolls-Royce Museum in Dornbirn, Gütle< 1a (take Stadtbus 5), ☏ +43 5572 52652, fax: +43 5572 52652-6, contact@rolls-royce-museum.at. Apr-Oct: Tu-Su and holidays 10:00-18:00, Nov-Mar: Tu-Su and holidays 10:00-17:00; closed 24-26 Dec, 1 Jan, 07-31 Jan. This museum is the most extensive of its kind in the world. Founded in 1999, it houses more than 1000 exhibits, including several dozen classic vehicles, in a space of about 3000 m². The museum also organises special rides. €9 adult, €4.50 child 6-16, €10 photography permit.
- Brewery museums: Mohren Biererlebniswelt in Dornbirn and Brewery Museum Fohrenburg in Feldkirch.

The Bregenzerwälder House characterises the landscape of the Bregenz Forest. The Bregenzerwälder House combines the farmer's residential building, the stable and the barn under one roof. The oldest houses of this type were built in the 15th century. In the centre of Schwarzenberg are a few well-preserved and relatively uniform Bregenzerwald houses, all built around the same time – after the great fire of 1755.
Skyspace Lech in Tannegg/Oberlech, info@skyspace-lech.com. It is a walk-in art installation by James Turrell in the mountainous landscape of Lech am Arlberg. A skyspace is an enclosed space that can be opened through a large hole in the ceiling or in a dome. During sunrise and sunset in summer, visitors can watch the colour-changing light on the walls. The bookable program starts 50 minutes before sunrise or at sunset. The light performances last for about 50 minutes during which visitors are able to spot the Biberkopf summit and the village Bürstegg on one side and on the other the Omeshorn.
There are 7 architecture trails throughout Vorarlberg, created by the Vorarlberger Architektur Institut (VAI) and the Vorarlberg Tourist Board. The non-guided tours take visitors to urban and rural regions, allow for plenty of time to take a walk, visit a museum or other public buildings and for culinary breaks. The architecture trails are:
- “New impressions – A tour of Vorarlberg’s cities”, start of tour: Bregenz, end of tour: Feldkirch, 44 km, approx. 6 hr by foot
- “Art and culture – From Bregenz to Feldkirch", start of tour: Bregenz, end of tour: Feldkirch, 40.20 km, approx. 6 h by foot
- “Timber and loam – From the Rheintal valley and Walgau to the Grosses Walsertal valley”, start of tour: Klaus, end of tour: Ludesch, 47.46 km, approx. 6 h by foot
- “Old and new – In the Rheintal and Walgau valleys", start of tour: Dornbirn, end of tour: Nenzing, 48.17 km, approx. 6 h by foot
- “Revitalised villages – From Lochau and Wolfurt to the Bregenzerwald", start of tour: Lochau, end of tour: Schwarzenberg, 62.09 km, approx. 6 h by foot
- “Architecture and landscape – From Lake Constance to Montafon", start of tour: Lochau, end of tour: Tschagguns/Vandans, 80.35 km, approx. 6 h by foot
- "Craft and innovation – In the Bregenzerwald region", start of tour: Riefensberg, end of tour: Bezau, 38.74 km, approx. 6 h by foot
Schattenburg castle in Feldkirch, Burggasse 1, +43 5522 71982, fax: +43 5522 71982-10, besuch.museum@schattenburg.at. Jan-Mar: Tu-F 13:30-16:00, Sa Su and holidays 11:00-16:00; Apr-Oct: M-F 09:00-12:00, 13:30-17:00, Sa Su and holidays 10:00-17:00; Nov-Dec: Sa Su and holidays 11:00-16:00. A 13th-century castle, on a hill to the east of the town and impossible to miss. It was once the seat of the Earls of Montfort. Today, it is one of the best preserved medieval castles in Central Europe. It features a restaurant and a museum about Feldkirch's city history. Weapons from the Middle Ages to the World War II are on display in the castle guard. €6 adult, €4.50 concession, €2.50 child 6-11>.

BUS:STOP Krumbach: The BUS:Stop Krumbach is a construction project of seven bus stops designed by architects in Krumbach in the Bregenz Forest.
Vorarlberg offers various summer and winter sport facilities (mountain biking, cycling, inline skating, skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing) and there are also a lot of cultural events throughout the year including carnival towards the end of winter.
Winter sports
In the cold season, winter sports enthusiasts will find ideal conditions for their favourite sport: skiing, cross country skiing, freeriding, snowboarding, ice skating, sled dog rides, carriage rides, tobogganing, snow and fun parks.
Many top winter sports resorts are located throughout Vorarlberg. Most of them are organized in regional ticket federations such as 3taeler Pass . This means several day tickets are valid in all participating resorts and include free transportation with ski buses. Some of the larger winter sport areas are:
- Ski Arlberg
- Stuben am Arlberg
- Lech-Zürs and Oberlech
- Warth and Schröcken (part of 3taeler Pass)
- Silvretta Montafon (part of Montafon Card)
- Kleinwalsertal
- Brandnertal (part of Montafon Card)
- Damüls-Mellau (part of 3taeler Pass)
- Diedamskopf (part of 3taeler Pass)
- Großes Walsertal/Fontanella-Faschina
- Klostertal
The ski resorts Silvretta Montafon and Ski Arlberg (which is partly located in Tyrol) are the two largest ski areas in Vorarlberg. Since 2016/17, Ski Arlberg is the largest connected ski area in Austria. It offers 305km of slopes and 111 lifts and includes the pistes in Lech, Zürs, Oberlech, Warth, Schröcken, Stuben and in the Tyrolean municipalities of St. Anton and St. Christoph.
The towns of Lech and Zürs are known for their exclusivity and luxury, which is why many celebrities (such as the Dutch royal family) visit these ski resorts.
Damüls-Mellau is a notable ski area in terms of reliable snow conditions. In 2007, Damüls was named 'snowiest village in the world'.
The Ski Ride Vorarlberg is a combination of skiing, touring and freeriding while crossing Vorarlberg. The route starts in the Kleinwalsertal in the north, continues through the Bregenz Forest, across mount Arlberg and the Klostertal to the Montafon valley in the south. The guided tour usually takes up to 7 days and is intended for experienced skiers.
Sporting events
White Ring (Der Weiße Ring). It is a 22-km ski race from Lech to Zürs. The route is named after its ring-shaped track and the snowy conditions in this region. It is considered to be particularly difficult: spanning 22km, it is the longest ski round trip in the world, features 5,500 m of altitude difference and comprises 5 downhill runs, 6 lifts, piste ascents and a cross-country ski run
SBX World Cup Montafon (part of FIS Snowboard World Cup). It takes place annually in December in the Montafon valley. The races are held in the Silvretta Montafon ski area, starting a little below the Hochjoch summit and finishing near the cable car's mountain station.
Hypo-Meeting is an athletics competition which is held annually in May/June in the Mösle stadium in Götzis.
Montafon-Arlberg Marathon. It is a mountain marathon with 1,500m in altitude in the middle of the European protected area Verwall.
By location
Dornbirn district
- Visit the Rappenlochschlucht and enjoy the beautiful landscape.
- Travelling with kids: Visit the Inatura Museum (interactive natural history museum). The museum includes a documentation center about nature in Vorarlberg, along with an interactive exhibition.
- Go to the Jewish quarter in Hohenems and visit the Jewish Museum that tells the story of the city's Jewish history.
- Rolls-Royce Museum, Kunstraum Dornbirn (art gallery)
- In Lustenau: Take a ride with the narrow gauge steam railway along the river Rhine and visit the rheinschauen museum, telling the story of the river.
- Mohren Biererlebniswelt in Dornbirn (brewery museum)
It's quite lively in the evening when it's warm. It's definitely worth a visit then.
Feldkirch district
- Lichtstadt Feldkirch, Montfortplatz 1, 6800 Feldkirch. At the light art festival Lichtstadt Feldkirch, international artists fill the old inner city of Feldkirch with light objects, projections and sculptures. Its first edition was held in 2018 and attracted 30.000 visitors. The festival takes place every other year.
- Montforter Zwischentöne: It is an interdisciplinary festival in Feldkirch that takes place three times a year. Each series is based on a specific topic which is artistically and dramaturgically interpreted without genre-orientated boundaries. There are contributions from the fields of music, poetry, architecture, science, dance etc. The festival addresses issues of social and personal development on site and provides impetus for urban and regional development.
- Poolbar Festival, Altes Hallenbad im Reichenfeldpark (near the Music Conservatory), ☏ +43 5522 734675, ahoi@poolbar.at. Jul to mid-Aug. The festival features music, exhibitions, poetry slams, fashion and an architectural prize. The festival attracts around 20,000 visitors.
- POTENTIALe Feldkirch, design fair and festival in Feldkirch, Schlossergasse 1, 6800 Feldkirch, ☏ +43 5522 9009, potentiale@feldkirch.at. Around 110 exhibitors present their products and ideas on an exhibition space of 3.373 m². In addition to a vintage market, there are workshops and discussion groups, a 'design laboratory', photography exhibitions, as well as the presentation of music and films.
- Vorarlberger Museumswelt (museum)
- Brewery Museum Fohrenburg
- Visit the Schattenburg castle which was built between the 13th and 15th century. Today, it is one of the best preserved medieval castles in Central Europe. It features a restaurant and a museum about Feldkirch's city history. Weapons from the Middle Ages to the World War II are on display in the castle guard.
- Shopping & cafés: Marktgasse/Marktplatz: Cobblestones, romantic arcades and beautifully painted house facades characterize the market square, the heart of the historic old town of Feldkirch. The Johanniterkirche is at the top of the square. Markets have been held in this square on Tuesdays and Saturdays since the 13th century. Restaurants, cafes and a variety of shops invite you to linger.
Bludenz district
- Bludenz also has a nice old town. It is home to a Milka factory and a brewery too.
- Golf: two 18-hole (Bludenz-Braz and Brand) and two 9-hole (Schruns, Partenen) are available. These courses are very scenic and worth playing.
Capital city of Bregenz
- Bregenzer Festspiele (Opera on the Lake), Platz der Wiener Symphoniker 1, {{phone|+43 5574 4076, fax: +43 5574 413-413. Opera on the Lake is the best known opera and musical festival of the region and poses one of Austria's cultural highlights since 1946. It annually takes place in the months of July and August. With operas and musicals such as Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute), West Side Story and Carmen, the Bregenzer Festspiele draws hundreds of thousands of spectators every year. Noteworthy is the Seebühne, an impressive located on Lake Constance where scenes are played.
- Bregenzer Frühling, Platz der Wiener Symphoniker 1, ☏ +43 5574 4080, fax: +43 5574 4959-69, tourismus@bregenz.at. Mar-June. Bregenzer Frühling is a dance festival in Bregenz that has been held since 1987. Dance ensembles from all over the world perform their new productions, along with Austrian premieres. All performances are staged in the Bregenz Festival House (Festspielhaus Bregenz). Tickets are available at the tourist information office and online, €34-67 (each presentation).
- Museums: Kunsthaus Bregenz, vorarlberg museum
- Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis, the exhibition house for the professional association of visual artists in Vorarlberg and the city of Bregenz. It is located a bit outside of Bregenz, thus it is great to visit on a stroll (not barrier-free).
- BeachBar directly at Lake Constance

Bregenz Forest
- Schubertiade, tickets: ☏ +43 5576 72091, fax: +43 5576 75450, info@schubertiade.at. A Schubertiade is a classical music festival dedicated to the Austrian composer Franz Schubert. The Schubertiade in Schwarzenberg is the most important Schubert festival worldwide nowadays.
- Wälderbähnle or Bregenzerwaldbahn (Bregenz Forest Railway), a 5 km museum railway which links Schwarzenberg to Bezau amidst picturesque alpine scenery.
- Architecture: typical Bregenzerwälder houses in the inner centre of Schwarzenberg
- Angelika Kauffmann Museum (Kauffmann was a classicist painter)
- Women's Museum in Hittisau, It is the only women's museum in Austria. Changing exhibitions are dedicated to women-specific topics from cultural, social, art or architectural history.
- Alpsennereimuseum in Hittisau (museum about alpine farming and cheese making)
- Juppenwerkstatt Riefensberg (a place where traditional Vorarlberger garb is still manufactured)
- Franz Michael Felder Museum (Felder was a social reformer, author and farmer)
Montafon valley
- Montafoner Resonanzen, info: Montafon Tourismus GmbH, Montafonerstraße 21, 6780 Schruns, ☏ +43 50 6686, info@montafon.at. It is a music festival in the Montafon region. It is a series of events held annually on weekends in August and September. Each weekend is dedicated to another genre (classical, jazz, Austrian folk musik, organ, cross-over). The locations vary each year. Guests may combine hiking and eating out with the concerts, considering the musical performances are held at extraordinary locations like the Tübinger Hütte at 2,191 m (Gaschurn) or the Panoramagasthof Kristberg.
The vast majority of shops and grocery stores are closed on Sunday. Exceptions are some shops in train stations, flea markets, and tourist oriented souvenir shops. If you plan to visit anything on Sunday, be sure to check if it will be open.
POTENTIALe Feldkirch, design fair and festival in Feldkirch, Schlossergasse 1, 6800 Feldkirch, ☏ +43 5522 9009, potentiale@feldkirch.at. Around 110 exhibitors present their products and ideas on an exhibition space of 3.373 m². In addition to a vintage market, there are workshops and discussion groups, a 'design laboratory', photography exhibitions, as well as the presentation of music and films.
In the Bregenzerwälder Käsehaus in Andelsbuch, Feldkirch and Sulzberg, up to 60 different types of hard, semi-hard, cream and soft cheese made from cow's, goat's or sheep's milk are offered. It is the central marketplace for the entire regional variety. Visiting one of the cheese shops is a great opportunity to get gifts and souvenirs for cheese enthusiasts back home.
Waelderspielzeug in Bezau is a very special toy store that only offers regional and sustainable toys. The assortment ranges from local wooden toys to organic cotton dolls. All products are made exclusively from natural materials.

Vorarlberg's cuisine has a strong Alemannic influence. Cheese and other dairy products play a major role in traditional Vorarlberg meals. The region has a long history of cheese manufacturing in the Alpine environment.
Regional cheese
- Bergkäse ("mountain cheese"): hard cheese produced in the low mountain range. Example: "Walserstolz" (Bergkäse from the Großwalsertal)
- Alpkäse ("mountain pasture cheese"): seasonal hard cheese from the high mountain range, made exclusively in summer when the cattle is fed with fresh grass (vs. Bergkäse which is produced year-round). Example: Vorarlberger Alpkäse
- Sura Kees ("sour cheese"): originally from the Montafon valley, soft low-fat cheese with a mild aroma reminiscent of cream cheese with salty undertone, it is usually served with vinegar, oil and onions, or alone on black bread or eaten with potatoes
Typical dishes from Vorarlberg
- Käsknöpfle or (Käse-)Spätzle: noodles of flour and eggs with cheese and onion, very heavy but delicious, served with golden-brown onion rings
- Riebel: is another typical dish in Vorarlberg, dish of corn and wheat semolina, served savoury or sweet
- Flädlesuppe: (broth with savoury pancake strips)
- Grumpara mit Käs: (peeled potato with cheese, optionally bacon)
The KäseStraße Vorarlberg is a 75-km culinary theme route through the Bregenz Forest. Along the route, tourists can visit cheese producers and show dairies, attend cheese tastings, buy cheese at local shops, visit a beekeeper's hut and explore other traditional and artisanal Vorarlberg crafts.
Vorarlberg has more than 40 restaurants that have been distinguished by Gault Millau. Therefore, visiting Vorarlberg can also be a culinary delight:
- Restaurant Hotel "Adler" in Au : Being part of the Bregenzerwälder Käsestraße (Bregenz Forest Cheese Route), the restaurant serves Bregenz Forest cheese specialities. À la carte menu between 18:00 and 21:00, closed on Tuesdays.
- Hotel und Gasthof "Hirschen" in Sibratsgfäll : The host family Dorner has been running the Gasthof Hotel der Hirschen in Sibratsgfäll for 5 generations.
- Hotel und Restaurant "Bibers" in Warth: The love child of alpine lifestyle and urban zeitgeist presents itself with a cosy, stylish ambience and interactive cuisine. The young team passionately creates new culinary innovations to match the season. Located at the valley station of the Warth cable car, it is suitable for après ski.

BeachBar in Bregenz, Seepromenade 2, ☏ +43 669 12 44 46 66. Every year, the BeachBar in Bregenz presents itself as a trendy summer meeting place. During the day, the cozy beach bar invites you to chill and relax. In the evening, it turns into an absolute party location. Sandy beach, sun loungers and refreshing cocktails give you that holiday feeling. DJs provide the right atmosphere, so that people like to move from the deckchairs to the dance floor. Lake Constance itself is only a few steps away.
List of Vorarlberg's best cocktail bars selected by Falstaff (2022)
- Licca Lounge im Aurelio in Lech: In the heart of the Hotel Aurelio, the elegant and cozy bar attracts guests from all over the world from 10:00 until late in the evening. You sit around the open fireplace, enjoy an aperitif of the best quality, a fine glass of wine (including rarities) or a cocktail - the selection is large. Courteous team.
- Bemelmans-Bar in Lech: Writer Ludwig Bemelmans, a regular guest until the 1950s, appreciated the charm of this bar – and the quality of the drinks. To this day, guests from all over the world come here for après-ski, aperitif time or for a glass of excellent (sparkling) wine or classic cocktails.
- Kreuz Bar in Bregenz: A drinks menu that celebrates diversity: In Christian Pfeiffer's bar you are spoiled for choice – it's a good thing that the trained team is happy to give good advice. The selection of whiskey, rum and brandies is large, the "all time favorite cocktails" are mixed with know-how. Plus: Lounge guest garden.
- Bunt in Feldkirch, Marktgasse 1 (south end of Marktgasse, in the courtyard), ☏ +43 5522 83983, info@bunt-bar.at. M-Th 16:00-02:00, F Sa 09:00-04:00, friendly bar in the heart of Feldkirch. "Bunt" means "colourful". The focus of the extensive menu is on cocktails, which are regularly supplemented with creative signatures. Drinks like "Giselle loves Anjola" can be enjoyed on the vaulted ground floor, on the first floor or in the outdoor dining area.
- Cuba in Bregenz: A place for pleasure seekers since the year 2000. A café during the day and a cocktail bar in the evening, where drinks such as the "CubaTa" with seven-year-old rum, cola and lime or the equally good non-alcoholic cocktails are served at the bar or on the open balustrade on the first floor.
- Vernissage - Die Bar im Dorf in Egg: Meeting point for all ages: All age groups feel at home in the charming bar in Egg. This is due to the uncapricious, relaxed atmosphere and the good drinks. Signatures such as "Pink Russian" with vodka and guava or "French Kiss" with Beefeater Gin, Blue Curaçao, lemon and Prosecco.
Après-ski – by ski resort

After a long day of exploring pistes, some enthusiastic skiers like to party at Après-ski huts. Après ski comes in many different forms: You'll find anything from table dancing to sophisticated wine and charcuterie on cobblestone streets. The parties at the huts usually get going when the lifts stop operating in the afternoon. There is no dress code. Dancing in your ski boots is part of the Après-ski experience.
A Schirmbar is a type of bar that is erected under an enormous umbrella. These bars are usually round, have large see-through windows and are heated. Most Schirmbars have an attached outdoor area with tables, seatings and deck chairs.
While some Après-ski spots are located in the valley, others are located at a higher altitude. If you're looking to finish your day at a ski hut on the piste, be careful because you will have to descend into the valley, possibly without lighting.
Ski Arlberg (St. Anton/St. Christoph/Stuben/Lech/Zürs/Warth/Schröcken)
The most popular après-ski parties are held in St. Anton on the Tyrolean side of the Arlberg. Numerous rustic huts invite you to celebrate throughout the ski area. If you also want to hit the slopes at night, there are numerous pubs, bars and discotheques in the valley where you can party until the early hours. Visiting the other side of the Arlberg will pay off if you are a party animal but make sure to make plans how to get back to your accommodation in advance.
You have to pack a little more change if you want to celebrate with the well-heeled crowd in Lech. The parties here are not quite as loud as in St. Anton, but are much more stylish. The two most popular places to go for champagne after the last ski descent are the bar of the 4-star hotel "Tannbergerhof" and the Krone bar of the 5-star hotel "Die Krone von Lech". There is a great party mood here even long after the lifts have closed.
Those who prefer a dignified stop will find the right places in Zürs, Warth and Schröcken. The offer ranges from gourmet restaurants to rustic taverns. If you search a little or ask locally, you will also find one or the other bar in the quiet places on the Arlberg, where you can end a successful day of skiing comfortably.
- Mooser Wirt (on the valley run to St. Anton in Tyrol): For many, the Mooser Wirt is a legendary top spot for après-ski in the Ski Arlberg ski region. Regularly great atmosphere and usually packed inside and out. Note: The Mooser Wirt is located on the Tyrolean side of the Arlberg.
- Krazy Kanguruh (on the valley run to St. Anton in Tyrol): A classic. Note: Located on the Tyrolean side of the Arlberg.
- Steffisalp Schirmbar (at the Steffisalp-Express valley station in Warth): In Warth, you can stop off at the Schirmbar of the Hotel Steffisalp and have fun after skiing.
- S1 Salober Schirmbar (at the Salober valley station on the Hochtannberg pass in Schröcken at 1660 m): Après-ski events with live music take place regularly in the S1 Ski Lounge.
- Après-ski bar of the Romantik Hotel Krone (at the valley station of the Schlegelkopf lifts in Lech): The après-ski bar spoils with oysters and champagne. Après-ski is offered here in an exclusive setting. The K.Club also belongs to the Hotel Krone. At a later hour, the nightlife awakens here.
- Heike's Schirmbar (at the Walisgaden double chairlift): In the middle of the ski area, you can already switch to après-ski in the early afternoon. But be careful, because you still have to descend into the valley.
- Ur monti (at the valley station of the Hochjochbahn in Schruns): At the end of the HochjochTotale, you can switch to après-ski in the Ur monti. There is always a good atmosphere here.
- Sonnenbar Kapellrestaurant (at the mountain station of the Hochjoch and Zamangbahn) The umbrella bar with a good atmosphere before you go down to Schruns by ski or train. You can also enjoy a wonderful view over the Montafon.
- Limo (at the Valiserabahn/Grasjochbahn valley station in St. Gallenkirch): It is a classic, also with the Montafon youth of today and in the past. Après-ski until well after midnight with own bowling lanes.
- Alte Talstation (near the valley station in Gaschurn on the valley run): In the Alte Talstation, you can end the day with good music at the bar or on the roof terrace. The name ("old valley station") has historical significance. In the middle of the last century, the first chairs of the former gondola Versettla Bahn drove in and out here.
- Gamsjöchli (at the valley station in Gaschurn): The Gamsjöchli is a cult and original après-ski bar.
- Brunellawirt (on Garfrescha mountain at an altitude of 1500 m): Après-ski is longer on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at the Brunellawirt. Then you can sled down the illuminated toboggan run into the valley.
- Edelweiss Alm (at the end of the 20e valley run just before the Valisera valley station): The Edelweiss Alm is a popular après-ski location with good music.
Stay safe
Vorarlberg's crime rates are significantly lower than in most Western countries. Street crime is rare, even late at night. Women traveling alone should have no problems.
Tap water is of exceptional quality and safe to drink. The drinking age for beer, wine and cider is 16 while the age for any other alcohol is 18. The public consumption of alcohol in Vorarlberg is legal, so do not be alarmed if you see a group of teenagers drinking a six-pack on public property; this is by no means out of the ordinary and should not be interpreted as threatening.
In mountain areas, be sure to inquire about weather conditions at the tourist information office or local alpine huts as you head out in the morning. They should be well informed about severe weather conditions and will advise you about possible avalanche areas.
Go next
It is possible to travel along the lakeshore by railway to both Switzerland and Germany.
- Liechtenstein — the fourth smallest country in Europe. Bus and train service is available daily from Bregenz to the capital city of Vaduz. The trip is about 1.5 hours.
- Mainau Island — in Germany, "The Flower Island" is known for its warm climate and beautiful botanical gardens.