Ternopil (Ukrainian: Тернопіль) is a city the Ukrainian part of East Galicia.
Get in
By plane
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Note: Due to the state of war, Ukraine's airspace has been closed to civil aviation. |
(Information last updated 19 Sep 2023) |
By bus
- 🌍 Intercity Bus Station (Міжміський автобусний вокзал), Vulytsya (вул. Живова), 7 (Center), ☏ +380 352 235415.
- 🌍 Bus Station for suburb lines (Приміський автобусний вокзал), Vulytsya (вул. Білогірська), 2 (SW 500 m), ☏ +380 352 2527929.
By train
- 🌍 Railway Station (Залізничний вокзал "Тернопіль-пасажирський"), Maidan Pryvokzalnyi (Майдан Привокзальний), 14? (Center), ☏ +380 352 472246.
Get around
By public transport
Ternopil has a convenient public transport system:
- 35 bus routes
- 9 trolleybus routes
Single ride tickets in buses cost 8-10 грн, in trolleybuses — 10 грн.
Schedules are available on the official website (in Ukrainian) and on the map (in Ukrainian).
You can also check information about public transport on EasyWay and Google Maps.
By taxi
Taxi is the easiest way of getting around the city. Some popular taxi companies include:

Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church, Ternopil Lake Promenade
- St. Yosaphat's church (Церква Святого Йосафата), Vulytsya Luchakivs'koho, 5A, ☏ +380 352 435679. The temple was built and consecrated in honor of St. Josaphat Kuntsevicha, who born in 1580 in Meshchanskaya family in City Lutsk.
- Church of St.Volodymyr and St.Olga (Церква святих Володимира та Ольги), Vulytsya Orlyka P. Hetmana, 1, ☏ +380 352 534503.
- Church of the Exaltation of the Cross (Церква Воздвиження Чесного Хреста, Надставинська Здвиженська церква), Vulytsya Nad Stavom, 16, ☏ +380 352 253916. Built in the Renaissance style. The first information about this church is found in literacy Prince Ostrozky of 1570. Front tower that was once at the same time and bell tower, completed in 1627.
- Temple of God's mercy and Incessant Help of God's Mother (Our Lady of Perpetual Help church, Храм Божого милосердя і Божої Матері Неустанної Помочі), Prospekt Bandery Stepana, 57 (corner street Konovalets and Ave. Bandera), ☏ +380 352 245765. Roman Catholic Church, of which height was to be planned 42 m to the base of the cross. However, the construction made the adjustments - the church was higher by about 2 m.
- Cathedral of St. Martyrs of Faith, Hope, Love and Their mother Sofiya (Церква святих мучениць Віри, Надіїї, Любові та їх матері Софії), Konovaltsia YE. blvd., 2, ☏ +380 352 245057. Former Polish brickyard. By laying the foundation for the house builders have repeatedly found fragments of ancient bricks and even come across an underground channels for the exhaust.
- Church of the Incessant Help of God's Mother (ва Матері Божої Неустанної Помочі), Prospekt Bandery Stepana, 92A, ☏ +380 352 248263.
- Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. built in 2000. Ukraine has only one copy of the miraculous icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, which was attached to the original.
- Saint Trinity Religious Centre in honour to Danylo Halytsky (Свято-троїцький духовний центр на честь Данила Галицького), Prospekt Zluky, 49, ☏ +380 352 283983, +380 352 265796.
- Parish of the Sainted Spirit (Парафія Святого Духа), Vulytsya Tarnavskoho M. Henerala, ☏ +380 352 510866. A new temple.
- St. Michael's temple (Храм святого архистратига Михаїла), Vulytsya 15 Kvitnia, 1, ☏ +380 352 261594. founded in 1997. Fests October 14 at the feast of the Protection of the Virgin Mary.
- First Church of Christians Faiths Evangelical (Перша Церква Християн Віри Євангельської), Vulytsya Kvitova, 19, ☏ +380 352 252745. 1920s?
- Church of Sv. Mykolaia (Церква Св. Миколая) (Bila, Vulytsya Plotytska). The greco-catholic temple without regard to the age (1815) looks it is well-groomed and neatly.
- Grave of Amvrosiia Krushelnytskogo (Могила Амвросія Крушельницького), Bila, Vulytsya Urozhaina (Cemetery). Monument on a rural cemetery shows by itself the figure of woman with a lyre and theatrical mask in a hand. Monument in 1903 years Solomyieiu Krushelnytskoiu is brought from Italy and next year set on the grave of its father.
- Dominican Church (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Доминиканский костел), Vulytsya Sahaidachnoho Het'mana, 14. in late European Baroque style. The impressive (former) Roman Catholic church with two graceful towers built in 1749-79. - In 1992, the building was renovated and handed over to the community of Greek Catholics. The interiors are not preserved. In the square opposite the Dominican church is a monument to Prince Daniil Galitsky.
- Church of Zarvanytskoi Divine Mother (Церква Зарваницької Божої Матері) (Old park). This is the first wooden church from the time still existed in Ternopil wooden church in the years 1600-1601. The construction used Carpathian fir-trees. Works completed masters from villages gutsulskogo Mykulychyn, including Stephen Ivankov.
- Church of St. Peter the Apostle (Церква святого Апостола Петра).
- Memorial museum of Krushelnytskoi Salomii, Bila, Vulytsya Krushelnytskoi, 7, ☏ +380 352 299136.
- Old Windmill, museum (Staryy mlyn,Музей-їдальня "Старий млин), Vulytsya Brodivs'ka, 2, ☏ +380 352 235823, +380 352 254522. Ethnographic exhibit, reflecting the culture of our people, talks about life, customs Ukrainian. Mills collection include old photographs of Ternopil, various gas lamps, clay and ceramic pots, candlesticks, abacus, refineries, tubs, scales, cords, lamps, spindles, paintings, bags, even Ukrainian costumes on the walls. The Old Mill is 4 floors, and each decorated in its unique style.
- Ternopil regional art museum (Тернопільський обласний художній музей), Vulytsya Krushelnytskoi, 1, ☏ +380 352 528072, +380 352 254840.
- Monument to the Hero-sailor (Пам'ятник Герою-матросу), Vulytsya Biletska, 52 (external court of hotel Chaika). On the embankment of the pond near the church Nadstavnoyi long time was a monument to the Hero-Sailor. The fact is interesting because the sailors in the city never vodylos. Monument sailor had already set in the 60s, though he represented the defense of the city, Ternopil lake. The monument was also a symbol of the city "port", which pulled even in 70 years. Sine 1990 the monument nameed the "Seagull."
- Ternopil regional council (Тернопільська обласна рада), ☏ +380 352 431116.
- Ternopilskiy district court (Тернопільський міськрайонний суд), Kotliarevskoho, 34, ☏ +380 352 523160.
- Former Queen Jadviga School (Школа ім. Королеви Ядвіги), Kaminna str., 2.
- Monument to T.H.Shevchenko (Пам’ятник Т.Г.Шевченку), Square (near drama theatre). The monument is a bronze figure of Taras Shevchenko, who sits installed on two-stage granite pedestal gray. In 1982, was inaugurated this new monument.
- Castle remains (Тернопільський замок), Vulytsya Zamkova, 12. Founded in 1540. This fortification was cut way rider on broad expanses of Terebovlia to Busk. In the 1830s its was rectangular in shape. On the part of the castle was protected by a deep ditch and fortified rampart and oak palisade. From west of its an artificial pond created in the year 1548. Nowadays, only its palace survived.
- Monument to Danylo Halytskyy (Пам’ятник Данилу Галицькому). Daniel belonged to the famous of the great dynasty Rurik dynasty. Danilov Roman Mstyslavych succeeded his father in 1199 to unite Volyn and Galician lands. Most serious foreign policy challenge of Prince Danilo were the Mongol-Tatars.
Further afield
- 🌍 Berezhany castle + church (Бережани замок + костел-усипальниця) (By train or bus). Built in 1534-1554. Also here SS.Peter and Paul (Nativity of Virgin Mary) church (фарний Петропавлівський (Різдва Діви Марії) костел), 1600-1620, 1679-1685.
- Budaniv castle (замок Буданів) (near Terebovlia). Built in beg.17th century, rebuilt in 1765.
- Borschiv People's house (Russian house) (народний будинок, Руський дім). Assembly Hall
- Chortkiv four hundred years old St.Stanislaus church (костел св.Станіслава). And monks cells (келії), 1603, 1910.
- Gusyatyn, Bernardines monastery (бернардинський монастир). Built in 1610.
- Koropets, Kasimir Badeni's palace (палац Казимира Бадені) (near Monastyryska). palace and landscape park, 1906
- Kryvche, Crystal cave and castle ruins (печера "Кришталева" и замок Кривче) (near Borschiv). Built in 1639
- 🌍 Kremenets castle ruins (замок Кременець) (N 75 km). 1290s-16th century, more Nearly three hundreds years old complex of college (Ансамбль колегіуму), 1731-1743
- Kudryntsi, Herburts' castle ruins (замок Гербуртів). Built in 1615
- Mykulyntsi. Sights: Trinity church + bell tower (Троїцький костел + дзвіниця), 1761-1779; Mykulyntsi castle (замок Микулинці), 1570-18th century.
- Nyrkiv (Near Zalischyky). Poninskis' castle (замок Понінських), 17th century, 1820; Near to village are: Canyon-crater (каньйон-кратер); Dzhuryn waterfall (Джуринський водоспад).
- Pidgaitsi. Sights: Assumption church + bell tower (Успенська церква + дзвіниця), early 17th century, 1650-1653; Jewish necropolis (єврейський некрополь), 15-20th century.
- 🌍 Pochaiv Lavra (Почаївська лавра) (near Kremenets). Cave Monastery complex,- second most famous after Kyiv Lavra,- 16-19th century .
- Rusyliv waterfalls (Русилівські водоспади) (near Buchach).
- Skalat castle (замок Скалат). 1630.
- Skala-Podilska castle ruins (замок Скала-Подільська) (near Borschiv). Built in 1518-mid-18th century.
- Sydoriv castle (замок Сидорів). Built in 1640s, 1st half of 18th century.
- Yazlivets palace & landscape park (палац + парк) (near Buchach). Built in 17-18th century. More sight: Yazlivets castle (замок Язловець), near Buchach, 14-18th century.
- Turylche (near Borschiv). A nice Church & chapel (костел + каплиця), 1871.
- 🌍 Bernardines monastery of Zbarazh (бернардинський монастир) (NW 15 km). Built in 1627-1637; Zbarazh castle (замок Збараж), 1626-1631.
- Zboriv. Transfiguration of God church (церква Преображення Господнього), 1794-1798.
- Zbruchanske (near Borschiv). Translation of the Relics of St.Nicolas church (церква Перенесення мощей св.Миколая), 1296-1310, 1611.
- Zolotyi Potik castle (замок Золотий Потік) (near Buchach). beg. 17th century.

Regional academic drama theatre
- Berezil Exhibition center, Concert hall (Палац культури імені Леся Курбаса Березіль), Vulytsya Myru, 6, ☏ +380 352 533117, +380 352 532996.
- Vatra (Спорткомплекс Ватра), Vulytsya Mykulynetska, 46, ☏ +380 352 278647. S5km, Swimming pool
- Undina Swimming pool (Оздоровчий водолікувальний комплекс Ундіна), Vulytsya Volyns'ka, 40, ☏ +380 352 535112.
- Recreational complex Swimming pool (Фізкультурно-оздоровчий комплекс), Petliury S. blvd., 8, ☏ +380 93 8843704, +380 352 269366.
- Ternopil Oblast Universal Scientific Library (Тернопільська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека), Shevchenka Tarasa blvd., 15, ☏ +380 352 525264.
- Philharmonic Hall (Філармонія).
- Regional academic drama theatre of the name of T.G.Shevchenko (Обласний академічний драматичний театр ім. Т.Г.Шевченка), Shevchenka Tarasa blvd., 6, ☏ +380 352 522071.
- Zagrebellia Dendropark (Парк Загребелля), Vulytsya Lviv y Berezhanskaya. Created in 1994 in order to preserve the natural state of some typical natural complexes and objects, providing the conditions for the rest of the population. The park include couple small forests of 'Science', 'Kutkivtsi', 'Pronyatyn', a nursery "Green economy" and rowing channel beach. The park 630 ha.
- Park of the National revival,the Singing Field (Парк Національного відродження). Area 49 ha, founded in 1978. In 1986, built first in Ukraine Song Festival Grounds. Scene designed by 1200 artists. In the amphitheater hosted 5000 visitors. Here held song festivals, holidays, activities for the City Day. Park has about 60 species of trees
- Ternopilskyi pond (Тернопільський став). Tourist boat, east shore
- Old Park (Старий Парк) (Vulytsya Romana Shukhevycha, Veseloiu, Clinichnoiu). Area 7 hectares, founded in 1860 during the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Today he is a quiet holiday area.
- Park Topilche
- Park Shevchenka
- Soltoii Dukat, Tarasa Shevchenka Blvd.. There is a nice place with a good green tea and tasty cakes in the city center. It also has wi-fi. -Be careful, it is downstairs in a cellar.
- Dykanka Resting house (Ресторанно-гостиничный комплекс Диканька), ☏ +380 352 421414. 67 3506752 352 421212,
- Koza Bar. It is an hip students-bar. Free Wi-Fi of course
- Hotel Galychyna,
- Hotel Aligator
- Avalon Palace, 2 Stepana Bandery Avenue, ☏ +380 973243333, hotel@avalon.te.ua. From 1,260 грн.
- Ternopil Hotel (Готель «Тернопіль»), 14 Zamkova Street, ☏ +380 673535063, +380 352433790, reservationternopil@gmail.com. From 990 грн.
- Vatra Hotel (Готель «Ватра»), 25A Mykulynetska Street. From 600 грн.
- Kamelot Hotel (Готель «Камелот»), 6 Obizna Street, ☏ +380352514747, +380 673545686, +380 509246996, office@hotel-kamelot.te.ua. From 850 грн.
- Post-office #23 (Відділення зв'язку), ☏ +380 352 268158.
- Post office #9 (Відділення зв'язку N9), Vulytsya Mazepy Hetmana,, ☏ +380 352 538963.
- Post-office #27 (Відділення зв'язку N27), Vulytsya Luchakivskoho, 10, ☏ +380 352 537908.
- Post office #20 (Відділення зв'язку N20), Konoval'tsia YE., 8, ☏ +380 352 265201.
- Post-office #24 (Відділення зв'язку N24), Prospekt Zluky, 45, ☏ +380 352 265690.
Go next
- Buchach - Lot of to see here, some for tasting Town hall (ратуша), 1750; Assumption of the Virgin Mary church (костел Успіння Діви Марії), 1761-1763; Buchach castle (замок), 16-17th century, Basilians monastery (Василіанський монастир), 1753-1770.
- Terebovlia
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