- For other places with the same name, see Samara (disambiguation).

Samara (Russian: Сама́ра suh-MAH-ruh), the sixth largest city in Russia and capital of an eponymous region, lies on the Volga River in European Russia. It is a major economic, industrial and cultural centre and has a population of over 1,164,000.
Samara was founded in 1586 with the construction of a Russian fortress on the Volga. However, settlement there had been mentioned since at least the 14th century. During World War II, Samara, then named Kuibyshev, was the second capital of USSR. The city's growth was stimulated during the war due to its proximity to Moscow but distance from the war zone; several government offices were evacuated to Kuibyshev when Moscow was under threat. The post-war development of the Volga-Urals oilfield also helped. Kuibyshev reverted to being Samara in 1991.
Samara | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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As a cultural centre, Samara has attracted several famous creative Russians. The likes of writers Tolstoy and Gorky, painters Ilya Repin, Vasily Surikov and Ivan Aivazovsky, and revolutionaries Michael Frunze and Vladimir Lenin have all lived in the city. Even Alexandre Dumas visited in 1858, he describes his whole journey, including his impressions of Samara, in From Paris to Astrakhan.
Get in
By plane
- 🌍 Kurumoch International Airport (KUF IATA, Международный аэропорт «Курумоч») (by taxi; bus 78 to Barboshinoy (Барбошиной поляны); marshrutka: 392 and 406.). Flights from Dubai, Frankfurt and Prague. Domestic, there are up to ten departures daily from Moscow as well as direct flights from Saint Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Rostov-on-Don and Vladivostok.
By bus
- 🌍 Bus Station (Центральный автовокзал), Ulitsy Avrory (улицa Авроры) 207 (Ulitsy Avrory and Moskovskogo shosse corner (улицы Авроры и Московского шоссе.)), ☏ +7 846 224-1515, +7 846 224-2554, avias@avokzal63.ru. A cheaper alternative is to travel by overnight buses which are available from nearby cities such Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and Moscow. Bus to Yerevan (Ереван)
By train

Almost all trains connecting with Siberia and Russian Far East calls here. There are at least five departures every day from Moscow, including the Zhiguli deluxe train. Journey times varies between 13-20 hours depending on which train. There are daily trains from Saint Petersburg, with the fastest service that runs every second day taking just 18 hours. Overnight trains arrives from Yekaterinburg too.
- 🌍 Samara railway station (Самара-Пассажирская), Komsomolskaya Square (Комсомольской площадь) (Intersection of Ulitsa L'va Tolstogo and Ulitsa Sportivnoy).
By boat
- 🌍 Port of Samara (Речном вокзал), Ul.Maksima Gor'kogo (ул.Максима Горького), 82 (In the Downtown).
By car
If traveling by own car, Samara is along the M5 Highway, also known as Ural Highway. Distance from Moscow is just over 1000 km.
Get around
By metro
The Samara Metro is a convenient way of zipping across the city. However, it remains underdeveloped and comprises one line that runs east to west. A trip costs 23 руб or 21 руб if you use a transport e-card.

- 🌍 Alabinskaya (Алабинская). Opened in 2015.
- 🌍 Rossiyskaya (Российская). 06:00-24:00. Opened in 2007.
- 🌍 Moskovskaya (Московская). Opened in 2002.
- 🌍 Gagarinskaya (Гагаринская). Opened in 1993.
- 🌍 Sportivnaya (Спортивная). Opened in 1993.
- 🌍 Sovetskaya (Советская). Opened 1992.
- 🌍 Pobeda (Победа). Opened in 1987.
- 🌍 Bezymyanka (Безымянка) (Sport Palace). Opened in 1987.
- 🌍 Kirovskaya (Кировская) (Kirovsky Market). Opened in 1987.
- 🌍 Yungorodok (Юнгородок). The only above-ground station. Opened in 1987.
- The beach by Volga in the city center.
- Visit the space museum.
- Visit the shopping street Leningradskaya.
Old Samara

- 🌍 Leningradskaya ulitsa (Ленинградская улица). Pedestrian Street in the Old Town.
- 🌍 Church of St. George (Лютеранская кирха), Ul. Kuybysheva (ул. Куйбышева), 115—117.
- 🌍 Wooden house (Fakhverkovyy dom, Фахверковый дом), Ul. Frunze (ул. Фрунзе), 75А, from yard.
- 🌍 Klodt Manor (Children's Art Gallery. Особняк Клодта), Ul. Kuybysheva (ул. Куйбышева), 139. It was built in 1898 by architect Shcherbachov for merchant Ivan Klodta.
- 🌍 Revolution Square (Ploshchad' Revolyutsii, Площадь Революции) (Intersection of Ulitsa Ventseka and Kuybysheva). In the center stands a statue of Lenin.
- 🌍 Pokrov Cathedral (Pokrovskiy sobor, Покровский собор), Ul. Leninskaya (ул. Ленинская), 75А (Ul. Nekrasovskoy corner). Orthodox church. Built in 1857-1861. Architecture the style: the Moscow church architecture of the 17th century.
- 🌍 Synagogue (Синагога), Ul. Sadovaya (ул. Садовая), 49. Under reconstruction.. Beautiful building. Choral Synagogue. Built in the Moorish style, in 1908 by architect Kleinerman
- 🌍 Philharmonic Hall (Filarmoniya, Самарской Филармония), Ulitsa Frunze (ул. Фрунзе), 141 (at the intersection of Street Leo Tolstoy and Street Frunze.). This building was built in the 1980s on the site of the former "Circus Olympus". There are interesting concerts.
- 🌍 Shveik, the Good Soldier (Bravyy soldat Shveyk, Бравый солдат Швейк), Ulitsa Nekrasovskoy and Ulitsa Kuibysheva cnr (улиц Некрасовской и Куйбышева). Bronze sculpture. Shveik sitting on a barrel of gunpowder and smoking a pipe, a small bronze dog sits beside him.
- 🌍 Stalin's Bunker (Бункер Сталина), Ulitsa Frunze (ул. Фрунзе), 167 (Next to Chapaev Monument and Samara Drama Theatre). A bunker in which Stalin had never been, for some reason is very popular among tourists. Book a tour in advance.
- 🌍 Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Храм Пресвятого Сердца Иисуса), Ulitsa Frunze (ул. Фрунзе), 157. Roman Catholic Church. Beautiful building. One of the most photographed building in the city of Samara.
- 🌍 Samara Drama Theatre (Самарский драмтеатр), Ploschad (Square) Chapaeva (площадь Чапаева), 1. The Drama Theatre built in the style of "Russian Baroque" - one of the most beautiful buildings in the old Samara. Sightseeing point behind the theatre.
- Chapaev Monument (памятник Чапаеву), Chapaeva square (пл. Чапаева), (Samara Drama Theatre). Behind the theater is a small Pushkin's Garden with a monument in honor of the great Russian poet. A good observation point to the Volga River.
- 🌍 Former Consulates of Australia, 110 Kuybisheva street (улица Куйбышева). This building was the Australian consulate during the II World War
- 🌍 Former Embassy of the United Kingdom, 151 Kuybisheva st (улица Куйбышева). This building was the UK embassy during the II World War
- 🌍 Former Embassy of Japan, Chapayevskaya (Чапаевская), 80 (tram 1, 5, 15, 16, 18, 20 to 'Чапаевская улица'). Now Municipal Children's Music School
Volga Embankment

- 🌍 Zhigulevsky Brewery (Zhigulovskiy pivovarennyy zavod, Жигулёвский пивоваренный завод), Prospekt Volzhskiy (Волжский пр.) 4.
- 🌍 Samara radiator monument (Памятник отопительной батарее, Самарская ГРЭС), Prospekt Volzhskiy (Волжский пр.) 8. On the wall of the thermal power plant (Самарская ГРЭС) is this bronze composition made by sculptor Nicholas Kukleva. It depicts a cat that baskes on the windowsill above the radiator.
- 🌍 Iverskiy nunnery (Иверский женский монастырь), Prospekt Volzhskiy (Волжский пр.) (opposite Zhigulevsky brewery). Orthodox convent.
- 🌍 Monument of Governor Zasekin (Памятник воеводе Засекину). Equestrian statue of the first governors of the Samara.
Oktyabrsky district
- 🌍 Square of Fame (Ploshchad' Slavy, Площадь Славы). Here is a tall 'Monument Aerospace Workers' (памятник рабочим авиакосмической промышленности). Also on the square is an eternal flame. It is memorial of those who were killed in the war. - There is a large building, the Administration of the Samara region. The Square offers 'magnificent view' on the embankment of the Volga,
- Victory Garden (Сквер Победы) (Next to Square of Fame). There are fountains.
- Samarskaya Square (Samarskaya ploshchad, Самарская площадь) (next to Square of Fame and Victory Garden). lots of trees, bust of Marshal Ustinov.
- 🌍 Dacha Golovkin (House with elephants, Дача Головкина, Дом со слонами), Ulitsa Sovetskoy Armii (улица Советской Армии), 292. Built in the early 20th century, in style of Viennese Secession. Built to a the merchant and artist, Konstantin Golovkin. The elephants' sculptures can be seen from the side of the Volga.
- 🌍 Elephant and friends («У слона»), Ul. Avrory and Moskovskogo shosse (ул. Авроры и Московского шоссе) (напротив Центрального автовокзала и Ботанического сада). Sculptural composition: small bronze figures: Elephant, Telephone, Crocodile, Monkey, Gazelle - by the famous poem Chukovskiy characters.
- Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church, 157 Frunze St. (Bus: 34 to stop 'ул. Фрунзе/ул. Красноармейская'; 37, 46, 47 to stop 'Филармония'; 61 to stop 'Струковский парк', Tram: 3, 15, 16, 20 to stop ' ул. Фрунзе/ул. Красноармейская', Marshrutka: 34, 207, 226, 240 to stop 'ул. Фрунзе/ул. Красноармейская'; 37, 46, 47, 259, 295 to stop 'Филармония', 61, 230, 232, 257, 297 to stop 'Струковский парк/ул. Фрунзе'). Tu-Su 09:00-13:00 and 15:00-18:30.
Promyshlennyy rayon (Industrial district)

- 🌍 Monument to the aircraft IL-2 (Памятник самолёту-штурмовику ИЛ-2), Intersection Prospekt Kirova and Shosse Moskovskovo (перекрёсток пр. Кирова и Московского шоссе) (At the entrance to Samara on M5 Hwy. There is a traffic circle with no pedestrian crossings to the very monument, so approach it is not easy, but easy to drive.).
- 🌍 Great Mosque (Sobornaya mechet, Соборная мечеть), Ul. Stara-Zagora (ул. Стара-Загора), 54 (Near to the Park Gagarin.).
Krasnoglinskiy rayon
- 🌍 Viewpoint 'Helipad' (Vertolyotnaya ploshchadka, Вертолётная площадка) (Krasnoglinsky rayon,Upravlencheskiy quarter (в посёлке Управленческий). From the train station take bus №50 further circa one km walk). Observation platform on the high bank of the Volga, from where, on a clear day, offers a great view of the Samara Bend and the coastline of the city of Samara.
- 🌍 Krasnaya Glinka Ski complex (Горнолыжный комплекс Красная Глинка), 3rd quarter, 37, (3-й квартал, 37, стр. 1, пос. Красная Глинка)) (north about 12 km, from River Port take marshrutka 232. From Krasnoarmeyskya street /от ул. Красноармейской/, near the train station, take bus 50 to stop «Звезда»; from «Барбошина поляна» take bus 50, 78, 79), ☏ +7 846 973-96-95. A small hill. Great place for the beginner skiers and snowboarders. Season from December to early March.

- 🌍 Military History Museum (Военно-исторический музей), Ul. Shostakovicha, (ул. Шостаковича), 1, ☏ +7 846 332-09-70.
- 🌍 Children's Art Gallery (Детская картинная галерея), Ul. Kuibysheva (ул. Куйбышева), 139 (Tram 3, 15, 16, 18, 20 to stop 'Филармония/ Улица Льва Толстого'), ☏ +7 846 332-43-98.
- 🌍 Frunze House-Museum (Дом-музей М. В. Фрунзе), Ulitsa Frunze (улица Фрунзе), 114 (Tram 3, 15, 16, 18, 20 to stop 'Филармония/ Улица Льва Толстого'). W Sa 10:00-18:00.
- House-Museum of Ulyanov family (Дом-музей семьи Ульяновых), Leninskaya (ул. Ленинская), 131-135. 10-17.
- 🌍 Regional Museum (Краеведческий музей им. Петра Ала́бина), Leninskaya (ул. Ленинская), 142. 10-18.
- 🌍 Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy's museum (Литературно-мемориальный музей А. М. Горького, Музей-усадьба Алексея Николаевича Толстого), Frunze (ул. Фрунзе), 155. Tu W F-Su 10:00-18:00, Th 12:00-20:00.
- 🌍 Museum-House of Alexandra Kurlina (Особняк Александры Курлино́й), ( Красноармейская улица/ улица Фрунзе,) 159.
- 🌍 Museum of the History of the Kuibyshev Railroad (Музей истории Куйбышевской железной дороги), Komsomolskaya Square ( Комсомольская пл. ул. Литвинова, 323?) (near the train station), ☏ +7 846 303-46-55.
- 🌍 Raketa Soyuz and Space Museum (Ракета «Союз» и музей «Самара космическая»), Prosp. Lenina (пр. Ленина), 21 (metro Rossiyskaya «Российская»). Tu-F 10:00-18:00, Sa till 17:00. A real rocket is set on Lenin Avenue. The museum exhibits satellites Photos, spacesuits of astronaut.
- 🌍 Air and Space Museum (Музей авиации и космонавтики), Moskovskoye shosse (Московское шоссе), 34, corp. № 3, Samara Aerospace University. M-F 09:00-17:00.
- 🌍 Samara Art Museum (Художественный музей), Kuybisheva (ул. Куйбышева), 92. Daily 10:00-18:00 except Tu Th 13:00-21:00. Great collection of paintings. On the third floor oriental collection

Night life in Samara is quite joyful. The main dance clubs are: Beerja (Stock Exchange), KINUP, Zvezda (Star), Aura (The Aura), Postel (The Bed), Long Bar. There are many restaurants and bars in Samara. The pricing for clubbing are the same or even higher than in Europe and Americas, though not so high as in Moscow.
- Study Russian at SSU, 1, Ak.Pavlova 209 m/m, 443011 Samara, Russia, ☏ +7 846 2780908. Study Russian while experiencing real Russian culture and traditions. Programmes for individual students and groups meeting particular needs. Certification of Russian as a Foreign Language at different levels.
- 🌍 Sport Palace (Дворец спорта Авиакор, Дворец легкой атлетики), Ulitsa Fizkul'turnaya (улица Физкультурная), 101.
- Park Imeni Yuriya Gagarina (Парк имени Юрия Гагарина), ul. Sovetskoy Armii, 181В, Samara, Samarskaya oblast', Russia, 443090. Ride ferris wheel, ice skate, watch ducks, etc.
- Watch football at Cosmos (aka Solidarnost) Arena, built in 2018 to host group games of the FIFA World Cup. It's home to FC Krylia Sovetov Samara, who play soccer in the Russian Premier League, the country's top tier, having won promotion in 2021. The stadium looks like a flying saucer; its capacity is just under 45,000. It's sited on the hills 10 km north of city centre, take tram 5 to Stadium stop. The club formerly played at Metallurg Stadium a little further south: its future main use has not been announced.
- 🌍 Farfor (Доставка еды Farfor), st. Young Pioneers, d.166, bldg. A, ☏ +7-909-323-1111. 12:00-00:00. Pizza, rolls, sushi, assorted sets, Japanese soups, salads, desserts, main dishes and drinks. ~500 руб per person.
- 🌍 Cafe Puri, Ulitsa Kuybysheva, 83, ☏ +7 846 989-33-32. Real Georgian food and wine. Note that only a few of the waiters are fluent in English.
Drink original Zhigulyovskoye beer in Na dne bar or in posh U Vakano restaurant (both in Volzhskiy prospekt, 4, near the old brewery).
- Renaissance Samara Hotel, Novo-Sadovaya St. 162, ☏ +7 846 277 8340. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 12:00. Smart business hotel. Bbroadband internet. 24-hour business center, gym, indoor pool, massage, bowling alley and billiards. Nearby is a beautiful park. 10 km from the hotel to the city center.
- Ibis Samara Hotel, Novo-Sadovaya St. 160 D, ☏ +7 846 3396850, fax: +7 (846) 3396851, h6906@accor.com. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. 204 rooms. Air-conditioning. Safe deposit box in room. Parking. Wi-Fi. Restaurant, 24/7 bar. 3 conference rooms for seminars and conferences. Nearby is a beautiful park. 10 km from the hotel to the city center. $70-110.
- Holiday Inn Hotel, Alekseya Tolstogo St. 99, ☏ +7 846 372-70-00. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. Smart business hotel in the historical and cultural center of the city, within 5 minutes walk from the Volga river embankment. Parking. Wi-Fi. Gym, indoor pool, massage & spa. 177 guest rooms, 8 Junior Suites, and a Presidential Suite. 9 technology equipped meeting rooms. Atrium restaurant, lobby cafe, 'Brasserie' restaurant, 'Red room' restaurant. Travel agency. $150-500.
Italy (Honourary Consulate), Stepan Razin street, 71A, ☏ +7 (846) 310-6401, +7 (846) 310-6403, +7 (846) 271-1820 (mobile), fax: +7 (846) 310-6402, v-t@vgt.ru. M-F 09:00-16:00.
Visa Centers
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Iceland, Malta, and Spain (EU Visa Center), Sadovaya street, 263. M-F 09:00-16:00.