Mezőtúr is a town of 16,000 people (2018) in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County.
Large herds of cattle are reared on the communal lands, which are productive also of wheat, rapeseed and maize. Several well-attended fairs are held here annually.
- Tourinform Office: Kossuth tér 1.; ☏ +36 56 550-637
Get in
By train
There are daily trains between Mezőtúr and Szolnok, Mezőtúr and Orosháza-Mezőhegyes, and it is on the important Budapest Keleti-Szolnok-Békéscsaba-Lőkösháza railway line with daily trains to Budapest, among others. Mezőtúr railway station is on the northern edge of the city centre.
By car
It is easiest to reach by road on the main road 46, from Törökszentmiklós and the main road 4, and from the central parts of Gyomaendrőd and Békés counties. It is connected to Túrkeve by road 4202.
Get around

- Mezőtúri Reformed Great Church (1792, rebuilt 1843 to 1845)
- Újváros Presbyterian Church (1894-1896, Neo-Gothic)
- Roman Catholic Church (1817-1824, Classic Style)
- Lutheran Church (1926, Eclectic)
- Old Synagogue (Exhibit Hall, 1830, Classical)
- City Hall (1928, Eclectic)
- Barracks Firefighter (1927)
- Petofi house; Albrecht mansion
- Turi Pottery Museum
- Badár Memorial Room and Pottery Art House
- 🌍 Peres Folk House (Peresi Tájház). Tu-Su 10:00-17:00. Built in 1902 steam-powered pumping station, the Koros Valley nature reserve of fauna and flora of the presentation.
- Local History Collection.
- Mezőtúr City Beach and Indoor Swimming Pool
- End of August - Dragon Boat Racing
- August 20th - St. Stephen's Day Celebration, Harvest Parade
- August 20th - National Zither and Folk Dance Gala
- Last weekend in August - Tur Fair
- mid-August - Mezőtúr Arts Days ('arTur' festival)
- East Fest music festival, Municipal swimming pool. Late July. Hip-hop and electronic music. Campsite available.
- End of September - Hungarian Folk Tale Day - Storytelling Competition
- Mid October - Feast of zither
- End of October - Demetrius day's Folksong Singing Competition
- End of November - National Championship Wing Chun
- December - Children and Youth Zither bands Meeting
- December 30th - New Year's Running Competition
Pottery has a long tradition in Mezőtúr . Today’s potters also preserve local traditions.