Lisle-sur-Tarn is a town in the Tarn region of southern France.
Lisle sur Tarn was created in 1229 and now has a population of around 4,700.
Get in
- There are three means of transports to get to Lisle sur Tarn. There are bus, train and car.
Get around
You can move by car and bike. If you walk you will enjoy more your visit of Lisle-sur-Tarn.
There are two museums:
- Musée Art du Chocolat
- Musée Raymond Lafage
- The Church of Lisle sur Tarn is 42 metres high and 14 metres wide.
If you prefer recreational and chill tourism you can go at Lake of Lisle sur Tarn, with a park for children, at "Forest of Sivens" or at a "Tarn". If you like see beautiful monuments you can go at the big bridge of Lisle sur Tarn or at the main place with the fountain.
- You can do the market every Sunday because is a nice market with a good atmosphere. You can fish at the lake or Tarn but you need a fishing card. You can come at the last day of "fête foraine de Lisle sur Tarn" to attend an amazing fireworks.
- You can buy a chocolate on "Musée Art du chocolat" and a chocolate beer on "Musée Art du chocolat".
- There are fast foods for young people like "La Cantina chez Etche" and "L'Anatolie Kebab". "La Cantina chez Etche" cooks pizza and kebab and "L'Anatolie Kebab" cooks kebab and tacos. There are restaurants with a bar to drink a beer or an "Ice Tea", "Coca Cola" ... "Cafe du Centre" is a restaurant with bar and "Le Romuald" is a restaurant with a grilled meat speciality
- You can sleep at "Absolut Zen Gite" and "Gite Eole". "Absolut Zen Gite" is a recent house with a pool. "Gite Eole" is the old traditional house of Lisle sur tarn.
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