Lenti is a town in Zala County in the valley of Kerka river, near to the border with Slovenia.
The earliest traces of the town are from the Roman age. It was probably a inhabited settlement, which is also proved by the proximity of the Amber Road. Lenti was first mentioned in 1237 as "Nemith". However, the castle built beside the settlement at the beginning of the 13th century had more importance. Lenti was elevated to town status in 1978.
This article includes travel-related information not only for Lenti, but also for the surrounding rural areas.
- đ Tourinform Lenti (Lenti Ă©s TĂ©rsĂ©ge Turisztikai EgyesĂŒlet), TĂĄncsics MihĂĄly utca 2/a, â +36 92 551-188, lenti@tourinform.hu. MâF 09:00â17:00. Tourist information about Lenti and its surroundings.
Get in
By train
Trains are available from Zalaegerszeg four times a day. It takes one hour and costs 630 Ft. From Budapest you have to transfer in Zalaegerszeg. The whole journey from Budapest takes about 4.5 hours and costs 4660 Ft.
đ Lenti Train Station, TĂĄncsics MihĂĄly utca 1, â +36 1 349-4949, informacio@mav-start.hu. There is no ticket office, tickets can be purchased on the train. The train station is close to the center. The bus line 1A goes between the train station and the regional bus station.
By bus
Direct buses from Budapest-NĂ©pliget are available once a day on weekdays and twice a day on weekends. The journey takes 4 hours and costs 4840 Ft. More frequent buses are available from Zalaegerszeg. The journey takes one hour and costs 840 Ft.
đ Lenti Bus Station, IfjĂșsĂĄg Ăștja 1, â +36 92 351-038, info@volanbusz.hu. Ticket office: MâF 08:00â16:00.
Get around

By bus
VolĂĄnbusz operates local buses in Lenti. Ticket (in 2019): 205 Ft, pass (in 2019): 4010 Ft per month. Tickets can be purchased at the bus station (only on weekdays) and at the driver. Public transport map.
By narrow-gauge train
CsömödĂ©r State Forest Railway (CsömödĂ©ri Ăllami Erdei VasĂșt) operates narrow-gauge trains between Lenti and KistolmĂĄcs. The trains are operated only between April 21 and September 29 from Monday to Saturday. The ticket costs for adult: 300 Ftâ1400 Ft; for student, senior: 250 Ftâ900 Ft (depending on the distance).
đ Lenti narrow-gauge railway station, â +36 92 579-033, erdeivasut@zalaerdo.hu.
In Lenti:
- đ Lenti Castle (Lenti vĂĄr), DĂłzsa György utca 26.
- đ Railway History Exhibition (VasĂșttörtĂ©neti kiĂĄllĂtĂĄs), TĂĄncsics MihĂĄly utca, â +36 92 579-033, erdeivasut@zalaerdo.hu. Apr 21âJun 30 Aug 21âSep 29 MâSa 09:00â13:30, Jul 2âAug 20 MâSa 09:00â16:00. Treasures of Göcsej, the forest and the tree exhibition. Adult: 340 Ft, children: 170 Ft.
- đ Saint Michael Roman Catholic Church (Szent MihĂĄly rĂłmai katolikus templom), Templom tĂ©r. Built in 1750.
In Csesztreg:
- đ House of Traditions (HagyomĂĄnyok hĂĄza), Kossuth Lajos utca 4, Csesztreg. There is an exhibition shows the peasant life of the first half of the 18th century with original furniture and objects.
- đ Saint Maurus Roman Catholic Church (Szent MĂłric rĂłmai katolikus templom), Kossuth Lajos utca 28, Csesztreg. Built in 1803.
- đ Shepherd's House (PĂĄsztorhĂĄz), Ady Endre utca 31, Csesztreg, â +36 92 573 020. Apr 1âSep 30 08:00â18:00. Built in 1850s.

In Nova:
- đ Assumption Roman Catholic Church (Nagyboldogasszony rĂłmai katolikus templom), Göcseji utca 1, Nova, â +36 92 386-151, gykiss66@freemail.hu. Built in 1778.
- đ BatthyĂĄny Hunting Mansion (BatthyĂĄny vadĂĄszhĂĄz), Olgamajor, Nova. Built in 1937â1938.
- đ Ferenc PlĂĄnder Local History Museum (PlĂĄnder Ferenc HelytörtĂ©neti KiĂĄllĂtĂĄs, TiszttartĂł hĂĄz), FĆ utca 1, Nova, â +36 30 278-5197, ikszt.nova@gmail.com. By appointment only. There is a local exhibition. The house was built around 1778 by BatthyĂĄny family. Adult: 400 Ft; senior, children: 200 Ft.
In PĂĄka:
- đ Dömefölde Heritage House (Dömeföldi tĂĄjhĂĄz), Dömeföldi Ășt 18, Dömefölde, PĂĄka, â +36 92 378-014, pakakonyvtar@freemail.hu. Closed in 2018 due to reconstruction.
- đ JĂłzsef Ăveges Memorial House (Ăveges JĂłzsef EmlĂ©khĂĄz), Kossuth Lajos utca 41, PĂĄka, â +36 92 378-014, pakakonyvtar@freemail.hu. By appointment only. An exhibition in the home of JĂłzsef Ăveges, who was a physicist and Piarist teacher. During the guided tour, experiments are also presented.
- đ Saint Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church (Szent PĂ©ter Ă©s PĂĄl apostolok rĂłmai katolikus templom), Kossuth Lajos utca 47, PĂĄka. Built in 1766.
In Szécsisziget:
- đ Buffalo Reserve (BivalyrezervĂĄtum), SzĂ©csisziget.
- đ Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church (Szent Kereszt rĂłmai katolikus templom), RĂĄkĂłczi Ferenc utca, SzĂ©csisziget. Built in 1760 in Baroque style.
- đ Kerka Watermill (Kerka vĂzimalom), RĂĄkĂłczi Ferenc utca 1, SzĂ©csisziget, â +36 20 485-9008, info@kerkavizimalom.hu. Built in 1800s. It's used as guesthouse. An exhibition can be found here about the watermill.
- đ SzapĂĄryâAndrĂĄssy Mansion (SzapĂĄryâAndrĂĄssy-kastĂ©ly), Kossuth Lajos utca 27, SzĂ©csisziget. Built in 1850s in Baroque style.
In Szentgyörgyvölgy:
- đ Reformed Church (ReformĂĄtus templom), PetĆfi SĂĄndor utca, Szentgyörgyvölgy. Built in 1787. It has painted ceiling.
- đ Saint George Roman Catholic Church (Szent György rĂłmai katolikus templom), Kossuth Lajos utca 93, Szentgyörgyvölgy. Built in 1807.
In Tormafölde:
- đ Ancient Beech-woods in VĂ©tyem, Tormafölde, â +36 93 544-900, letenye@zalaerdo.hu. Strictly protected area with around 200 years old tree stock.
In TornyiszentmiklĂłs:
- đ Saint Nicholas Roman Catholic Church (Szent MiklĂłs rĂłmai katolikus templom), Kossuth Lajos utca 46, TornyiszentmiklĂłs. Built in 1770 in Baroque style.

In Lenti:
- đ Cultural Center of Town Lenti (VĂĄrosi MƱvelĆdĂ©si Központ Lenti), Templom tĂ©r 5, Lenti, â +36 92 551-017, info@vmklenti.hu.
- đ Lenti Gokart Ring (Major
94). 13:00â20:00 (closed in rain). 8 minutes: 2400 Ft per person, 4Ă8 minutes: 7200 Ft per person.
- đ Lenti Park and Wildflower Nature Trail (Lenti parkerdĆ Ă©s VadvirĂĄg tanösvĂ©ny). There is a 1.5 km (0.93 mi) long nature trail.
- đ Lenti Thermal Spa and Medicinal Baths (Lenti TermĂĄl- Ă©s GyĂłgyfĂŒrdĆ), TĂĄncsics MihĂĄly utca 2/a, â +36 92 351-320, furdo@lenti.hu. 09:00â20:00. 5 outdoor and 4 indoor pools. The spa consists of 3 units: indoor spa, open-air baths and sauna. Adult: 2800 Ft; student, children: 1800 Ft. Discounts after 17:00 and half price on FâSu.
- đ SĂĄrberki Fishing Lake (SĂĄrberki HorgĂĄsztĂł), SĂĄrberkitĂł 1, â +36 30 640-7621, fax: +36 92 510-658, info@sarberkito.hu. Artificial lake with fishing possibilities. Chalet or apartment for two person: 12,000 Ft. Discounts on off-season and on longer stay.
In the surroundings:
- đ LovĂĄszi Bath (LovĂĄszi strand), LakĂłtelep 70, LovĂĄszi. JunâAug: 10:00â19:00. Adult: 600 Ft; senior, student: 450 Ft. Discounts after 17:00.
- Town's May Day (VĂĄrosi MajĂĄlis). In April.
- Lenti Summer Evenings (Lenti NyĂĄri EstĂ©k). Every Fridays in JuneâJuly.
- Autumn Festival (Ćszi FesztivĂĄl). In September.
- Martin's Day (MĂĄrton Nap). In November.
- đ Coop, Kossuth Ășt 2, â +36 92 351-449.
- đ Fezo ABC, ZrĂnyi MiklĂłs utca 2, â +36 20 961-2024, info@fezo.hu. MâF 06:00â20:00, Sa 06:00â17.00, Su 07:00â12:00.
- đ Market of Lenti (Lenti piac), Piac tĂ©r, â +36 92 553-928. Tu Sa 07:00â14:00.
- đ Spar, Kisfaludy utca 4, â +36 20 823-7713, info@spar.hu. MâF 06:30â20:00, Sa 06:30â17:00, Su 07:00â13:00.
This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink: | |
Budget | Under 1900 Ft |
Mid-range | 1900 Ftâ2200 Ft |
Splurge | Over 2200 Ft |

In Lenti:
- đ Salamon Pub (Salamon SörözĆ), TĂĄncsics Ășt 5, â +36 92 352-685. 09:00â22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Lunch menu: 1000 Ft.
- đ VĂ©n DiĂĄk Italian Restaurant, PetĆfi Ășt 15, â +36 92 334-858, info@vendiak-lenti.hu. MâW 10:00â15:00, Th 10:00â22:00, FâSa 10:00â23:00. Italian restaurant with traditional lunch menu. Lunch menu: 890 Ft.
In the surroundings:
- đ Artemisz Gastro, PetĆfi SĂĄndor utca 44, Tormafölde, â +36 70 241-3730, monika.szirmai@gmail.com. MâF 08:00â14:00. Food bar with local cuisine. 4 rooms. Lunch menu: 820 Ft, single room: 3900 Ft, double room: 7500 Ft (includes breakfast),.
- đ Torony Restaurant, Ady Endre utca 31/1, Csesztreg, â +36 30 377-8247, fekete.csesztreg@freemail.hu. 11:00â23:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. Pizza: 1200 Ft, hamburger: 1200 Ft, lunch menu: 850 Ft.
In Lenti:
- đ Big Ben Burger, TakarĂ©k köz 1, â +36 30 654-6378. MâTh 10:00â21:00, F Sa 10:00â23:00. Pizzeria and fast food bar. Pizza: 1790 Ft, hamburger: 1190 Ft.
- đ GenerĂĄlis Pizzeria, Kossuth Ășt 1, â +36 92 351-827. MâTh 07:30â23:00, FâSa 07:30â01:00, Su 09:00â23:00. Pizzeria. Pizza: 1590 Ft.
- đ Jerry's Cafe and Pizza, AkĂĄcfa utca 1, â +36 30 959-4457, info@truesound.hu. MâF 11:00â21:00, Sa 11:00â22:00, Su 11:00â19:00. Pizzeria and food bar. 1540 Ft, pizza: 1290 Ft, hamburger: 1290 Ft.
In the surroundings:
- đ BetyĂĄrtanya Restaurant, RĂĄkĂłczi Ășt 32, Zalabaksa, â +36 30 376-2756, diana.kulcsar@gmail.com. MâSa 08:00â21:00, Su 10:00â21:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 1840 Ft, pizza: 1260 Ft, hamburger: 850 Ft, lunch menu: 950 Ft.
- đ LĂ©da PresszĂł and Pizzeria, Kossuth Lajos utca 2, TornyiszentmiklĂłs, â +36 30 739-9040. MâTh 10:00â22:00, F 10:00â23:00, Sa 10:00â00:00, Su 08:00â12:00 14:00â22:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 1750 Ft, pizza: 1150 Ft, hamburger: 550 Ft.
In Lenti:
- đ Don Quijote Medieval Restaurant and Guesthouse, TakarĂ©k köz 9, â +36 92 551-436, donquijoterest@t-online.hu. MâTh 11:00, 22:00, F 11:00â23:00, Sa 12:00â23:00, Su 12:00â22:00. Traditional restaurant with authentic medieval atmosphere and with local cuisine. 2 rooms. 1890 Ft, lunch menu: 850 Ft, single room: 9800 Ft, double room: 13,800 Ft.
- đ RĂłzsakert Restaurant and Cafe, Kossuth Ășt 42/a, â +36 92 352-936, bundicsbt@gmail.com. 10:00â22:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with local cuisine. 2040 Ft, pizza: 1490 Ft, hamburger: 1090 Ft, lunch menu: 800 Ft.
In the surroundings:
- đ HetĂ©si CsĂĄrda, RĂ©dics, Lenti Ășt 1, â +36 92 351-705. 09:00â22:00. Traditional restaurant.
- đ Kantin, LakĂłtelep 68, LovĂĄszi, â +36 92 376-009. MâTh Su 09:00â00:00, FâSa 09:00â02:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 2090 Ft, pizza: 1390 Ft, lunch menu: 990 Ft.
- đ Andi Confectionery, Templom tĂ©r 9, â +36 20 216-0110, andicukraszda@gmail.com. MâF 10:00â18:00, Sa 10:00â14:00.
- đ Cukorfalat, Kossuth utca 3/f, â +36 30 296-2499. 08:00â20:00. Confectionery.
- đ Dolce Vita Ice Cream Shop, BĂĄnffy utca 1, â +36 30 620-1887. MâSa 10:00â22:00, Su 11:00â22:00.
- đ Egy Cafe, DeĂĄk Ferenc utca 14, â +36 92 354-170. MâTh 08:00â23:00, F Sa 08:00â01:00, Su 10:00â23:00.
- đ Mini Confectionery, SugĂĄr Ășt 6, â +36 92 357-612. TuâF 10:00â18:00, Sa 10:00â16:00, Su 11:00â16:00.
- đ Dallas Club and Pub, Zrinyi MiklĂłs utca 3, â +36 92 351-738. Pub: MâTh 09:00â21:00, F Sa 09:00â23:00; club: Sa 22:00â04:00. Average meal in the pub: 1080 Ft, entrance fee to the club: 1500 Ft.
- đ MargarĂ©ta PresszĂł, Bem Ășt 1, Mumor (Mumor, Törpe CsĂĄrda
1, 90, 94), â +36 30 334-7970.
- đ HĂŒvösvölgy PresszĂł, BĂ©ke Ășt 26, PĂĄka, â +36 70 315-0424. 06:00â21:00.
- đ Petra's Pub (Petra KocsmĂĄja), PetĆfi SĂĄndor utca 87, Tormafölde, â +36 30 877-4487. MâF 06:00â13:00 15:30â22:00, Sa 06:00â12:00 17:00â22:00, Su 08:00â12:00 17:00-22:00.
- đ Yellow House, SugĂĄr Ășt 61, RĂ©dics, â +36 70 550-5612, yellowhouse017@gmail.com. MâSa 09:00â00:00, Su 12:00â00:00.
- đ Zs & Zs PresszĂł, FĆ Ășt 127, CsömödĂ©r, â +36202819267. WâTh 13:00â21:00, FâSa 14:00â23:00, Su 10:00â18:00.
This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: | |
Budget | Under 13,000 Ft |
Mid-range | 13,000 Ftâ20,000 Ft |
Splurge | Over 20,000 Ft |

In Lenti:
- đ Favorit Inn (Favorit FogadĂł), Kossuth Ășt 5/b, â +36 92 352-587, info@favoritfogado.hu. Restaurant: 08:00â21:00. 8 rooms. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Single room: 5000 Ft, double room: 10,000 Ft (includes breakfast), lunch menu: 900 Ft.
- đ FĆnix Inn (FĆnix FogadĂł), AkĂĄcfa Ășt 17, â +36 92 351-825, fax: +36 92 351-825, info@fonixfogado.hu. Restaurant: 10:00â21:30. 6 rooms. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine and with specialties like dödölle and prĂłsza. Single room: 7000 Ft, double room: 13,000 Ft (includes breakfast), average meal: 2100 Ft, lunch menu: 1000 Ft.
In the surroundings:
- đ GĂł-Na Leisure Center ĆrsĂ©g (GĂł-Na ĆrsĂ©gi SzabadidĆközpont), Farkasi utca 2, Szentgyörgyvölgy, â +36 30 200-6467, gonaszk@gmail.com. Restaurant: 08:00â20:00. 2 apartments, 10 wooden houses, 7 rooms. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine and with specialties like dödölle with sour cream. Single room: 5300 Ft, double room: 10,800 Ft, average meal: 2190 Ft, lunch menu: 950 Ft.
- đ HĂ©tkutas VendĂ©ghĂĄz, PetĆfi Ășt 26, Kerkakutas, â +36 20 513-2959, hetkutas.vendeghaz@gmail.com. Check-in: 12:00, check-out: 10:00. 5 rooms. Single room: 5500 Ft, double room: 11,000 Ft.
- đ Misu Guesthouse, Kossuth Lajos utca 52, Kerkakutas, â +36 30 597-4347, sz1mihaly1@gmail.com. Check-in: 12:00, check-out: 11:00. 7 rooms. Single room: 2800 Ft, double room: 5600 Ft.
- đ Tölgyfaliget Guesthouse, Sport utca, Csesztreg, â +36 30 866-1741, info@tolgyfaliget.hu. 9 rooms, 2 apartments. Single room: 6000 Ft, double room: 7000 Ft.
In Lenti:
- đ Denis Hotel and Restaurant, TĂĄncsics MihĂĄly utca 18â20, â +36 30 560-1878, fax: +36 92 352-659, info@hoteldenis.hu. Restaurant: 08:00â21:00. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 17 rooms. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Single room: 9000 Ft, double room: 14,000 Ft, average meal: 2100 Ft, lunch menu: 950 Ft.
- đ Heidi Guesthouse, BĂĄnffy utca 108, â +36 92 355-899, pensionheidi@t-online.hu. Check-in: 12:00, check-out: 10:00. 12 rooms, 5 apartments. Single room: 13,275 Ft, double room: 17,485 Ft (includes breakfast).
- đ VadvirĂĄg Guesthouse, Hegyalja Ășt 10/b (AutĂłjavĂtĂł
3, 35), â +36 30 552-9784, vadviragpanzio@citromail.hu. 4 rooms. Single room: 7700 Ft, double room: 13,200 Ft (includes breakfast).
- đ Hubertus Inn (Hubertus FogadĂł), HaranglĂĄb Ășt 30 (Lentihegy I.
3), â +36 92 551-102, fax: +36 92 551-104, hubertus.fogado@t-online.hu. Restaurant: 08:00â22:00. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 28 rooms. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine and with specialties like game goulash with red wine and dödölle. Single room: 10,000 Ft, double room: 19,000 Ft, average meal: 1950 Ft, hamburger: 1950 Ft.
- đ Silvanus Guesthouse, TĂĄncsics MihĂĄly utca 14, â +36 92 352-119, spanzio@enternet.hu. 30 rooms. Single room: 11,000 Ft, double room: 18,000 Ft (includes breakfast).
In Lenti:
- đ Castrum Thermal Guesthouse, TĂĄncsics MihĂĄly utca 16, â +36 92 351-368, fax: +36 92 351-368, info@lentikemping.hu. 15 rooms. Single room: 13,900 Ft, double room: 19,900 Ft (includes tickets for the thermal bath).
- đ Hotel ZĂ©ta, Kossuth Ășt 83, â +36 92 351-440, fax: +36 92 351-440, info@hotelzeta.hu. Restaurant: 06:30â22:30. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 31 rooms. Traditional restaurant with local and Mediterranean cuisine. Single room: 11,385 Ft, double room: 20,240 Ft, average meal: 2550 Ft, lunch menu: 1000 Ft.
- đ Thermal Hotel Balance, TĂĄncsics MihĂĄly utca 8, â +36 92 630-590, info@balancehotel.hu. L16 Restaurant: 07:00â21:00. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 11:00. 94 rooms. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Single room: 20,500 Ft, double room: 27,800 Ft (includes unlimited entry to the thermal bath), average meal: 1780 Ft, hamburger: 1490 Ft.
In the surroundings:
- đ AbbĂĄzia Country Club, HatĂĄr utca 3-7, MĂĄrokföld, â +36 92 573-450, info@abbazia-nemesnep.hu. Restaurant: 07:30â21:00. Check-in: 16:00, check-out: 10:00. 66 apartments. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine and with specialties like wild boar stew with dödölle. Apartment for one person: 25,515 Ft, for two persons: 34,020 Ft, average meal: 2600 Ft, lunch menu: 900 Ft.
- đ CsicsergĆ Leisure Center, ZuggĂł köz 1, Nova, â +36 92 577-021, fax: +36 92 577-020, info@csicsergo.hu. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 10:00. Single room: 13,990 Ft, double room: 22,980 Ft. Discounts on longer stay.
- đ Gosztola Gyöngye Wellness Hotel, FĆ Ășt 16, Gosztola, â +36 92 701-353, fax: +36 92 701-574, recepcio@gosztolagyongye.hu. Restaurant: 12:00â15:00, 18:00â21:00. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 11:00. 40 rooms. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Double room: 29,800 Ft (includes half board). Average meal: 2990 Ft.
Lenti's postal code is H-8960, and its telephone area code is 92.
- đ Lenti Post Office, ZrĂnyi MiklĂłs utca 1, â +36 92 351-178, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M 08:00â18:00, TuâF 08:00â17:00, Sa 08:00â11:00.
Go next
- Körmend â town 50 km (31 mi) north
- Letenye â town 32 km (20 mi) southeast
- ĆriszentpĂ©ter â town 29 km (18 mi) northwest
- Pacsa â small town 44 km (27 mi) east
- SzentgotthĂĄrd â town 51 km (32 mi) nortwest
- Zalaegerszeg â city 40 km (25 mi) northeast
- ZalalövĆ â small town 28 km (17 mi) north
Routes through Lenti |
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