Kisújszállás is a town of 11,000 people (2018), and a district in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County.
- Tourinform Office: Deák Ferenc St., 6, Kisújszállás town
Get in
By car
The main road 4 passes through the city from Budapest - Szolnok and Nyíregyháza - Debrecen. The 4202 road connects with Túrkeve and Mezőtúr, the 4205 road with Ecsegfalva, Dévaványa and Körösladány, and the 4207 road with Armenia.
By train
From Szolnok, Debrecen, Nyíregyháza. Among the domestic railway lines, the MÁV Szolnok – Debrecen – Nyíregyháza – Záhony railway line No. 100 (Budapest -) passes through the city, and the Kál-Kápolna – Kisújszállás railway line No. 102 has its southern end point here. Kisújszállás railway station is on the northern edge of the city centre, on side road 34 303, which branches off from Route 4201.
By bus
- Kisújszállás bus station, Rákóczi u. 1
Get around
There is a local bus service.
See and do
In town

In 🌍 Kisújszállás. :
- Ethnographic Exhibition Hall (Folk Exhibition, Petõfi street nr. 5)
- Papi Lajos Artists' House (Nyár utca 8.) — a collection exhibition of more than 2,000 pieces of peasant farming and the tools of peasant life in the Ethnographic Exhibition Hall.
- Folk House (200-year-old, Széchenyi street nr. 58) — the art of straw weaving can be learned
- Ecsegpuszta
In the district

- 🌍 Kenderes (by bus: Abádszalók, Békéscsaba, Eger, Gyöngyös, Gyula, Karcag, Mezőkövesd, Miskolc, Szeged, Szentes, Szolnok, Tiszafüred, by train Abádszalók, Kál-Kápolna, Kisköre, Kisújszállás). Halasy-Horthy Mansion, Horthy family crypt, Maritime Museum, Horthy grove (Szent István Boulevard's protected parkway)
In the town
- Walking in Elizabeth grove (several hectares oak), thermal spa with camping
- Horvath farm where the tradition of ancient equestrian culture can be learned. More qualified riders can take the “In the Footsteps of Outlaws” tour.
- The settlement offers a good trip to the Hortobágy steppe or to Eger.
- To the south , the undisturbed birdlife of the Hortobágy-Berettyó river, the bustard reserve, invites the visitor.
- Every year in June, the city hosts a competition for folk games "For the Seven Rehearsals" (Hétpróbás Kunokért)
- In August, as part of the Kisújszállás Days, colourful folk dances, folk music and folk art demonstrations and fairs are held.
- The Kun-viadal national archery competition with the election of the captain will take place in September.
- Kun-fighting (in September, the national archery competition)