Karcag (or Kardszag) is a town of 20,000 people (2018), and a district in Lake Tisza.
Get in
Karcag town is 60 km from Szolnok and from Debrecen.
By bus
To the town, there are buses from Eger, Békéscsaba, Debrecen, Miskolc, Szeged), from towns in the district, and from Lake Tisza and Szarvas . Of course, the wide area has local bus services.
By train
To the town, there are direct trains from Szolnok, Debrecen, Nyíregyháza, and Záhony. Highway 4 is the main road from Budapest, Szolnok and Nyíregyháza - Debrecen.
The MÁV Szolnok – Debrecen – Nyíregyháza – Záhony railway line No. 100 (Budapest-) runs through the city, roughly to the west-east, which means the most important railway connection with each of the settlements affected by the line. The Karcag-Tiszafüred railway line 103 branches north from the line here, providing fixed rail transport connections with the northern parts of the country. Karcag can also be reached via Püspökladány (on the Püspökladány-Biharkeresztes railway line) with some trains to Biharkeresztes and from there to Romania.
Karcag railway station is in the southern part of the city centre.
Get around
In the town
In 🌍 Karcag.
- Reformed Church (Baroque style in 1789, rebuilt in the early 19th century)
- Stephen Györffy Nagykun Museum (ethnology, building from the 1830s)
- Gothic chapel ruins (15th century)
- Nagykunság Folk Country House
- Israelite Temple - Synagogue
- Sandor Kantor Pottery House
- Morgó Tavern with a tunnel
- Windmill Tavern House with an operating wooden (1858)
- Museum of History of Medicine and Pharmacy
In and around Kossuth Square you will find:
- the Great Reformed Church (1793-1797)
- the Nagykun Reformed Grammar School (1893-95, 1907-08)
- the Nagykun Reformed Primary School (formerly Boys School, 1813-1818)
- the former Central Girls' School built opposite it (1894-95)
- the Town Hall (1910-1912)
- the Industrial Association (1903)
- the Nimrod Biohotel in 2008
On the eastern side of the square opens József Kertész Street, the former Synagogue Street or Zsidó Street, where the buildings of the community once stood. Today, only the beautifully restored monumental synagogue (1899) remains. The market and the Market Hall have been built in its neighborhood since the 1970s.
Overlooking the western side of the square, once inhabited by Greek merchants, Ferenc Horvath street is home to the St. George Greek Orthodox church (1797-1798), next to the bus terminal. On Varró Street the buildings of the Reformed Parish, the College of the Reformed Grammar School and the buildings of the István Varró Vocational High School, Vocational High School and College.
The Dózsa György út former Souto, i.e. the urban section of the Debreceni-Szolnok Road. At the mouth of the main square, on the left, you can see some of the buildings that have survived from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. On the corner of Táncsics Boulevard is the former Gentleman's Casino (1894). On the right side of the road, rises the two-storey building of the Déryné Cultural Centre. The next building is the Catholic Bachelors' Association (now the Karcag Vocational Training Centrer and the Farmer's Information Office), and then on the Szőllős mound. At the end of the road, on Vágóhíd utca, you can already see the only intact windmill in Karcag, which has been an industrial monument since the end of the 1970s.
Next to the Reformed Great Church, on Kálvin Street, is the building of the Györffy István Nagykun Museum, opposite the park of which, on the right side of the street, stands the primary school named after Mihály Kováts (1724-1779), an American hero of freedom. The Györffy István Catholic Primary School (1984) and the City Sports Hall stand on the corner of József Attila Street and Kálvin Street behind the museum. Continuing on József Attila Street, you will find the new headquarters of the City Police Headquarters (2015-2019), facing Széchenyi Avenue, turning left to reach the Post Office building and the Roman Catholic Church of St. Stephen and the parish built in 1899-1901 (1942). József Attila utca - leaving the Széchenyi boulevard intersection - the Morgó csárda reaches its classicist building built in 1810, where it continues as Baross utca. Turning left at the mouth of Vasút Street, you reach the former Rizshántoló mill (1953), behind it the Railway Station. The Füzesgyarmati út opens on the other side of the corner of Barút utca Vasút utca, which crosses the railway line and reaches the main road No. 4 and continues towards the village of Bucsa in Békés county.
Madarasi út. Going from the main square in the direction of Kunmadaras, on the outskirts of the city is the Fairground. The two-figure equestrian statue (King Béla IV, and Kuthen kun leader), the Millennium Monument (2001) park in Arad martyrs, and the city's memorial to 1848-49 fallen soldiers. The building with classicist features next to the statues (behind the fence) was once the site of the Cédulaház (1837), the fair administration. Today it is the Akácliget bath. The entrance to the spa is on Fürdő Street, and from there is the stop of the Karcagtiszafüred railway line. On the right side of Madarasi Road rises the nine-storey Gábor Kátai Hospital (built 1964-1968). Turning right off the road, you will reach the entrance of the institution on the edge of the city, on Kórház utca. Damjanich street can be reached nearby at the North Cemetery, which is the entrance to the several-hundred-year-old earth house (aka cemetery keeper house to view). Continuing on Madarasi út, we reach the village of Berekfürdő, famous for its spa.
Kisújszállás road. The fastest way to reach Kálvin utca from the south is at the corner of Sándor Kántor Pottery House in Erkel Ferenc utca and Nagykunság Country House on Jókai utca - Petőfi utca, but from here the Deák boulevard opens, on which is the Mihály Kováts Memorial, rising in the middle of the small park. The Kisújszállás road is crossed by the Karcag-Tiszafüred railway line. The late Hungária mill, the later Örlőmalom , stands in front of the grain silo (the tallest building in the city) rising at the railway crossing. Beyond the passage (from the left) is the Southern Cemetery, behind the cemetery the “Kiskulcsosok” district, built around 1905 and now known as Kisföldek-Kertváros, where the Szentannai Sámuel Secondary School and College, the Kiskulcsosi Primary School and several industrial plants are located. Leaving the plants, the Research Institute of Agricultural Research Institutions and Economics of the University of Debrecen, founded in 1947, follows.
Zádor Bridge and its surroundings Nature Reserve: Built in 1809, the nine-arched bridge, lost its function in the 1970s. It became a monument of transport history, with arable land on the eastern side and saline pasture in the wide shallow riverbed and floodplain on the northern side of the river. The Hortobágy National Park was established in 1973, and in 1976 the area around the bridge and the pasture to the north were declared a nature reserve. The protection ensured both the preservation of the bridge and the survival of the traditional pastoralism in the past. The area has been part of the HNP for decades, and an exhibition at the Szélmalmi Inn on Vágóhíd Street in the city presents the typical plants and animals of the area. The Inn is the reception gate of the Hortobágy National Park.
Kecskeri-puszta Nature Reserve: In the vicinity of the 155-hectare reservoir are several fishponds. An area with a “landscape appearance” similar to Hortobágy was declared a protected area in 1993.
Kunhalmok: The artificial mounds typical of the lowland areas of Hungary preserve the memory of different historical ages and peoples. It is usually land, that is, traces of settlements or tombs that have been inhabited for a long time and were also used by later-age communities: a church was built on it and a cemetery was built on it. Thus, the mounds were "ready" by the Cumans, who moved in as early as the 13th century. In addition to their archaeological value, the kunhalmas are of great landscape importance, and as many of them fell out of the field until the second half of the 20th century, they preserve the area's old vegetation and characteristic plants that have disappeared elsewhere. There are 24 protected mounds (kunhalmok): Asszonyszállási-halom, Lözér-halom, Magyarkai-halom, Orgonda-halom, Péntek-halom, Sárga-halom, Zádor-halom, Hegyesbori-Kis-halom, Kis-Kettős-halom, Kontai-Kettős-halom, Kanvágta-halom, Nagy-Görgető-halom, Tibuc-halom, Vermes-halom, Ágota-halom, Törökbori-halom, Disznó-halom, Hegyesbori-Nagy-halom, Szőlős-halom, Telek-halom, Vágott-halom, Hármas-határhalom, Konta-halom, Ecse-halom.
In the district
- 🌍 Berekfürdő (trains from Karcag, Tiszafüred). Pincés mound (kunhalom) - 'Secrets of the Soviet Military Airbase' aviation history museum.
In the town
- Karcag City thermal swimming pool
In the district
- In Berekfürdő, there is a public bath with nine pools. The thermal water is very effective in curing locomotor disorders.
- 🌍 Kerekes Cukrászat, Kisújszállási út 22, ☏ +36 30 871 5164.
- Camping at the Karcag City thermal swimming pool
In Berekfürdő, there is a camping (1000 places) on the shore of the fishing lake, and a pension with 12 rooms and 32 beds.
- 🌍 Karcagi Kunlovarda, Méntelepi út 1, ☏ +36 20 924 2533.