Kandangan is a town in South Kalimantan, and the capital of the Hulu Sungai Selatan regency. It is the main gateway to Loksado and Nagara.

Get in

All public transportation are using yellow registration plate.

By taksi antarkota (inter-cities minivan)

There are minivans with route from Banjarmasin to Tanjung (Hulu Sungai route) via Kandangan and vice versa. You can hail and stop it anywhere along the main highway (Jalan A. Yani) which is one of the longest highway in South Kalimantan. The fare is based on how far you travel. To hail and to stop a minivan, just raise your hand and they will stop. When you're inside and want to stop, just say 'kiri' (key-ree) or simply 'stop' out loud. The good thing about minivan is they are cheap, the bad thing is they pack people as many as they can, so there is not much space for your feet to relax, and some drivers drive his minivan like a racing car, if it's happens just tell the driver politely, "pa sopir, tolong jangan terlalu laju" (please reduce the speed).

By Car

Hire car with driver.

Get around

By ojeg

Ojeg is transportation by motorbike. You can find ojeg near the markets, inter-city terminals, and at the main city's crossroad. Usually ojeg riders don't speak English. Choose ojeg with spare helm for you, make sure they know the place you want to go and negotiate the fare before riding. Handout the money to the ojeg rider when you get to your destination. If the rider speeding, just tell him: "tolong jangan terlalu laju" (please reduce the speed).

By becak

Becak (rickshaw or pedicab). You have to be good negotiator if you want to ride on becak, price depends on the destination (near or far). It's a good choice for a short ride. Becak easily found on the markets. Usually becak drivers don't speak English, but a map and lots of pointing will get you to the right place. You need to know the place you want to go.

On foot

Kandangan city center small enough to get around on foot, and relatively easy to navigate.


Most of the city's activity can be found around the main market.




  • Ketupat Kandangan - the most famous Kandangan's delicacy.
  • Dodol - Kandangan's traditional cake
  • Lamang a rice cake which is put in the bamboo and baked traditionally by using fire.





Rumah Sakit Umum Brigjen H. Hasan Basri is the name of public hospital in Kandangan. Address: Jl. Jend. Sudirman. Telp.: 0517 21653.

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