Kalocsa (Croatian: Kaloč, Kalac, Serbian: Kaloč or Калоча, German: Kollotschau) is a Baroque provincial town of 15,000 people (2018), and a district in Bács-Kiskun County. The distrct is famous for its peppers, which are called "red gold".
Kalocsa is one of the oldest towns in Hungary. The present archbishopric, founded about 1135, is a development of a bishopric said to have been founded in 1000 by King Stephen the Saint.
It sits in a marshy but highly productive district, near the left bank of the Danube River. The residents of Kalocsa and its wide-spreading communal lands are chiefly employed in the cultivation of paprika, fruit, flax, hemp and cereals, in the capture of waterfowl and in fishing.
Get in
Kalocsa is on the road between Budapest and Baja, running to Kiskőrös and Mélykút. At the village of Gerjen a ferry runs across the Danube to connect Fadd and Kalocsa. It is 142 km (88 mi) south of Budapest.
The nearest international airport is in Budapest.
Get around
By car
By public transit
In the town

- 🌍 Assumption Cathedral (Nagyboldogasszony Főszékesegyház). The treasury is open to the public Under the main cathedral are crypts with tombs of archbishops, and István Katona (historian) was buried in a side altar.
- 🌍 Archbishop's Palace (Érseki palota). An impressive Baroque ecclesiastical historical monument in Kalocsa town, where the Archbishop of Kalocsa resides.
- Pepper Museum
- Schöffer Museum
- Folk House
- Archbishop Botanical Garden
- Theater
- Forty-Eights Square
- King Stephen (Main) road
- Lajos Kossuth Road (the continuation of St Stephen Street)
- Trinity Square (Main Square).
- Well known is Kalocsa's brightly painted historic train station from 1882, an example of folk art in the region.
In the district
- 🌍 Dunapataj (Dunapataj – Szelidi-tó) (N 10 km from Kalocsa). - Szelidi lake is a holiday resort and nature reserve with unique wildlife is 4 km away from Dunapataj. Events: the Szelidi Summer Festival (Jul and Aug)- the Pataji Autumn (Sep).

- 🌍 Hajós (Croatian: Ajoš, German: Hajosch) (SE 20 km of Kalocsa, NE 30 km of Baja). cellar village (Pince falu). There are over 1,200 press houses, Hajós Palace (Hajós Kastély) Event: Urban day wine festival (Orbán Napi Borünnep, end of May)

In the town
- Picnic Fest (Majális)
- Dragon Boat Cup (Sárkányhajó Kupa)
- Midsummer Night fun (Szent Iván-éji mulatság)
- St. Stephen's Days (Szent István Napok)
- Danube Folk Festival (Duna Menti Folklórfesztivál)
- Blue Bird Festival (Kék Madár Fesztivál)
- Kalocsa's Paprika Festival (Kalocsai Paprikafesztivál) in mid-September
- Csajda Swimming Pool and Spa (Csajda Uszoda és Gyógyfürdő). Thermal water with high chemical content, sodium chloride, bromide and iodide at 35 ° C. It is primarily recommended for the treatment of musculoskeletal and joint disorders. All five of its pools are indoor.
In the town
- Belvárosi Kávéház, Szent István király út 39.
- Nyárfa Vendéglő, Bátyai út 13.
- Arizóna Ételbár, Tomori u. 35.
- Diófa Vendéglő, Petőfi Sándor utca 67.
- Halászcsárda, Bátyai út
- Judit Vendéglő, Foktői út 34.
- Kalocsai Csajdakert étterem, Csajda u. 2
- Klub étterem, Szent István király út. 38.
- Korona étterem, Szent István király út 6.
- Klub 51Vigadó étterem, Bátyai út 40.
- Vincenzo étterem, Obermayer tér 7.
- Club 502 Söröző és Pizzéria, Szent István király út 64.
- Corona pizzéria, Búzapiactér 9.
- Papa Chico Ételbár, Negyvennyolcasok tere 1.
- Bufly Burger, Búzapiactér.
- Kaméleon Gyorsbüfé, Búzapiac tér 3.
- Oázis Hamburger, Szent István király út 31.