Izhma is a village in the Komi Republic.
Izhma is a village of about 3,700 on the Izhma River, in the northwest of the Komi Republic, founded in 1567. Most of the population of Izhma and surrounding villages are ethnic Komi and, more specifically, Komi-Izhemtsy. Until the middle of the 20th century, reindeer husbandry was the main branch of the economy in this region. It is no longer as important economically, but remains a widespread practice. The rich folk traditions of the Komi people are well-preserved in Izhma.
Get in
By plane
There is an 🌍 . , but only local helicopter flights to nearby villages are carried out from there, and even then only during the thaws of spring and autumn.
By train
The closest station to Izhma is Irayol (on the Kotlas-Vorkuta line), from which there are buses to Izhma 6 times daily.
By car
The road to Izhma from Irayol in the warm season is practically impassable for cars. In winter, the quality of the road is noticeably better.
By bus
The bus to the station Irayel runs six times daily. Twice buses passes through Izhma daily to Ust-Tsilma, but they usually do not stop there. You can pre-book bus seats by phone.
Get around
In Izhma and neighboring villages, a large number of 19th-early 20th century wooden izby (log cabins/cottages) have been preserved, as well as several churches from the same period.
- "Lud" Folk Festival (Народный праздник Луд).
- 🌍 Izhma Museum of History and Local Lore (Ижемский районный историко-краеведческий музей), ул. Советская, 62.
There is a cafeteria on ул. Советская, near the museum and the local administration building. The selection of dishes is small, but the prices are low. You can also eat in the cafe at Pelidz Guesthouse.
There is hotel with regular accommodations as well as a guesthouse "Pelidz," located in a traditional home. Both are located in the center of the village.
Go next
In the neighboring villages of Sizyabsk, Bakur, Gam and Mokhcha, which can be reached by bus from Izhma several times a day, there are many old wooden buildings to check out. In Sizyabsk there is a small museum with reindeer herding tent in the yard.