Hollókő is a preserved traditional settlement in Hungary. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Get in
Take the M3 motorway from Budapest as far as Hatvan, then take route 21. Before Pásztó the road branches off towards Hollókő. Journey time is 1½-2 hours.
There is a bus from Budapest leaving from Puskás Ferenc Stadion departure 08:30, arrival 11:00 (also there is a bus afternoon around 17:00). It leaves Hollókő at 16:00, arriving in Budapest at 18:30.
More buses going to Szécsény town.
Eger might be close to Hollókő, but it's not a really good place to start your journey to Hollókő if you plan to go by public transport. There is no train, and you need 3 buses that are going to take a total of 4½ hours to get there. (Eger information centre can help for time table and details.) Prefer a departure from Budapest or Gödöllő.
Get around
On foot. This is a small village, with one street, on both sides museum houses and craft shops. Make sure you visit all of them. From the main road of the village leading up to the hill, you will also find a pathway to the Holloko castle. With only 20 minutes hike you will find yourself on the top of the hill with breathtaking scenery.
- Tourist Information Office (Turista Információ), ☏ +36 32 579 011, +36 20 626 2844 (Mobil), info@holloko.hu. Daily. Skype: holloko.info, Facebook: www.facebook.com/IloveHolloko

- 🌍 Hollókő Castle, ☏ +36 30 9681739. The castle was first mentioned in records in 1310. Built in Gothic style. The original village was built just below the castle walls. In 1987, the village, castle ruins, and surrounding area were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Panoptikum or "Kacsics room", the weapon Storage, Castle Chapel. Services: souvenir shop, café, buffet, toilet/WC. Ft 700.

- 🌍 Hollókő St. Martin's Church (Szent Márton templom), Kossuth utca–József Attila utca corner, ☏ +36 32 343014. All year. 16th-century wooden towered church. A Roman Catholic church, built in Folk Art style. Free.
- The Hollókő houses: these are folk museums that are preserved in their original state. Many have craft shops inside.
- Country House (Tájház), Kossuth út 82., ☏ +36 30 8429812. 10:00-18:00.
- 🌍 Craftsman Printing Workshop (Kézműves Nyomdaműhely), Kossuth út 84, ☏ +36 70 7748060, zsrobert@magyarnyomdasz.hu. Daily 10:00-18:00. Ft 200.
- 🌍 Village Museum (Falumúzeum), Kossuth út 99-100, ☏ +36 32 379 255. Mar to mid-Dec: daily 10:00-18:00. Ft 250.
- Spectacle House (Ladóczki Art Warehouse, Ladóczki féle Látványtárház), Kossuth út 79., ☏ +36 30 3470380, echteleder@gmail.com.
- 🌍 Palots Doll Museum (Palóc Babamúzeum), ☏ +36 32 379088. daily 10:00-17:00. Porcelain Dolls in traditoinal dress Ft 300.
- 🌍 Post Museum (Postamúzeum), Kossuth utca 80. Apr-Oct: Tu-Su 10:00-18:00. Ft 500.
- Weaving Workshop (Szövőműhely), Kossuth út 94, ☏ +36 32 379273, idker@hollokotourism.hu. exhibition hall. Weaving tools and materials.
The most spectacular festival at Hollókő is Easter, when residents will wear richly decorated folk costumes and display Easter customs and folk crafts. There is also the Raspberry Festival in July, the Castle Tournament in August and the Grape harvest in August along with concerts in the castle and church.
- Cserhát Park of Nature, ☏ +36 32 379273, fax: +36 32 379273, info@cserhatnaturpark.hu. Info:Kossuth utca 46. Walking, hiking, biking, hunting, snow sledging.
- Hollókő Protected Area, ☏ +36 32 454188, itarnoc@gmail.com. It was established for to protect and show the environment, lifestyle and livelihood of the Palóc people. Free.
- Artistic House (Mívesház), Petőfi út 4., ☏ +36 32 380 016, +36 32 379 257, miveshaz@invitel.hu.
- Basket maker shop (Kosaras), Kossuth út 86. (Located on the left after the church), ☏ +36 20 3592029. A wide range of beautiful handicraft products.
- Hollókői Fair (Hollókői Vásár), Kossuth út 86., ☏ +36 32 579-010. local cheeses, meat products and handicraft products
- Fakanalas, Kossuth u. 65. (Next to Muskátli Inn), ☏ +36 30 985 68 81, +36 30 417 38 24, fabrika@freemail.hu. Wooden souvenirs, toys, kitchen utensils
- Garden of Barn (Pajtakert), Kossuth út 46., ☏ +36 32 379 273, idker@hollokotourism.hu. Buy Hungarian folk arts goods, tourist maps, information brochures. +Tel/Fax:+36 30 289 1946
- Holló folk art (Holló népművészet), Kossuth út 103., ☏ +36 32 379 265. Unique Hungarian ceramics.
- Kaláris Gift Shop (Kaláris Kézművesbolt), Kossuth út 66., ☏ +36 70 457 9571, holloko.baratok@freemail.hu. Tu-Su 10:00-18:00. Quality wines and brandies, other gifts +email=holloko.palinkak@gmail.com
- Potter's House (Fazekasház), Petőfi út 4., ☏ +36 30 924 5052, tarevare@freemail.hu. Ceramic objects, images and folk music CDs.
- Pottery Workshop (Fazekasműhely), Kossuth út 65., ☏ +36 70 456 7116, +36 30 354 27 63.
- Katalin (Csapszék a Várban), Orgona út 19., ☏ +36 30 4990558, +36 20 9121076, katalincsarda@freemail.hu. Daily 09:00-18:00. Traditional Hungarian food.
- Mívesház Restaurant (Mívesház Vendéglő), Petőfi út 4, ☏ +36 32 379257, miveshaz@hu.inter.net. Also a tea house.
- Muskátli Restaurant (Muskátli Vendéglő), Kossuth út 61., ☏ +36 32 379262, fax: +36 32 379262, hollokomuskatli@mail.globonet.hu. The restaurant offers traditional Palóc cuisine, along with some traditional live gypsy music.
- Vár Restaurant, Kossuth utca 93-95., ☏ +36 30 2294528, info@holloko-varetterem.hu.
- Infocafe (Hollóköves Kávézó), Kossuth út 50., ☏ +36 20 6262844, info@holloko.hu. M-F 08:00-16:00; Sa 08:00-18:00; Su 08:00-16:00.
- Attila Guesthouse (Attila vendégház), Kossuth út 57, ☏ +36 32 379019, attilavendeghaz.holloko@gmail.com. +Mobile 06 20 7779684
- Mrs. Balogh's guestrooms (Balogh Bertalanné vendégszobái), Kossuth út 107, ☏ +36 32 379 214, baloghne@holloko.hu. +Mobile +36 30 496 4541. The owner is living in the same house, kitchen with equipment, TV, fridge.
- Bátki house (Bátki ház), Petőfi utca 7., ☏ +36 32-579-010, palocudulohazak@holloko.hu. English. Bicycle Rental. Ft 7000/14 000.
- Pászti House (Pászti belső ház), Petőfi utca 10., ☏ +36 32 579-010, palocudulohazak@holloko.hu. Ft 7000/14 000.
- Szőke House (Szőke ház), Petőfi utca 8., palocudulohazak@holloko.hu. Ft 7000/14 000.
- Oláh House, Petőfi utca 20., ☏ +36-32-579-010, palocudulohazak@holloko.hu. Ft 7000/14 000/21 000.
- Mrs. Imre Jancsovics Private Room (Jancsovics Imréné), Kossuh út 97, ☏ +36 30 566 1166.
- Tasnádi Guesthouse (Tasnádi vendégház), Felszabadulás út 7, ☏ +36 70 457 9571, hollokoi.palinkak@gmail.com. Shopping nearby, garden with sun lawn and barbecue. Partially Handicapped facilities. Catering, heating. Outside private parking. Hunting, hiking, winter sledge rides, guided tours. Laundry facilities, kitchen with equipment, refrigerator. Satellite TV.
- Rosalie Guestplace (Rozália Vendéglak), Rákóczi út 3, ☏ +36 20 401 8050, +36 20 401 8050 (Mobile), rozalia_m@freemail.hu. From Ft 5000.
- Nosolyas Guesthouse (Nyoszolyás Vendégház), Béke út 2., ☏ +36 32 370 656, gabi8313@freemail.hu. Mobile +36 30 971 4496 (English). Heating, kitchen with equipment, refrigerator, Satellite TV, pet friendly.
- Kemencés Cottage (Kemencés Vendégház), Kossuth út 58..
- Oláh I. Guesthouse (Oláh ház I.), Petőfi út 20.. Ft 7000/14 000.
- Ispán Guesthouse (Ispán Vendégház), Rákóczi út 15., ☏ +36 32 379273, ispan@hollokotourism.hu. +Mobile 06302891946 Ft 4300 p.p..
- Kemencés Guesthouse (Kemencés Vendégház), Kossuth út 58., ☏ +36 32461307, info@holloko-varetterem.hu. +Mobile +36 20 4111233. http://www.holloko-varetterem.hu
- Tugari Guesthouse, Rákóczi út 13., ☏ +36 32 379 156, +36 20 379 6132 (Mobile), tugarivendeghaz@gmail.com. Wi-fi/VLAN, bicycle rental. Games, BBQ, guided tours, kitchen with refrigerator, television, with satellite TV channels. (English, German)
- Kaláris Guesthouse (Kaláris Vendégház), Sport utca 15., ☏ +36 32 379 157, +36 70 2015546 (Mobile), info@kalarisvendeghaz.hu. WiFi internet access, salt-humidifier, high chair, mesh crib, baby bath tub with stand, baby bedding, DVD player, a bread machine, hair dryer, children's and adult bikes, sledge, kettle, firewood, garden pool.
- Wildflower Cottage (Vadvirág Vendégház), Szállások út 26., ☏ +36 32379150, +36 30 480 0325 (Mobile), vadvirag.holloko@gmail.com.
Post Office
- Post Office, Kossuth út 76. (located in the old village), ☏ +36 32 379-233. M-F 07:00-14:30.
Go next
- Budapest
- Szécsény