Efik (Usem Efịk) is the indigenous language of the efik people which spread across Cross River and Akwa Ibom state of Nigeria. The language became officially written in 1812 which was possible as a result of the effort of the local chief Eyo Nsa.
Pronunciation guide
- Vowels
A a
E e
I i
O o
Ọ ọ
U u
- Double Vowels (Diagraphs)
ai - akai (forest or jungle)
ia - ifia (firewood)
iọ - ebiọ (folly)
ọi - fọi (nudge)
ie - ebiet (place)
ei - dei (lick with the tongue)
io - obio (town)
oi - koi (dip and fill cup with liquid etc)
ua - urua (market)
ue - due (err)
uo - ibuot (head)
uọ - ebuọt (loan)
- Cosonants
B b
D d
F f
G g
H h
K k
M m
N n
Ñ ñ
P p
R r
S s
T t
W w
Y y
- Double Consonants (Diagraphs)
gh: tigha (kick)
kp: kpi (cut)
kw: kwat (scrape)
ny: nyam (sell)
ñw: ñwan (woman or wife)
Phrase list
- Welcome
- Emedi
- How are you
- Idem fo?
- What’s your name?
- Nso ke Ekot fi?
- My name is Edet
- Ekot mi Edet.
- Good morning
- Emesiere
- Good afternoon
- Mokom
- Good night
- Esiere
- Goodbye
- Ka di
- How much is this?
- Okuk ifang?
- Please
- Mbok
- Sorry
- Kpe
- Safe Journey
- Saña suñ
- Thank you
- Sosongo eti eti
- Do you understand
- Anwaña fi?
- Sit down
- Suk tie
- Ufan
- Friend
- Where are you from?
- Oto mmọñ?
- Go away!
- Daga!
- Leave me alone!
- Sana mi yak!
- Help!
- Mbọk nwam mi!
- Fire!
- Ikañ!
- Stop!
- Tre!
- Call the police!
- Kot borisi!
- 1
- Kiet
- 2
- Iba
- 3
- Ita
- 4
- Inaŋ
- 5
- Ition
- 6
- Itiokiet
- 7
- Itiaba
- 8
- Itiaita
- 9
- Usukkiet
- 10
- Duop
- 11
- Duopekiet
- 12
- Duopeba
- 13
- Duopeta
- 14
- Duopenaŋ
- 15
- Efut
- 16
- Efutkiet
- 17
- Efureba
- 18
- Efureta
- 19
- Efurenaŋ
- 20
- Edip
- 21
- Edip Ye Kiet
- 22
- Edip Ye Iba
- 23
- Edip Ye Ita
- 24
- Edip Ye Inaŋ
- 25
- Edip Ye Ition
- 26
- Edip Ye Itiokiet
- 27
- Edip Ye Itiaba
- 28
- Edip Ye Itiaita
- 29
- Edip Ye Inaŋ
- 30
- Edip Ye Duop
- 31
- Edip Ye Duopkiet
- 32
- Edip Ye Duopeba
- 33
- Edip Ye Duopeta
- 34
- Edip Ye Duopenaŋ
- 35
- Edip Ye Efut
- 36
- Edip Ye Efutkiet
- 37
- Edip Ye Efureba
- 38
- Edip Ye Efureta
- 39
- Edip Ye Efurenaŋ
- 40
- Aba
- 50
- Aba Ye Duop
- 60
- Ata
- 70
- Ata Ye Duop
- 80
- Anaŋ
- 90
- Anaŋ Ye Duop
- 100
- Ikie
- 101
- Ikie Ye Kiet
- 110
- Ikie Ye Duop
- 112
- Ikie Ye Duopeba
- 120
- Ikie Ye Edip
- 150
- Ikie Ye Aba Ye Duop
- 200
- Ikie Iba
- 300
- Ikie Ita
- 400
- Ikie Inaŋ
- 500
- Ikie Ition
- 600
- Ikie Itiokiet
- 700
- Ikie Itiaba
- 800
- Ikie Itiaita
- 900
- Ikie Usukiet
- 1000
- Tɔsin
Clock time
- Sunday
- Akwa Ederi
- Monday
- Akwa Eyibio
- Tuesday
- Ekpri Ikwọ
- Wednesday
- Ekpri Ọfiọñ
- Thursday
- Ekpri Ederi
- Friday
- Ekpri Eyibio
- Saturday
- Akwa Ikwọ
- January
- Offiong Kiet
- February
- Offiong Iba
- March
- Offiong Ita
- April
- Offiong Inang
- May
- akeme inam
- June
- Offiong itiokeed
- July
- Offiong Itiaba
- August
- offiong itia- ita
- September
- Offiong usukkiet
- October
- Offiong duop
- November
- Offiong duopkiet
- December
- Offiong duopeba
- Orange
- sokoro
- White
- afia
- Black
- abubit
- Yellow
- jellow
- Green
- awawa
- Red
- idaidat
Part of the body
- Breast
- ɛ́ba
- Brain
- m̀frɛ̌
- Head
- ibuot
- Nose
- ibuo
- Hand
- ubok
- Tongue
- edeme
- Leg
- ukot
- Lip
- mkpok inua
- Mouth
- inua
- Stomach
- idip
- Heart
- esit
- Grandfather
- etebom
- Grandmother
- ekam
- Eldest daughter
- àdj͡àɣá
- Child
- eyen
- Father
- ette
- Mother
- ama
- Uncle
- ayeneka ete
- Cousin
- ayen eyeneka ete(eka)
- Nephew
- ayen awoden ayeneka ete,eka
- Rice
- edesi
- Yam
- bia
- Cocoyam, wateryam or cassava porridge
- Ekpañ Ñkukwọ
- Corn pudding
- Ekoki
- Meat
- unam
- Soup
Edikang ikong Soup, Afang Soup (Vegetable Soup)
Ọtọñ soup (Okra Soup)
Abak Atama Soup (Palm nut Soup)
Iwuk efere (Fisherman Soup)
Afia efere (White Soup)
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