Duque de Caxias is a municipality of Baixada Fluminense, in the Grande Rio region, state of Rio de Janeiro, Southeast of Brazil.
Duque de Caxias (usually referred to simply as "Caxias") is the municipality with the largest population in the Baixada Fluminense. Along with Nova Iguaçu, Duque de Caxias polarizes the 13 municipalities of this portion of the metropolitan agglomeration of Rio de Janeiro, due to the commercial and industrial economic activity exercised in the municipality. In the municipality is located the oil refinery REDUC, the third largest refinery owned by Petrobras in Brazil. Caxias and Nova Iguaçu, however, are highly dependent on the Central Zone of the state capital, with a large part of their populations commuting between these two municipalities and Rio de Janeiro.
Get in

From the Central Zone of Rio de Janeiro, there are urban bus, van and train lines to Duque de Caxias. Most bus lines to Caxias depart from Terminal Américo Fontenelle, in Gamboa, and the trains depart from Central do Brasil train station. The vans to Duque de Caxias also depart from the Central do Brasil area.
Get around
- Nossa Senhora do Pilar Parochial Church (Igreja Paroquial Nossa Senhora do Pilar), Estrada Velha do Pilar. Constructed in 1720, the church has strong baroque features similar to constructions in Minas Gerais.
- São Bento Farm (Fazenda São Bento). The oldest farm in the region, it was purchased by the São Bento monastery in 1591. On the site are the ruins of a chapel built in 1645 and a large house built in the 1750s.
- Reserva Biológica do Tinguá - Rebio do Tinguá (Tinguá Biological Reserve) - A large biological reserve in the far north of Baixada Fluminense.
- Parque Natural Municipal da Taquara (Municipal Natural Park of Taquara) - Natural Park located in the northeast of the municipality of Duque de Caxias, next to the Magé municipal boundary.
- Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos - PARNASO (Serra dos Órgãos National Park) - A major park located on the mountain range called Serra dos Órgãos.
- Igreja Católica Sant'Ana (Sant'Ana Catholic Church) - A church in the neighborhood of Jardim Primavera.
- Igreja de São Judas Tadeu (Church of São Judas Tadeu) - A church in Imbariê.
- Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Church of Nossa Senhora de Fátima) - A church in the center of the neighborhood of Parada Angélica.
- Refinaria Duque de Caxias - Reduc (Duque de Caxias Refinery) - A major refinery located in Campos Elíseos.
- G.R.E.S. Acadêmicos do Grande Rio - Rua Almirante Barroso, 5/6 - Centro, Duque de Caxias. - It is one of the two major samba schools of Baixada Fluminense, the other being the G.R.E.S Beija-Flor de Nilópolis.
- Restaurante À Mineira - Rodovia Washington Luiz (BR-040), 5662 - Jardim Gramacho, Caxias.
- Mont Blanc Suítes Duque de Caxias - Avenida Brigadeiro Lima e Silva, 1065 - Jardim 25 de Agosto, Duque de Caxias.
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