Biobío and Ñuble are in Southern Chile.
- 🌍 Chillán — a popular destination for skiing and hot spring bathing in the nearby Andes Mountains
- 🌍 Cobquecura — at the coast, and has several beaches and places to make excursions (like Calvario Hill)
- 🌍 Coihueco — popular for its wood carvings and loom weaving, and folklore festival (see below)
- 🌍 Concepción — the second largest city of Chile is a city rich in culture, history and beauty
- 🌍 Monte Águila — a small city known for its railway industry
- 🌍 Quillón — a commune home to the Avendaño Lagoon, for water-skiing, swimming, sailing, and rowing, and famous for its Carnival
- 🌍 Quinchamalí — popular for its pottery and cherry festival (see below)
- 🌍 Quirihue — a small typical Chilean town with a small market during the week and a large one during Saturdays. It is quite nice to see how life runs besides the typical touristy places. Try out the restaurant between the two large green supermarkets on opposite sides in the centre.
- 🌍 San Fabián de Alico — a commune that has beautiful landscapes and is an excellent locality for excursions, camping and fishing.
Other destinations
- 🌍 Isla Mocha — a sparsely populated island 40 km (25 miles) off the coast
- 🌍 Los Lleuques — a cordillerano bath next to the Rengado River and which has beautiful places surrounded by mountains
- 🌍 Pinto — an agricultural area with some beautiful rural areas where native flora and fauna can be found, 24 km southeast of Chillán
Biobío Region is the second-most populated region in Chile, and home to the country's third largest city, Concepción. It is an earthquake zone, and has been hit by many earthquakes, including the most powerful earthquake ever recorded (in 1960) and the great earthquake of 2010.
Ñuble Region, to the north of Biobío Region, is the smallest region in Chile in terms of area.
Get in
By car
From Santiago head south by Route 5 (Pan-American Highway).
By plane
- Carriel Sur International Airport ('CCP IATA) in Concepción is the main airport in the region
By train
Terrasur between Santiago (Alameda) and Chillán, covers almost 400 km in less than 5 hours. It is one of the only inter-city services that still operates in the country.
Get around
- 🌍 (Islote) Lobería. Sea lions and seals seek their luck on this smallish island 100 m off the beach in front of Cobquecura. Great and without the usual expensive tour to see a place like this. If you have an optical zoom instead of just your smartphone, you will be in for some nice pictures.
- 🌍 Iglesia de Piedra / Stone Church (Santuario de la naturaleza Islote y Loberia Iglesia de Piedra) (6 km north of Cobquecura). A large rock formation at the beach which is hollow inside, causing the common name. The size is quite impressive and you can climb up for a impressive view of the coast.
Other places of interest are the Market and Fair of Chillán, one of the more beautiful and important artisan centers of Chile. Murals by Siqueiros were donated by the Government of Mexico. There is also Bernardo O'Higgins Monumental Park in the locality of Chillán Viejo.
Among the activities characteristic of Ñuble are crafts, in particular in the localities of Quinchamalí (considered like one of the country's more important places of artisan production of white clay pottery), Coihueco (characterized by the wood carvings and loom weaving), Ninhue and San Fabián de Alico.
- Surfing – Everything between Cobquecura and 🌍 Pelluhue, like Curanipe, Cardonal, Tregualemu and Buchupureo are exceptional surfing destinations and mirror the shape and conditions of the Californian coast on the northern side of the continent. This region is still a hidden gem and receiving a lot of state sponsoring for development. However, beaches and breaks are far from overrun and you can find many lone opportunities to try out your board.
- Spas of Chillán – A winter and, more importantly, summer tourist complex of the region, located among millenarian forests and inexhaustible thermal water sources.
Celebrations and events
Ñuble has a variety of these, liek the following outstanding ones:
- Rodeo – A celebration huasa that takes place Sep–Feb.
- Agro-Expo – In 🌍 San Carlos, an agricultural, cattle and artisan exhibition, with strong accent on dairying.
- Carnival of Quillón – A traditional celebration with artistic spectacles and dances.
- Celebration of the Vendimia – A celebration of autumn in 🌍 Santa Cruz de Cuca.
- Festival of Creole Roots – In Coihueco, it revives folkloric traditions.
- Gathering of Folkloric Roots – In 🌍 Portezuelo in the month of November brings together an important group of singers, artisan and cultural singers and expressions of rural sectors of Ñuble and the country.
- Celebrations of the Cherry and Esquila – Accurs in December in Quinchamalí, with typical folkloric activities, meals, exhibitions and tasting of cherries, jams and liqueurs.
- Cardal – In the commune of 🌍 Yungay takes place in the sliqueurs.