Banjar (known natively as Basa Banjar or Pandir Banjar) is a language spoken predominantly by the Banjar people, native to the southeastern region of the Indonesian island of Kalimantan. This language belongs to the Dayak language family and served as the lingua franca in South Kalimantan and the Central Kalimantan for centuries.
Phrase list
Some phrases in this phrasebook still need to be translated. If you know anything about this language, you can help by plunging forward and translating a phrase.
Common signs
- Hello!
- Halo!
- How are you?
- Badimapa/dimapa habarna?
- I'm well
- Ulun/unda/urang alah
- What is your name?
- Siyaʼa ngaran ikam/pian/nyawa?
- My name is ______
- Ngaran ulun/unda/urang ______
- Please
- Najat / Catu
- Thank you
- Tarima kasih
- You're welcome (in response to 'thank you')
- Sama-sama
- Yes
- Ya
- No
- Cakada / Cada / Kada
- Excuse me
- I'm sorry
- Maapkan ulun/unda/urang
- I can't speak Banjar [well].
- Ulun/unda/urang cakada/cada/kada bisa bapandir Banjar
- Do you speak English?
- Ikam/pian/nyawa bisa bapandir Inggris?
- Is there someone here who speaks English?
- Ada siyaʼa siya bapandir Inggris?
- Help!
- Tulung!
- Look out!
- Hawas!
- Good morning
- Salamat baisukan
- Good evening
- Salamat siang
- Good night
- Salamat malam
- I don't understand
- Ulun/unda/urang cakada/cada/kada paham
- Where is the toilet?
- Dimana toilet?
- Where are you from?
- Dari mana?
- Leave me alone.
- . ( .)
- Don't touch me!
- ! ( !)
- I'll call the police.
- . ( .)
- Police!
- ! ( !)
- Stop! Thief!
- ! ! ( ! !)
- I need your help.
- . ( .)
- It's an emergency.
- . ( .)
- I'm lost.
- . ( .)
- I lost my bag.
- . ( .)
- I lost my wallet.
- . ( .)
- I'm sick.
- . ( .)
- I've been injured.
- . ( .)
- I need a doctor.
- . ( .)
- Can I use your phone?
- ? ( ?)
- 0
- 1
- asa
- 2
- dua
- 3
- talu
- 4
- ampat
- 5
- lima
- 6
- anam
- 7
- pitu
- 8
- walu
- 9
- sanga
- 10
- sapuluh
- 11
- sawalas
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- pitung walas
- 18
- 19
- 20
- 21
- 22
- 23
- 24
- 25
- salawi
- 30
- talungpuluh
- 40
- 50
- 60
- anampuluh
- 70
- 80
- walungpuluh
- 90
- 100
- saratus
- 200
- 300
- 1,000
- saribu
- 2,000
- 1,000,000
- sajuta
- 1,000,000,000
- 1,000,000,000,000
- number _____ train, bus, etc.
- half
- less
- more
- now
- ( )
- later
- ( )
- before
- ( )
- morning
- ( )
- afternoon
- ( )
- evening
- ( )
- night
- ( )
Clock time
- one o'clock AM
- ( )
- two o'clock AM
- ( )
- noon
- ( )
- one o'clock PM
- ( )
- two o'clock PM
- ( )
- midnight
- ( )
- _____ second(s)
- _____ detik (DUH-teek)
- _____ minute(s)
- _____ menit (MUH-nih(t))
- _____ hour(s)
- _____ jam (jahm)
- _____ day(s)
- _____ hari (HAH-ree)
- _____ week(s)
- _____ minggu (MING-goo)
- _____ month(s)
- _____ bulan (BOO-lahn)
- _____ year(s)
- _____ tahun (TAH-hoon)
- today
- yesterday
- tomorrow
- this week
- last week
- next week
- Sunday
- Ahat
- Monday
- Sanayan
- Tuesday
- Salasa
- Wednesday
- Arba
- Thursday
- Kemés
- Friday
- Jumahat
- Saturday
- Sapti
- January
- Januari
- February
- Pibuari
- March
- Marit
- April
- April
- May
- Mai
- June
- Juni
- July
- Juli
- August
- Agustus
- September
- Siptimbir
- October
- Uktubir
- November
- Nupimbir
- December
- Disimbir
Writing time and date
Just like Indonesian language, the Banjarese uses a 24-hour format. So AM is 00.00 to 11.59, and PM is 12.00-23.59. In practice, however, people are also fine with telling time in 12-hour formats as long as the phase of the day is indicated (see below).
There are two ways to mention time: the word pukul (POOH-kool) uses the 24-hour format and is usually found in broadcasting and in written forms, meanwhile jam (JAM) uses the 12-hour format and is used in conversational settings. Hence 15.00 or 3.00 PM may be said pukul lima belas or jam tiga sore. Generally, both forms are well understood in public.

- black
- hirang
- white
- putih
- gray
- habuk
- red
- habang
- blue
- biru
- yellow
- kuning
- green
- hijau
- orange
- jingga
- purple
- bigi ramania
- brown
- suklat
Bus and train
- How much is a ticket to _____?
- ( )
- One ticket to _____, please.
- ( )
- Where does this train/bus go?
- ( )
- Where is the train/bus to _____?
- ( )
- Does this train/bus stop in _____?
- ( )
- When does the train/bus for _____ leave?
- ( )
- When will this train/bus arrive in _____?
- ( )
- How do I get to _____ ?
- ( )
- ...the train station?
- ( )
- ...the bus station?
- ( )
- ...the airport?
- ( )
- ...downtown?
- ( )
- ...the youth hostel?
- ( )
- ...the _____ hotel?
- ( )
- ...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?
- ( )
- Where are there a lot of...
- ( )
- ( )
- ...restaurants?
- ( )
- ...bars?
- ( )
- ...sites to see?
- ( )
- Can you show me on the map?
- ( )
- street
- ( )
- Turn left.
- ( )
- Turn right.
- ( )
- left
- ( )
- right
- ( )
- straight ahead
- ( )
- towards the _____
- ( )
- past the _____
- ( )
- before the _____
- ( )
- Watch for the _____.
- ( )
- intersection
- ( )
- north
- ( )
- south
- ( )
- east
- ( )
- west
- ( )
- uphill
- ( )
- downhill
- ( )
- Taxi!
- ( )
- Take me to _____, please.
- ( )
- How much does it cost to get to _____?
- ( )
- Take me there, please.
- ( )
- Do you have any rooms available?
- ( )
- How much is a room for one person/two people?
- ( )
- Does the room come with...
- ( )
- ...bedsheets?
- ( )
- ...a bathroom?
- ( )
- ...a telephone?
- ( )
- ...a TV?
- ( )
- May I see the room first?
- ( )
- Do you have anything quieter?
- ( )
- ...bigger?
- ( )
- ...cleaner?
- ( )
- ...cheaper?
- ( )
- OK, I'll take it.
- ( )
- I will stay for _____ night(s).
- ( )
- Can you suggest another hotel?
- ( )
- Do you have a safe?
- ( )
- ...lockers?
- ( )
- Is breakfast/supper included?
- ( )
- What time is breakfast/supper?
- ( )
- Please clean my room.
- ( )
- Can you wake me at _____?
- ( )
- I want to check out.
- ( )
- Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
- ( )
- Do you accept British pounds?
- ( )
- Do you accept Euros?
- ( )
- Do you accept credit cards?
- ( )
- Can you change money for me?
- ( )
- Where can I get money changed?
- ( )
- Can you change a traveler's check for me?
- ( )
- Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
- ( )
- What is the exchange rate?
- ( )
- Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
- ( )
- A table for one person/two people, please.
- Can I look at the menu, please?
- Can I look in the kitchen?
- Is there a house specialty?
- Is there a local specialty?
- I'm a vegetarian.
- I don't eat pork.
- I don't eat beef.
- I only eat kosher food.
- Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
- fixed-price meal
- a la carte
- breakfast
- lunch
- tea (meal)
- supper
- I want _____.
- I want a dish containing _____.
- chicken
- beef
- fish
- iwak
- ham
- sausage
- cheese
- eggs
- salad
- (fresh) vegetables
- (fresh) fruit
- buah (sigar)
- bread
- toast
- noodles
- rice
- beans
- May I have a glass of _____?
- May I have a cup of _____?
- May I have a bottle of _____?
- coffee
- tea drink
- juice
- bubbly water
- still water
- beer
- red/white wine
- May I have some _____?
- salt
- black pepper
- butter
- Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
- I'm finished.
- It was delicious.
- Please clear the plates.
- The check, please.
- Do you serve alcohol?
- Is there table service?
- A beer/two beers, please.
- A glass of red/white wine, please.
- A pint, please.
- A bottle, please.
- _____ hard liquor and _____ mixer, please.
- whiskey
- vodka
- rum
- water
- banyu
- club soda
- tonic water
- orange juice
- Coke (soda)
- Do you have any bar snacks?
- One more, please.
- Another round, please.
- When is closing time?
- Cheers!
- Do you have this in my size?
- ( )
- How much is this?
- ( )
- That's too expensive.
- ( )
- Would you take _____?
- ( )
- expensive
- ( )
- cheap
- ( )
- I can't afford it.
- ( )
- I don't want it.
- ( )
- You're cheating me.
- ( )
- I'm not interested.
- (..)
- OK, I'll take it.
- ( )
- Can I have a bag?
- ( )
- Do you ship (overseas)?
- ( )
- I need...
- ( )
- ...toothpaste.
- ( )
- ...a toothbrush.
- ( )
- ...tampons.
- . ( )
- ...soap.
- ( )
- ...shampoo.
- ( )
- ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
- ( )
- ...cold medicine.
- ( )
- ...stomach medicine.
- ... ( )
- ...a razor.
- ( )
- umbrella.
- ( )
- ...sunblock lotion.
- ( )
- ...a postcard.
- ( )
- ...postage stamps.
- ( )
- ...batteries.
- ( )
- ...writing paper.
- ( )
- ...a pen.
- ( )
- ...English-language books.
- ( )
- ...English-language magazines.
- ( )
- English-language newspaper.
- ( )
- English-English dictionary.
- ( )
- I want to rent a car.
- ( )
- Can I get insurance?
- ( )
- stop (on a street sign)
- ( )
- one way
- ( )
- yield
- ( )
- no parking
- ( )
- speed limit
- ( )
- gas (petrol) station
- ( )
- petrol
- ( )
- diesel
- ( )
- I haven't done anything wrong.
- ( )
- It was a misunderstanding.
- ( )
- Where are you taking me?
- ( )
- Am I under arrest?
- ( )
- I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
- ( )
- I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
- ( )
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
- ( )
- Can I just pay a fine now?
- ( )