Amazônia National Park is in the state of Para of Brazil. The easiest access to the park is from the nearby city of Itaituba.
Flora and fauna
Get in
The Trans-Amazônia highway runs through the park. To get there, take a bus from Itaituba to Jacareacanga and ask the driver to let you off at the park entrance. The highway is paved as far as Itaituba but other parts are unpaved earth roads topped with gravel that deteriorate during the rainy season, November to April, and need much repair work each May and June. The park can be accessed from Santarém, Pará, which is at the confluence of the Tapajós with the Amazon River. Santarém has an airport. Any roads usually require four-wheel-drive vehicles and river transport is normally used in this region.
Bus from Itaituba around 10:00. Bus to Itaituba around 14:00. About R$30, one way.
Car rentals in Itaituba are about R$100 per day, plus insurance.
Taxi from Itaituba is about R$150.
Fees and permits
You must obtain permission from IBAMA/ICMBio to visit the park. They have an office in Itaituba.
Address: Av. Mal. Rondon, s/n - Liberdade, Itaituba - PA, 68181-010. (IBAMA/ Parque Nacional da Amazônia). ☏ +55 93 3518-4519
Pay the park rangers/guides about R$50. (Ask at IBAMA if that is still correct.)
Get around
- Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio - Itaituba), Av. Mal. Rondon, s/n - Liberdade, Itaituba, toll-free: +55 93 3518-4519. M-F 08:00-18:00; Sa Su closed. Get your permit for the park here. free.
- Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente / Parque Nacional da Amazônia (IBAMA / Parque Nacional da Amazônia), Av. Mal. Rondon, s/n. Aeroporto Velho. Itaituba – PA. (IBAMA/ Parque Nacional da Amazônia), ☏ +55 93 3518-4519. office hours. To visit the Amazônia National Park, you need to get a permit. One can be obtained here. You need your passport - maybe also a photocopy and some 3x4 cm photos. The permit is free (at last check). free.
- 🌍 Park office 2 (Base ICMBio 2), Transamazônica Highway BR-230 (about 65 km south along the highway from Itaituba), ☏ +55 93 3518-4519. Start your hike from here.
- 🌍 Entrance to the park (Base 1). Pass this on the highway as you go to Base 2.
There is a cabin near the park entrance with very basic accommodations for free. There is a kitchen there that visitors can use, but you should bring all food from outside the park, as there are no places to buy food in the park.
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