Young King (magazine)

Young King (ヤングキング, Yangu Kingu) is a semimonthly seinen manga magazine published in Japan by Shōnen Gahōsha, aimed primarily at adult male audiences. It is the sister publication of Monthly Young King and Young King OURs and was founded in 1987 as the sister publication of the now-discontinued Shōnen King. As of 2008, the circulation was about 230,000.[2]

Young King
Cover of 2009 issue no. 18
CategoriesSeinen manga[1]
Circulation230,000 (2008)
First issue1987
CompanyShōnen Gahōsha


  1. "Men's Manga". Japanese Magazine Publishers Association. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  2. Japan Magazine Publishers Association Magazine Data 2008.
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