Walther graph

In the mathematical field of graph theory, the Walther graph, also called the Tutte fragment, is a planar bipartite graph with 25 vertices and 31 edges named after Hansjoachim Walther.[1] It has chromatic index 3, girth 3 and diameter 8.

Walther graph
Walther graph
Named afterHansjoachim Walther
Chromatic number2
Chromatic index3
Table of graphs and parameters

If the single vertex of degree 1 whose neighbour has degree 3 is removed, the resulting graph has no Hamiltonian path. This property was used by Tutte when combining three Walther graphs to produce the Tutte graph,[2] the first known counterexample to Tait's conjecture that every 3-regular polyhedron has a Hamiltonian cycle.[3]

Algebraic properties

The Walther graph is an identity graph; its automorphism group is the trivial group.

The characteristic polynomial of the Walther graph is :


  1. Weisstein, Eric W. "Walther Graph". MathWorld.
  2. Tutte, W. T. (1946), "On Hamiltonian circuits" (PDF), Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 21 (2): 98–101, doi:10.1112/jlms/s1-21.2.98
  3. Tait, P. G. (1884), "Listing's Topologie", Philosophical Magazine, 5th Series, 17: 30–46. Reprinted in Scientific Papers, Vol. II, pp. 85–98.

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