Viktor Uhlig

Viktor Karl Uhlig (2 January 1857 – 4 June 1911) was an Austrian geologist and paleontologist.[1]

Viktor Uhlig
Born2 January 1857
Died4 June 1911(1911-06-04) (aged 54)
Karlovy Vary, Austria-Hungary
Occupation(s)Geologist and paleontologist


He studied geology and mineralogy at the universities of Graz and Vienna, receiving his doctorate in 1879. Afterwards he worked as a research assistant under Melchior Neumayr in Vienna, and in 1891 was named an associate professor of geology and mineralogy at the German Polytechnic in Prague. Two years later he became a full professor, and in 1900 returned to Vienna as a professor of geology and paleontology. In 1907 he was a co-founder of the Geologischen Gesellschaft in Wien.[2][3]

He is best remembered for his geological and tectonic investigations of the Carpathians and for his paleontological work involving ammonites of the Cretaceous period.[2]

Published works

  • Die Cephalopodenfauna der Wernsdorfer Schichten, 1883 Cephalopod fauna of the Wernsdorf stratification.
  • Ueber das Vorkommen und die Entstehung des Erdöls, 1884 On the occurrence and origin of oil.
  • Erdgeschichte, 1886-87 (2 volumes), main author: Melchior Neumayr History of the Earth.
  • Die Geologie des Tatragebirges, 1897 The geology of the Tatra Mountains.
  • Über die Cephalopodenfauna der Teschener und Grodischter Schichten, 1900 On cephalopod fauna of the Teschen and Grodischt strata.
  • Bau und Bild der Karpaten, 1903 Construction and image of the Carpathians.
  • Über die Tektonik der Karpaten, 1907 On the tectonics of the Carpathians.
  • "The Fauna of the Spiti Shales", in: Palaeontologia Indica, 1910.[4]


  1. "ÖNB/ANNO AustriaN Newspaper Online". Retrieved 2014-11-29.
  2. Thibaut - Zycha, Volume 10 edited by Walther Killy
  3. AEIOU short biography
  4. Most widely held works by Viktor Karl Uhlig WorldCat Identities
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