Traffic Penalty Tribunal

The Traffic Penalty Tribunal is a tribunal in the United Kingdom which manages appeals against penalty charge notices or PCNs, a form of civil penalty, for areas in England outside of London. It was created by statute to fulfil provisions of the Traffic Management Act 2004,[1] it is partly responsible to the PATROL joint committee, a collection of local authorities responsible for enforcing PCNs who make use of the traffic penalty tribunals adjudication process.[2]

Decisions of the Traffic Penalty Tribunal can be challenged by judicial review.[3] The appeal process is governed by the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) Representations and Appeals Regulations 2007[4] and The Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) General Regulations 2007.[5]

The tribunal handles roughly 25000 cases per year, the vast majority of appeals are handled virtually.[6]


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