Tracey Ullman's State of the Union characters

This is a complete list of original characters performed by Tracey Ullman in Tracey Ullman's State of the Union.


Linda Alvarez

Appearances: Season 1, 2, and 3
Location: Buffalo, New York
Local news reporter. In series two, she becomes the site for attention when she gets stung by a bee and ends up on YouTube.


Appearances: Season 2
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Cirque du Soleil performer.


Doris Basham

Appearances: Season 1
Location: On the North Dakota/Canada Border
Elderly woman who gets busted for smuggling Canadian prescription drugs.

Muriel Bass

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Wichita, Kansas
Vocal coach.

Rosa Batista

Appearances: Season 1
Location: Stranded on the Katzman Memorial Bridge, Los Angeles, California
Housekeeper to Arianna Huffington.

Irma Billings

Appearances: Season 1
Location: Plainsville, Nebraska
Average citizen who converses with her neighbor, Betsy Jean.


Tori Campbell

Appearances: Season 2
Location: New York, New York
Dog walker.

Beverly Carlyle

Appearances: Season 2
Piano bar performer.


Appearances: Season 3
Location(s): San Francisco, California, Rapid City, North Dakota
Antiques Roadshow appraiser.

Robin Cavanaugh

Appearances: Season 2
Location: Chicago's Gold Coast
Rich wife who is having to economize.

Marion Churchill

Appearances: Season 1
Location: New York, New York
Jamaican caregiver.

Leslie Katz-Coen

Appearances: Season 2
Location: Taos, New Mexico
Publicist to the Dalai Lama.

Simona Cowell

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Bel Air, California
Sister of Simon Cowel.

Grammy Cyrus

Appearances: Season 2
Location: Flatwoods, Kentucky
Grandmother to Miley Cyrus.


Karen DaFoe

Appearances: Season 2
Location: Woodsville, Vermont
Mother of teen mother.

Zoey Daniels

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Coral Gables, Florida
Woman who along with her husband refuses to leave a rundown mansion.


Vicky Emming

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Clovis, New Mexico
Woman addicted to the internet.


Appearances: Season 2
Location: Wild Spunk, Texas
FLDS woman.

Polly Everson

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Washington, DC
Woman who sets up for investigative hearings.


Valerie Frumkiss

Appearances: Season 2
Location: Battlecreek, Michigan
Ex-performer. Senior citizen.


Lynne Garibaldi

Appearances: Season 2
Location: Albany, New York
Lynne is a working class mother of a handicapped child who is obsessed with Harry Potter, and she is a historical reenactment actress.

Glamorous Hostess

Appearances: Season 2
Location: The Mayo Clinic, Minnesota
Host of So You Think You Can Die, a parody of So You Think You Can Dance.

Graceland Employee

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Memphis, Tennessee
Worker in souvenir shop.


Abby Melina Harris

Appearances: Season 1
Location: Undisclosed location in Arizona
Owner of "Dignity Village", a community for women 35 and over "never to be seen in public again."

Lacy Harris

Appearances: Season 1
Location: Greenville, North Carolina
A farmer.

Dr. Kara Hemdale

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Bangor, Maine
Scientist who successfully clones Rupert Murdoch.

Rosarita Hernandez

Appearances: Season 2
Location: Texas/Mexico border
Illegal immigrant who crosses the border.


Import/Export Pier worker

Appearances: Season 1
Location: Long Beach, California
Export worker who worries about how much America is exporting.



Appearances: Season 2
Location: Los Angeles, California
Dancing with the Stars dancer.

JetBlue airline steward

Appearances: Season 1
Location: Grounded in, Chicago, Illinois
A flight attendant on a JetBlue flight.


Sally Knox

Appearances: Season 1
Location: New York, New York
Investment banker, who has an ongoing affair with her boss, Chris Fullbright.


Penny Landers

Appearances: Season 2
Location: Cascade Mountains, Central Oregon
Euthanasia provider.

Mary Ann LeFrak

Appearances: Season 1
Location: Columbus, Mississippi
An expectant mother in her seventies.

Jacqueline Lord

Appearances: Season 2 and 3
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Daughter of Jack Lord.

Rachel Ludlow

Appearances: Season 2
Location: Connecticut
Lesbian who is getting married.

Tina Luffler

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Plainsville, Missouri
Woman who went missing as a young girl in 1972. Was trapped in her parents' basement by her father.


Dr. Maguire

Appearances: Season 2
Overzealous doctor who over-prescribes medication.


Appearances: Season 2
Olympic trainer.

Sindra Mataal

Appearances: Season 1
Location: New York, New York
Undocumented Bangladeshi worker.

Brenda McKinney

Appearances: Season 3
Mother with an out of control pre-teen.

Dee McNally

Appearances: Season 2, and 3
Flight attendant.

Miriam Minger

Appearances: Season 2
Location: Casper, Wyoming
School teacher who seduces students.

Chanel Monticello

Appearances: Season 1, 2, and 3
Location: Chicago, Illinois, at O'Hare International
Airport security scanner.

Patty Sue Mulligan

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Waycross, Georgia
Teleservice center worker for India.



Appearances: Season 3
Location: Hudson River
Whale rescuer.


Shrilynne O'Dale

Appearances: Season 1
Location: Colorado
Parishioner who is participating in her church's "Walk A Mile In Their Shoes" program.


Mother Superior Rose Pannatella

Appearances: Season 1
Location: St. Mary's, Pennsylvania
Always in deep meditation.

Sgt. Lisa Penning

Appearances: Season 1 and 2
Location: Macon, Georgia
On leave from Iraq. She is part of a PBS special entitled, Moms At War.

Padma Perkesh

Appearances: Season 1, 2 and 3
Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee
An Indian American pharmacist who puts a Bollywood-twist on medication side effects.

Chandra Perkett

Appearances: Season 1
Location: Coshocton, Ohio
Public access yoga instructor.

Ramona Petrie

Appearances: Season 2 and 3
Location: Summerston, West Virginia
Woman stuck in a small car.

Gretchen Pinkus

Appearances: Season 1, 2 and 3
Location: Huntsville, Texas
Widow of "The Wetwipe Killer". She later marries "The Tastee-Freez Rapist". She releases a memoir entitled White Widow. She dies in a meth lab fire in Season 3.

Vanessa Pludd

Appearances: Season 2
Morbidly obese woman.

Carol Pholgren

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Akron, Ohio
Jeans entrepreneur.


Asmaa Qasim

Appearances: Season 1 and 2
Location: The Ozarks
The most famous star in Malawi who comes to adopt an American child.


Emily Racine

Appearances: Season 3
Bookstore owner.

Marilyn Richter

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Guthrie, Oklahoma
CSI wannabe.

Ronnie Rooney

Appearances: Season 1
Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota
Older brother to Andy Rooney.


Sacha Baron Cohen victim

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Osborne, Kansas
Woman who received PTSD due to the antics of comedian Sacha Baron Cohen.


Appearances: Season 3
Location: Flushing, Michigan
Green collar worker.

Elena Sarkovsky

Appearances: Season 1
Location: New York, New York, at the United Nations
Russian UN interpreter.

September 11th Press Conference Organizer

Appearances: Season 3
Location: New York City
Presenter of proposed 9/11 monuments.


Appearances: Season 2
Natural food store worker.

Janie Shaw

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Omaha
Woman who gets harassed for smoking.

Shana Shonsteen

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Jewish female suitor.

Jillian Smart

Appearances: Season 2
Location: Central Arizona
Soccer mom.

Sandra Stevens

Appearances: Season 1
Location: Mustang, Oklahoma
WNBA coach.


Tennis Instructor

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Jupiter, Florida
Female tennis instructor.

Anette Thomas

Appearances: Season 1
Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota
Regional theater actress who returns to the stage after having had a hip replacement.

Ingrid Thorvall

Appearances: Season 2, and 3
Location: Oakridge, Tennessee
Woman with mitral valve prolapse who is forced to get surgery abroad.

Wendy Trenton

Appearances: Season 2
Location: Illinois
Champion hog caller.


Upper East side rich woman

Appearances: Season 3
Location: New York City
Woman who hides her extravagant purchases due to the recession.


Carmen Valk

Appearances: Season 1
Location: East Coast
Homeless woman who is without health insurance.


Edith Wertzel

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Spartanburg County, South Carolina
Obese woman who takes on laziness.

Emily Westin

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Flat River, Missouri
Woman desperate for a job.

Vera Wilson

Appearances: Season 3
Location: Laredo, Texas
Vendor at gun show.

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