Today's Chinese Version

The Today's Chinese Version (TCV) (Traditional Chinese: 現代中文譯本; Pinyin: Xiàndài Zhōngwén Yìběn) is a recent translation of the Bible into modern Chinese by the United Bible Societies. The New Testament was first published in 1975, and the entire Bible was published in 1979. The Bible uses simple, easy to read Chinese, and avoids complex and specialist terminology. The New York Times, apparently unaware of the Studium Biblicum Version or the translation by Lü Chen Chung, hailed it as the first Mandarin translation of the Bible since 1919. [1]

Today's Chinese Version
Full nameToday's Chinese Version
Other names現代中文譯本
OT published1979
NT published1975
Complete Bible
Derived fromGood News Bible
Textual basis
  • OT: Biblia Hebraica Kittel (3rd ed.) with Septuagint influence
  • NT: UBS Greek New Testament (3rd ed. and 4th ed.); Novum Testamentum Graece (26th ed., 27th ed.)
Version revision1985, 1997, 2017
PublisherUnited Bible Societies
CopyrightPublic domain
Religious affiliationProtestant


John 3:16 神那么爱世人,甚至赐下他的独子,要使所有信他的人不至灭亡,反得永恒的生命。

TCV is published in two different versions to accommodate the different translations used by Protestants and Catholics. However, the Catholic version is virtually identical to the Protestant version, except for the translations of "Lord", "God", and "Holy Spirit", even though almost all proper names are traditionally transliterated differently.[2]

In mainland China the TCV is published in simplified Chinese characters by the state-owned Amity Foundation (爱德基金会) in Nanjing, although the Today's Chinese Version is produced and distributed in fewer formats than the Amity Foundation's main version, the Chinese Union Version.


  • 基督教圣经中英文对照修订版 现代中文译本GNT/TCV 圣经Holy Bible. 双语并排版现代英文译本/现代中文译本. 出版发行:中国基督教两会出版发行. 印刷:南京爱德印刷有限公司 2010

See also


  1. "New Bible Translation is a Chinese Version". New York Times. 8 March 1976. Retrieved 3 November 2021.
  2. 從邊疆到福爾摩沙: 浸信會在台五十年史 : 1948-1998 - 第 57 吳文仁 - 1998 "...他是「現代中文譯本」聖經翻譯的成員之一,目前正進行和合本修訂本,和基督教與天主教的聯合譯本。周牧師在出版界的投入不餘遺力,分別在基督教文藝出版社及在中國愛德印刷股份有限公司擔任董事,愛德印刷公司到現在為止,已出版超過一千七百萬冊..."

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