Tiong Ohang

Tiong Ohang is a village in Mahakam Ulu Regency, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The village is located near the Müller Mountains on the banks of the Mahakam River.[1] The village is connected via suspension bridge (which supports motorbikes but not larger vehicles)[2] to the village of Tiong Bu'u, which is located on the opposite bank of the river. The village has a high school[2] and government administrative services counter.[3]

Tiong Ohang
Tiong Ohang is located in Borneo
Tiong Ohang
Tiong Ohang
Location of Tiong Ohang
Coordinates: 0°46′29.5″N 114°16′17.9″E


  1. Media, Kompas Cyber (7 November 2016). "Tiong Ohang, Kala Alam dan Budayanya Menyapa dari Pedalaman Halaman all". KOMPAS.com (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2020-09-09.
  2. "Jembatan Gantung Tiong Ohang-Tiong Bu'u, Urat Nadi Kehidupan Antar Kampung di Mahulu". Tribun Kaltim (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2020-09-09.
  3. "PATEN di Kampung Tiong Ohang, Mendekatkan Pelayanan Pemerintah ke Warga Perbatasan". Kaltim Kece. Retrieved 2020-09-09.
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