The New Reality (TV program)
The New Reality is a Canadian television newsmagazine series, which premiered on Global in 2020. The network's return to dedicated newsmagazine programming following the cancellation of 16×9 in 2016, the series features long-form investigative and documentary reports. Dawna Friesen, the network's chief anchor on Global National, hosts the program; unlike some newsmagazine series, however, The New Reality does not have its own dedicated staff, but airs work by all of the Global News team.
The series received a Canadian Screen Award nomination for Best News or Information Segment at the 10th Canadian Screen Awards in 2021, for Mike Armstrong's report "Betty's Story".[1]
- Brent Furdyk, "2022 Canadian Screen Award Nominees Announced, ‘Sort Of’ & ‘Scarborough’ Lead The Pack". ET Canada, February 15, 2022.
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