Telestream pipeline
Pipeline from Telestream is a network video capture and playout hardware device which is used to move SDI (Serial digital interface) and tape-based video and audio in and out of file-based workflows. It is also known as an encoder and capturing system for QuickTime and Final Cut Pro.[1]
Pipeline has been used as the main video capture device by "renowned producer and editor, Mitch Jacobson"[2][3] for "two recent major live events: an Elton John concert and a Guitar Hero publicity launch for Aerosmith.[3]
- Network-accessible SDI video capture and playout devices
- Encode to multiple HD and/or SD formats in a single box
- Edit or transcode media files while they are being captured
- Schedule automated live ingest or log from tape
- Sits on your network – so anyone can access it
- Real-time, reliable hardware encoding[1]
External links
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