Tam Qui Khi-Kong

Federatsiya Tam Kui Khi-Kong (Russian: Федерация Там Куи Кхи-конг) is a Moscow-based martial arts organization founded in 2006, promoting a Vietnamese martial art with the name Tam Quy Khí-Công, which translates to "Three Refuges Qigong" (Qigong being the Chinese term for "cultivation of life-energy". Tam Qui School does not practice sparring fighting between students, because the spirit of the school and its ideology rule out competitiveness.



  • Igor Mikhnevich, Кхи-Конг. Древняя вьетнамская система физического и духовного развития личности ("Khi-Kong. An ancient Vietnamese system of personal physical and spiritual development"), 2006.
  • Thien Duyen (Igor Mikhnevich), Древнее вьетнамское боевое искусство (Ancient Vietnamese martial arts"), 2009. 160 стр. ISBN 978-5-9787-0430-3
  • Thien Duyen (Igor Mikhnevich), Кулак Будды. Древнее вьетнамское боевое искусство Там Куи Кхи-конг ("Buddha's Fist. The ancient Vietnamese martial art Tam Qui Khi-kong"), 2010. ISBN 978-5-413-00047-2


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