Table of stars with Flamsteed designations
This table lists those stars/objects which have Flamsteed designations by the constellation in which those stars/objects lie. The name given is that of the article if it does not reflect the Flamsteed designation. Some articles are linked twice, in cases where the star has been assigned two different Flamsteed designations, usually as noted in different constellations.
- In Pisces; also known as 69 Piscium
- In Perseus
- In Pegasus
- In Piscis Austrinus; also known as 24 Piscis Austrini
- In Scutum
- In Delphinus
- In Pisces
- In Cetus
- In Taurus; also known as 112 Tauri
- In Auriga
- In Auriga, also known as 30 Aurigae
- In Lynx
- In Ursa Major
- In Gemini
- In Coma Berenices
- In Columba
- In Pisces; also known as 106 Piscium
- In Aries
- In Eridanus; also known as 1 Eridani
- In Hydra
- In Corvus
- In Vulpecula
- In Cepheus
- In Fornax
- In Taurus
- In Serpens
- In Corona Borealis
- In Ophiuchus
- In Libra
- In Cancer
- In Leo
- In Scorpius
- In Lepus
- In Hercules
- In Sagittarius
- In Monoceros
- In Aquarius
- In Andromeda
- In Microscopium
- In Canis Major
- In Aquila
- In Virgo
- In Hercules; also known as 24 Herculis
- In Draco
- In Boötes
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