Springfield (federal electoral district)

Springfield was a federal electoral district in Manitoba, Canada, that was represented in the House of Commons of Canada from 1917 to 1968.

This riding was created in 1914 from parts of Selkirk riding. It was abolished in 1966 when it was redistributed into Churchill, Portage, Provencher, Selkirk and Winnipeg North ridings.

Springfield was a swing riding, often returning members of the Liberal, Progressive Conservative, and New Democratic parties and their historical equivalents. The riding was most recently held by NDP MP Ed Schreyer, before it was dissolved into surrounding ridings.

Election results

1965 Canadian general election

1965 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
New DemocraticSCHREYER, Ed8,001
Progressive ConservativeSLOGAN, Joe7,246
LiberalBILYNSKY, Wm.4,104
Social CreditLUINING, Robert H.1,085
NDP gain from PC Swing -

1963 Canadian general election

1963 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
Progressive ConservativeSLOGAN, Joe9,552
LiberalWARREN, Archie5,532
New DemocraticSYMS, Frank3,648
Social CreditLUINING, Robert H.1,358
PC hold Swing -

1962 Canadian general election

1962 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
Progressive ConservativeSLOGAN, Joe8,052
LiberalWARREN, Archie5,248
New DemocraticSCHULZ, Jake4,960
Social CreditREMPEL, Bernie1,669
PC hold Swing -

1958 Springfield by-election

This by-election was held due to the death of the incumbent MP Val Yacula, on 24 September 1958. The riding was held for the Progressive Conservatives by Joseph Slogan.

By-election on 15 December 1958
Party Candidate Votes
Progressive ConservativeSLOGAN, Joe4,248
LiberalWESELAK, Anton Bernard3,757
Co-operative CommonwealthSCHULZ, Jake3,446
PC hold Swing -

1958 Canadian general election

1958 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
Progressive ConservativeYACULA, Val7,045
Co-operative CommonwealthSCHULZ, Jake4,962
LiberalWESELAK, Anton Bernard3,491
Social CreditGROSS, John William1,125
PC gain from CCF Swing -

1957 Canadian general election

1957 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
Co-operative CommonwealthSCHULZ, Jake5,949
LiberalWESELAK, Anton Bernard4,453
Social CreditSCHLAMP, Lawrence Paul3,558
Progressive ConservativeYACULA, Val1,684
CCF gain Swing Liberal-

1953 Canadian general election

1953 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
LiberalWESELAK, Anton Bernard6,240
Co-operative CommonwealthDEGRAFF, Frank Jacob1,878
Social CreditTRAPP, Paul Gottfried1,221
Progressive ConservativeSLOGAN, Joseph1,201
Independent LiberalSINNOTT, John Sylvester1,068
Labor–ProgressiveBILESKI, Andrew469
IndependentBIBEROVICH, Ladislaus293
Liberal hold Swing -

1949 Canadian general election

1949 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
LiberalSINNOTT, John Sylvester8,253
Co-operative CommonwealthWASYLYK, Harry4,418
Progressive ConservativeBODIE, J. Leslie3,494
Labor–ProgressiveBILESKI, Andrew1,117
Liberal hold Swing -

1945 Canadian general election

1945 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
LiberalSINNOTT, John Sylvester5,376
Co-operative CommonwealthDONELEYKO, Wilbert4,797
Labor–ProgressiveBILESKI, Andrew2,400
Progressive ConservativeBETHEL, Clarence Henry2,308
Social CreditMCLEOD, Alexander James Harper1,783
IndependentABBOTT, Charles Leo231
Liberal hold Swing -

1940 Canadian general election

1940 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
LiberalTURNER, John Mouat7,462
Co-operative CommonwealthKNOWLES, Stanley Howard7,018
National GovernmentFINLAYSON, Roderick Kenneth3,311

1935 Canadian general election

1935 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
LiberalTURNER, John Mouat3,564
Co-operative CommonwealthSULKERS, Herbert3,117
Liberal–ProgressiveSTRYK, Nicholas John2,998
ConservativeTAYLOR, Louis Lawrence2,351
ReconstructionDOYLE, Arthur M.1,667
Independent LiberalMCMURRAY, Joseph Henry478
IndependentZAHARYCHUK, Andrew280
Liberal gain from Conservative (historical) Swing -

1930 Canadian general election

1930 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
ConservativeHAY, Thomas5,446
Liberal–ProgressiveBISSETT, Edgar Douglas Richmond3,617
LabourLANGE, Frederick William1,106
Independent LiberalROSS, Donald Andrew511
Independent LiberalGRABOWSKI, Stanley307
Conservative (historical) gain from Liberal–Progressive Swing -

1926 Canadian general election

1926 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
Liberal–ProgressiveBISSETT, Edgar Douglas Richmond3,852
ConservativeHAY, Thomas2,638
LabourDUNN, Thomas Herbert1,375
Liberal–Progressive gain from Conservative (historical) Swing -

1926 Canadian general election

1925 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
ConservativeHAY, Thomas2,259
LiberalBISSETT, Edgar Douglas Richmond1,724
ProgressiveHOLLAND, John1,665
Conservative (historical) gain from Progressive Swing -

1921 Canadian general election

1921 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
ProgressiveHOEY, Robert Alexander5,779
LiberalMOLLOY, Thomas Boniface4,382
ConservativeSUTHERLAND, Alexander Douglas2,234
Progressive gain from Unionist Swing -

1917 Canadian general election

1917 Canadian federal election
Party Candidate Votes
Government (Unionist)RICHARDSON, Robert Lorne5,870
Opposition (Laurier Liberals)CHARETTE, Guillaume Joseph3,781
Unionist pickup new district.

See also

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