Spiderweb (film)

Spiderweb (1976) is a British short film directed by National Film and Television School graduate Paul Miller. It is a fairly faithful adaptation of "Death and the Compass", a 1942 short story by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986). The site of the action, an unnamed city in the original story, is given as "Borgesia" at the beginning of the film.

Directed byPaul Miller
Based on"Death and the Compass"
by Jorge Luis Borges
StarringNigel Hawthorne
Gabor Vernon
Harry Tierney
Ray Marioni
Helen Elliot
Harry Webster
Mike Bradsell
Release date
  • 1976 (1976)
Running time
33 min.
CountryUnited Kingdom

Spiderweb is available as an "Extra" on the DVD of Alex Cox's 1996 Death and the Compass, a later adaptation of the same short-story.

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