Soggy Flakes
Soggy Flakes is a Canadian animated short comedy film, created by Heath, Jon, Nathan and Thomas Affolter and released in 2017.[1] The film centres on a group of washed-up former breakfast cereal mascots, who are forced to reevaluate their definition of success when they unexpectedly encounter their sellout former friend and colleague Captain Kale.[1] The voice cast includes Peter New, Cole Howard, April Cameron, David C. Jones, Stephanie Halber, Robert Heimbecker and Toren Atkinson.
Soggy Flakes | |
Directed by | Heath Affolter Jon Affolter Nathan Affolter Thomas Affolter |
Written by | Heath Affolter Jon Affolter Nathan Affolter Thomas Affolter |
Produced by | Heath Affolter Jon Affolter Nathan Affolter Thomas Affolter |
Starring | Peter New Cole Howard April Cameron David C. Jones Stephanie Halber Robert Heimbecker Toren Atkinson |
Music by | Steffan Andress |
Production company | Affolter Entertainment |
Distributed by | Telus Storyhive |
Release date | 2017 |
Running time | 5 minutes |
Country | Canada |
Language | English |
The film was funded in part by a $10,000 prize from Telus's Storyhive contest for emerging filmmakers,[2] and was inspired by a news report suggesting that Kellogg's was considering expanding into dog food due to declining sales of its breakfast cereal lines.[2]
The film premiered at the Montreal Stop Motion Festival in 2017,[1] and was later screened at the Vancouver Short Film Festival in 2018,[3] but was distributed primarily through Storyhive's YouTube channel.[2]
The film received three Canadian Screen Award nominations at the 6th Canadian Screen Awards, for Best Web Program or Series, Fiction, Best Direction in a Web Program or Series (the Affolters) and Best Actor in a Web Program or Series (New).[4][3]
- "‘Soggy Flakes’ Makes World Premiere at Montreal Stop Motion Festival". Animation World Network, September 6, 2017.
- "BC creators win top STORYHIVE prize to make labours of love a reality". Roundhouse Radio, July 3, 2017.
- "‘Soggy Flakes’ Makes West Coast Debut at Vancouver Short Fest". Animation Magazine, January 25, 2018.
- "Canadian Screen Awards 2018: Anne has leading 13 nominations". CBC News, January 16, 2018.