Shlomo Bar
Shlomo Bar (1943- ) is an Israeli musician, composer, and social activist. He is a pioneer of ethnic music in Israel.[1]
Shlomo Bar was born in Rabat, Morocco. His family immigrated to Israel when he was six.[2] He learned how to play the darbuka and other ethnic percussion instruments, performing in various small lineups and as a backing musician for artists such as Matti Caspi on tours. In 1976 he played in Yehoshua Sobol and Noa Chelton's Kriza (Nerves), a play about social injustice and discrimination again Mizrahi Jews in Israel. Bar set to music and performed several of Sobol's songs, including "Yeladim Ze Simcha" (Children are joy).
Bar then formed his own group, "Habrera Hativeet" (literally, "Natural Selection," but they call themselves "Natural Gathering") with bassist and producer Yisrael Borochov. The original lineup was Samson Kehimkar, an Indian violin and sitar virtuoso, Miguel Herstein, an American guitarist, the bassist Yisrael Borochov, and Bar on percussion and vocals. Yisrael Borochov had a stark influence on the sound of the group, and before he left had arranged, recorded and produced the first two albums of the band. Disagreements over where the direction of the band was going led him to split from Bar and to form the East West Ensemble.
The first album, "Elei Shorashim" (Origins, or a Return to Roots), combined traditional Moroccan and Yiddish music, with Indian elements and motifs, as well as new renditions of songs by Israeli poets. The songs were long, some of them running for eight minutes, and the subject matter was unusual for the time.
The lineup went through several changes in the 1980s and 90s.

Bar's musical influences are broad, including Bob Dylan and Miles Davis on the one hand, and classical Indian music and Jewish liturgy on the other.[3]
With Habrera Hativeet:
1979 - "Elei Shorashim" (Origins)
- Tfila - A Prayer
- Children Are Happiness - Yeladim Ze Simcha
- In The Village Of Todra - Ezleinu Bikfar Todra
- Dror Yikra
- Kotzim - Thorns
- A Moroccan Wedding - Hatuna Marokait
1980 - "Mechakim LeSamson" (Waiting for Samson)
- Hassidic Dialogue - Du siah Hassidi
- Spring - Aviv (Bhairavi)
- The Love Of Theresa Dimon - Ahavata Shel Theresa Dimon
- Walking to Caesarea - Halicha LeKeisaria
- The Dark Girl - Shecharhoret
- Be True - Heye Davek
- Alone - Levad
1982 - "Chut Shazur" (Woven Thread)
- The Market Song - Shir Hashuk
- Sultanas Lament - Kinat Sultana
- To God I Shall Hearken - El El Ashacher
- Who Knew - Mi Yada
- Bread and Garment - Lehem Beged
- Haji Baba
- My Field - Shdemati
1985 - "Mitoch Kelim Shvurim" (Out of Broken Vessels)
- Thou Art Land - At Adama
- Danino the Immigrant's Run - Ritzato Shel Haole Danino
- Or Haganuz
- Hama
- My Love Shall Come to His Garden - Yavo Dodi Legano
- A Song of Degrees - Shir Lamaalot
1988 - "Michutz LaChomot" (Outside the Walls)
- Who's There - Mi Shama
- When Shall Zion be Established - Matai Techonan Ir Tzion
- E'eroch Mahalal Nivi
- The Flute - Hehalil
- An Air - Neima
- Your Fingers - Et Etsbeoteicha
1991 - "Nedudim" (Wandering)
- A Seed Sleeps - Yashen Lo Garin
- Naked and Bare - Erom VeEria
- Walking to Caesarea - Halicha LeKeisaria
- I Am an Innocent Girl - Ani Tama
- Seven Sections - Shiv'a Medorim
- Wandering - Nedudim
- Three Were Founded - Shlosha Nosdu
- Honi The Circle Drawer - Honi Hameagel
- Reaching an Understanding - Hidavrut
1993 - "Peimot Shchorot" (Black Beats)
- Yafa Ahuvati - Beautiful is My Beloved
- My Land to The Redeemer - Artzi Lagoel
- The Desert Speaks - Hamidbar Medaber
- 10/14 (a percussion piece)
- And Then As Stream Waters - Veaz Kemei Nahal
- Hamsa
- A Song For Peace - Shir Lashalom
- For Thou Art a Man - Ki Ata Adam
- Black Beats - Peimot Shhorot (a percussion piece)
1994 - "David U Shlomo" (David and Solomon) - with David D'Or
- Halleluijah - Haleluya
- A Voice From the Heavens - Kol Mehashamayim
- In the Village of Todra - Etzlenu Bikfar Todra
- In Your Heart - Belibech
- My Field - Shdemati
- Don't Cast Me Off - Al Tashlicheni
- Protect the World - Shmor Al Haolam
- The Mercy Gate - Shaar Harachamim
- A Song For Peace - Shir Lashalom
- The Sailor's Love - Ahuvat Hasapan
- Instrumental
- A Prayer - Tfila
- Comes From Love - Baa Me'ahava
- Tfila
- He Will Come - Hu Yavo
1996 - "Yachef" (Barefoot)
- My Heart - Libi
- The hope of God - Tikvat Hael
- Walking to the Palace (Instrumental) - Halicha Laarmon
- Neglected - Mezulzelet
- He is Great - Adir Hu
- The Immigrant Danino's Run - Ritsato Shel Haole Danino
- A close friend - Haver Karov
- Batash (Lit. meaning: A meeting between two elements)
- Reveal The Story - Saper Saper
- Lover of My Soul - Yedid Nefesh
- Barefoot - Yahef
2003 - "Maim Ne'emanim" (Faithful Waters) - A Collection
- Tfila
- Yeladim Ze Simcha
- Etzleinu Bikfar Todra
- Kinat Sultana
- Dror Ikra
- Hatuna Marokait
- Sheharhoret
- Ahavata Shel Teresa Dimon
- Shir Hashuk
- Hagi Baba
- Mi Yada
- Ritzato Shel Haole Danino
- At Adama
- El El Ashacher
- A Song of Yearning - Shir Kmiha
- A Japanese Legend - Agada Yapanit
- Et Etsbeoteicha
- Hahalil
- Halicha Lekeisaria
- Erom Veeria
- Hamidbar Medaber
- Shdemati
- Honi Hameagel
- Ani Tama
- Saper Saper
- Yedid Nefesh
- Mezulzelet
- Haver karov
- Zemer Nouge
2006 - "Ananim Nemuhim" (Low Clouds)
- Low Clouds - Ananim Nemuchim
- Genesis (Light) - Or (Bereshit)
- The Seagulls - HaSchafim
- And again - Veshuv
- Da-re
- Woman's poem - Shirat Isha
- The Noon-Land's song - Shir Admat Hatzehoraim
- Circles - Maagalim
- Formless and Void - Tohu Vavohu
2010 - "Besod Tfilat Arar" (In a Secret of Solitary Prayer)
- "Israel News | The Jerusalem post". Retrieved 2018-02-24.
- "Bar's meeting point". The Jerusalem Post | Retrieved 2018-02-24.
- "מגיל צעיר עברו לי מהפכות של הכרה. והייתי מבין הראשונים ששמעו את מיילס דיוויס, נינה סימון, בוב דילן ואחרים. עוד לפני שהם הגיעו לרדיו. אני מכיר אותם כבר ארבעים שנה. והנשמה שלי תמיד נמשכה אחרי איכות. תגיד לי מה אתה שומע ואומר לך מי אתה. שמעתי מוזיקה הודית קלאסית והבנתי למה אני קיים. לפני זה רציתי להיות אלביס, מיילס ויכולתי להעריך את התרבות הזו. אבל לא יכולתי להיות חלק ממנה. אני יכול להיות מושפע ממנה אבל לא יכולתי להיות במקומה"