Shadow Cabinet of Ramūnas Karbauskis

Shadow Cabinet of Ramūnas Karbauskis is the 2nd Shadow Cabinet of Lithuania. It consists of the current Shadow Prime Minister Ramūnas Karbauskis who is the Head of Shadow Government, and 14 shadow government ministers from the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union.

Karbauskis Shadow Cabinet

Shadow Cabinet of Lithuania
Date formed11 February 2021
People and organisations
Head of stateGitanas Nausėda
Head of shadow governmentRamūnas Karbauskis
Member partyFarmers and Greens Union
Legislature term(s)Thirteenth Seimas


On 26 January, Chairman of Farmers and Greens Union Ramūnas Karbauskis revealed that he and his party is going to form the Shadow Cabinet.[1]

On 11 February, Shadow Prime Minister Ramūnas Karbauskis announced his Shadow Cabinet.[2]

On 17 June, Shadow Minister for Social Security and Labour Tomas Tomilinas was fired by Karbauskis, due to voting for a civil partnership law in Seimas, citing betrayal to voters of LVŽS.

Shadow Cabinet

Position Name Party Office
Start date End date
Shadow Prime Minister Ramūnas Karbauskis LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of Agriculture Kęstutis Mažeika LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of Culture Aušrinė Norkienė LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of Economy and Innovation Deividas Labanavičius LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of Education, Science and Sports Eugenijus Jovaiša LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of Energy Arvydas Nekrošius LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of Environment Ligita Girskienė LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of Finance Valius Ąžuolas LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs Giedrius Surplys LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of Interior Guoda Burokienė LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of Justice Agnė Širinskienė LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of National Defence Dainius Gaižauskas LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of Social Security and Labour TBD LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present
Shadow Minister of Transport and Communications Arvydas Vaitkus LVŽS February 11, 2021 Present


  1. LVŽS ėmėsi ne tik COVID-19 suvaldymo plano: ruošiasi pristatyti ir šešėlinę Vyriausybę
  2. „Valstiečiai“ pristatė šešėlinę Vyriausybę: jai vadovaus R.Karbauskis, S.Skvernelio tarp alternatyvių ministrų nėra
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