Royal Air Force daylight raids, 1940–1944

The Royal Air Force strategic bombing campaign against Germany was waged by Bomber Command for five years. The vast majority of these sorties were flown at night. After suffering heavy losses attempting daylight bombing raids over the Heligoland islands in the North Sea and over France during the first half of 1940, Bomber Command had largely withdrawn its aircraft from daylight attacks.[1][2] Bomber Command, however, was still willing to risk aircraft to attack targets in daylight on occasion. These were usually targets that required highly precise delivery of bombs, such as warships or small factories. Industries located in occupied territories were another group of targets that required a high degree of accuracy when attacked to avoid casualties among the civilians of the occupied country.

In addition, after winning the Battle of Britain, Fighter Command went over onto the offensive. Fighter Command conducted provocative missions in what they termed the "Circus" operations.[3] These missions were various fighter sweeps over northern France and Belgium conducted to engage the Luftwaffe. The Ramrod type raid was a Circus offensive operation where a small number of bombers were escorted to a target with a very large fighter escort. Bomber Command supported the effort by assigning No. 2 Group to work with Fighter Command. No. 2 Group squadrons were equipped with faster, more manoeuvrable medium bombers, and as a group it was set apart for conducting daylight raids against near targets. Except for occasional diversionary efforts, No. 2 Group did not participate in the Bomber Offensive over Germany.


Name of missionSquadrons involvedDate of missionTargetLocation of targetObjective
Operation Margin
Augsburg Raid
44 Squadron
97 Squadron
17 April 1942MAN plantAugsburg, southern GermanyDestroy the MAN U-boat diesel engine factory
Operation Pandemonium218 Squadron
15 Squadron
16 July 1942Lubecker Flender Werk AG plantLübeck, GermanyDestroy the U-boat assembly plant
Oslo RaidNo. 105 Squadron25 September 1942Oslo Gestapo headquartersOslo, NorwayDestroy the Gestapo headquarters in Oslo
Operation RobinsonNo. 5 Group17 October 1942Schneider WorksLe Creusot in south central FranceDestroy the Schneider steel and armaments plant
Operation OysterNo. 2 Group6 December 1942Philips Electrical WorksEindhoven, the NetherlandsDestroy the Philips electronics factory and radar research centre in Eindhoven
Ramrod No. 16 No. 107 Squadron RAF
487 (New Zealand) Squadron
(plus 5 fighter squadrons)
3 May 1943 Steelworks IJmuiden, the Netherlands Together with diversion raid attack on the Hemweg power station near Amsterdam.
Operation JerichoNo. 140 Wing
21 Squadron RAF, 464 (RAAF) Squadron and 487 (RNZAF) Squadron.
18 February 1944Amiens Gestapo PrisonAmiens, FranceBreach the prison walls to allow French resistance fighters to escape

After the Allied invasion of the continent Allied control of the airspace over Europe was widespread, and daylight raids became much more common for Bomber Command crews. These later missions are not included in the above list.


  1. Ashworth 1995, pp. 24–26.
  2. Maynard 1996, pp. 22–23.
  3. Murray 1989, p. 128.


  • Ashworth, Chris (1995). RAF Bomber Command 1936–1968. Somerset: Haynes. ISBN 1-85260-308-9.
  • Maynard, John (1996). Bennett and the Pathfinders. London: Arms and Armour. ISBN 978-1-85409-258-8.
  • Murray, Williamson (1989) [1983], Strategy for Defeat: The Luftwaffe, 1933–1945, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.: Air University Press, ISBN 978-0-933852-45-7 via Hyperwar Foundation
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