Rostov State Medical University

Rostov State Medical University (Ростовский Государственный Медицинский Университет in Russian) is a Russian public university of higher professional education of The Ministry of Health and Social Medicine. Rostov State Medical University is also known as Rostov State Medical Institute, RostSMU, RostGMU, Rostov State Government Medical University.

Rostov State Medical University
Ростовский Государственный Медицинский Университет
Motto«Время учиться быть профессионалом» "Its a Time to be a Professional"
TypeGovernment University
RectorSergei Vladimirovich Shlyk
Academic staff
StudentsTotally 7000 (Russian Russia and foreign Nepal India Lebanon Bangladesh Armenia Turkmenistan Nigeria Kenya China South Korea Vietnam Georgia (country) State of Palestine Israel Iraq Republic of the Congo Sri Lanka Botswana Burundi Egypt Ethiopia Ghana Mauritius Morocco Namibia Afghanistan Pakistan Albania State of Palestine Zambia Rwanda )
47.2290°N 39.7400°E / 47.2290; 39.7400
Building details


In 1915, the Division of Medicine at the Russian Warsaw University was moved to Rostov-on-Don, and that gave rise to the present-day Rostov State Medical University. It was initially formed as a department and later transformed into a medical institute in 1930. In 1994, the Rostov Medical Institute, at the time the largest basic training, research, and treatment center in southern Russia, was renamed the Rostov Medical University.


The college trains 5000–7000 students annually for the Doctor of Medicine program. Each year, more than 650 people are trained in internships, residency, and graduate school.

The university has 91 departments, which employ over 800 people as teaching staff, of whom more than 130 are doctors, professors, and about 500 candidates. The university is engaged in research and clinical activities and has 31 academicians who are corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Faculty for international students

The University celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2005.

Department of Pediatrics
Monument to Yermolyeva at university

The main directions of the scientific-investigation activity of the University are:

  1. Studying the pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria and effectiveness of the treatment of HIV infections
  2. The pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment, and prophylaxis of heart-vascular diseases
  3. Development and introduction of the methods of X-ray diagnostics and radiation therapy;
  4. Studying the pathogenesis mechanisms and developing the treatment methods of the ulcerative disease;
  5. Treatment methods in acute surgical diseases of the thorax, abdominal and pelvic cavities, methods of endoscopic surgery;
  6. Development and improvement of the methods of the prophylaxis, diagnosis, and treatment of urological diseases;
  7. Development and introduction of the methods of diagnostics and early revelation of tuberculosis;
  8. Ethiopathogenesis, diagnostics, and treatment of the blood system diseases;
  9. Reconstructive surgical procedures for the treatment of posttraumatic patients;
  10. Diagnostics, treatment, and rehabilitation of the patients with mental illnesses, development of the measures for urgent psychiatric and medico-psychological help in social stress and extreme situations.

Science and activities

Scientific activities increased and coordinated through the research of implemented and on faculties and courses. The University is functioning effectively in the central research laboratory (CSRL), conducting a wide range of biochemical, molecular genetic, morphological, microbiological studies. State educational institution of higher education "Rostov State Medical University, Federal Agency for Health and Social Development" promotes international scientific cooperation with Britain, the US, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, and other foreign countries by exchanging researchers and students, teachers, qualified specialists, taking part in international scientific conferences, congresses.

Nobel Prize (physiology) winner prof. I.P. Pavlov

Clinics and faculties

Medical University Clinic

The clinic has 860 beds at the hospital, including 20 specialized departments, 18 medical-diagnostic units, 17 clinical departments, whose employees carry significant medical, counseling, and teaching work.

Rostov State Medical University

- Preparation of domestic and foreign nationals in the field:

  • Faculty of General Medicine;
  • Faculty of Dentistry;
  • Faculty of Pediatrics;
  • Faculty of Pharmacy;
  • Faculty of Medico-prophylactics;
  • Faculty of Postgraduate and Continuous Education;
  • Faculty of Armed Force Medicine;
  • Preparatory Faculty;

The University has collaborated with the World Federation for Medical Education, the World Health Organization, UNESCO, the British Council, the United States Agency for International Development, the American International Health Alliance, and participating in a range of joint international research projects.

Accreditation and recognition

The university has gained recognition from some of the top international organizations including;


Rector: Shlyk Sergei Vladimirovich - Rector of the Rostov State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Vice-Сhancellor on Educational Work: Natalia Viktorovna Drobotya Doc.Med.Sci., Professor

Vice-Chancellor on Training Foreign Citizens and International Cooperation: Gafiyatullina Gyuzyal Shamilevna Doc.Med.Sci., Professor

Vice-Сhancellor on Scientific Research: Volkova Natalia Ivanovna Doc.Med.Sci., Professor

Vice-Сhancellor on Social and Educational Work: Elena Viktorovna Chaplygina Doc.Med.Sci., Professor

Vice-Сhancellor on Regional Development: Cherkasov Mikhail Fedorovich Doc.Med.Sci., Professor

Vice-Сhancellor on Postgraduate Education: Brizhak Zinaida Igorevna Doc.Psych.Sci.

Students' Scientific Society

Students' Scientific Society (SSS), an organization with a 70-second story, unites students are actively engaged in research work in the departments, laboratories and other units of the university, students and applicants applying for admission to RostGMU, as well as students of medical colleges, scientific collection Student clubs departments of the university. After the liberation of the Don land from the Nazi invaders of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute returned to Rostov. In December 1943, classes began. Resumed work in 16 scientific circles.

Notable alumni


Dr.Md.Enamul Hasan(MABS)

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