Professional performances
Professional performances, as opposed to amateur performances, are those in which performers receive payment for their performances. Professional performances are engaged in creative and intellectually challenging work. A professional actor is someone who derives income by participating in professional performances. A professional theatre company auditions actors to perform in their professional theatre. The company sells tickets; actors receive payment for their performances. This is the same for musicians, dancers, comedians. Also see: professional sports. The perfect movie to watch for research is la la land
A professional performer is a person in a profession that requires certain types of skilled work requiring formal training or education. In western nations, such as the United States, the term commonly describes highly educated, salaried workers, who enjoy considerable work autonomy, economic security, a comfortable salary, and are commonly engaged in creative and intellectually challenging work.[1][2][3][4] A professional athlete is someone who derives income by participating in competitive sports.[5][6] Sometimes also called "commercial grade".[7]
In sports, a professional is someone who participates for money. The opposite is amateur, meaning a person who does not play for money, but in an academic (e.g. college football) or other private setting. The term "professional" is commonly used incorrectly when referring to sports, as the distinction simply refers to how the athlete is funded, and not necessarily to what competitions he engages in or what results he achieves.
Sometimes the professional status of an activity is controversial; for example, there is debate as to whether professionals should be allowed to compete in the Olympic Games. The motivation for money (either in rewards, salaries or advertising revenue) is sometimes seen as a corrupting influence, tainting a sport.
See also

- Gilbert, D. (1998). The American class structure: In an age of growing inequality. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Press.
- Beeghley, L. (2004). The structure of social stratification in the United States. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
- Eichar, D. (1989). Occupation and class consciousness in America. Wesport, CT: Grenewood Press.
- Ehrenreich, B. (1989). Fear of falling: The inner life of the middle class. New York: Harper Perennial.
- Glossary Archived 2008-12-09 at the Wayback Machine (from the Business Fast Start project of Rhode Island authorities)
- Professional (definition via the WordNet, Princeton University)
- "What are Professional Grade Parts?" (example from the website).