Portal:Denmark/Selected article/7
The Skuldelev ships is a term used for five Viking ships recovered from Peberrenden by Skuldelev, c. 20 km north of Roskilde in Denmark. The remains of the ships were excavated over four months in 1962. The recovered pieces, which constitute five types of ships and have been dated to the 11th century, provide a good source for the shipbuilding traditions of the late Viking period.

The ships are today exhibited at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde. Skuldelev 1 is a sturdy sea-going cargo-vessel possibly of the knarr type. Skuldelev 2 is an oak-built, sea-going warship, a longship, possibly of the skeid type. The Skuldelev 3 is a 14 m long and 3.3 m wide cargo ship, possibly of the byrding type. Skuldelev 5 is a small warship of the snekke type. Skuldelev 6 is an 11.2 m long and 2.5 m wide cargo and fishing-vessel of the ferja type.