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Portal:Astronomy/Events/September 2011

1 SeptemberAlpha Aurigids meteor shower
3 September, 05:54Mercury at greatest western elongation (18.07º)(diameter = 7.3")
3 September, 15:11Mercury in ascending node
4 September, 17:39First quarter moon (diameter = 31.8')
5 September, 07:34Moon in ascending node (furthest south (- 23.1))(diameter = 31.6')
8 September, 06:48Mercury at perihelion (Perihermion)(diameter = 6.3")
10 September, 11:42Comet Elenin at perihelion (distance = 0.4824 AU (72,170,000 km; 44,840,000 mi))
11 September, 16:20Moon greatest latitude north (4º 56')
12 September, 08:24Venus heliacal rising east
12 September, 09:27Full moon (diameter = 29.6')
13 September, 14:28Mars northward equinox (Northern Autumn / Southern Spring)
16 September1 Ceres at opposition
16 September, 06:13Moon at apogee (406 065 km)(diameter = 29.4')
16 September, 15:27Moon in conjunction with Jupiter
16 September, 18:20Pluto at direct motion with Sun
16 September, 11:59Pluto stationary in R.A.
17 September, 07:53Mercury heliacal setting west
18 September, 12:07Mercury greatest helio latitude north
19 September, 19:38Moon in descending node (furthest north (22.9))(diameter = 30.2')
20 September, 13:39Last quarter moon (diameter = 30.5')
23 September, 09:05Earth southward equinox
23 September, 06:24Moon in conjunction with Mars
25 September, 16:23Moon greatest latitude south (4º 57')
26 September, 00:15Uranus at opposition (diameter = 3.7")
26 September, 12:52Saturn heliacal rising east
27 September, 11:09New moon (diameter = 33.4')
27 September, 09:07Moon in conjunction with Mercury
28 September, 00:57Moon at perigee (357 566 km)(diameter = 33.4') with only 14 hours separating New Moon and perigee, expect unusually high tides.
28 SeptemberPluto at eastern quadrature (diameter = 0.1")
28 September, 09:36Moon in conjunction with Saturn
28 September, 09:34Pluto in square with Sun
28 September, 20:18Mercury at superior conjunction (diameter = 4.8")(1º21' N of Sun)
30 September, 11:06Venus in conjunction with Saturn (Angle distance = 1°24' south of Saturn)(Elongation to sun = 11.8° East)
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